Saturday, April 11, 2020

sewing Saturday...

love a little lunchbox to hold supplies!
I have turned to sewing most of my life. Granny set me up at the treadle machine from her mother when my legs were long enough. I sewed doll clothes and quilts, hand embroidered table cloths, made pot holders, hand crewel- embroidered my bell bottoms for high school.
ready to roll!!!
I am having a lot of trouble sewing right now.
tumbling blocks ready to be hand sewn
 There is constant worry as this virus wants to reproduce and spread and I watch neighbors still partying around me. It feels like an impending sentence. I bank back and forth on walks like a roomba instead of going zen.

I spent valuable sewing moments making the necessary masks this week, and I will not show them.
UFO's, itemized waiting to be finished
I also sorted supplies which in my mind, gives life order.

I had one finish this week, the tiny table runner in blue scraps. I spent a crazy amount of efforts free motion quilting feathers that wouldn't show,

isn't the back pretty??
 and put a pretty metallic blue around the edge that normally I would not use on a binding as it's too pretty.

Hey, life's uncertain use the pretty fabric first, eat the good chocolate, watch the silliest tv shows.
ready to sew when you are!
Mostly I paint and watch lessons online. For when my real life starts back if it ever does. I feel lost like I'm squandering time. Then I read words that say be gentle with yourself.

I might sew up a quick bunny for Spring

Or I might want to stitch up a fast flowers in felt

we must do this...

lest you take your Toilet Paper for granted, watch what happens

Midweek makers wednesdays


Tails Around the Ranch said...

That blue table runner turned out fabulously! Love it, both sides.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

OMG, that video! I laughed until I cried! Lots of creativity there. Love how the quilting turned out on your little table runner!

maggie fellow said...

carol burnett is always funny - great blue so far

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Creativity is the escapism we need at the moment. and cleaning as we go doesn't do any harm either :)
You table runner is ready to enjoy! It's gorgeous!
Here they will be enforcing with fines the 1.5 meter rule, and other codes of conduct during this covid 19 pandemic. no more warnings. Most people are doing their bit.
Next week will bring cooler April for this time of the year.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your small Bright BLUE table runner turned out beautifully, LeeAnna! Sorry that your neighbors have turned your zen walks into a Roomba run. :o((

sonja said...

That is why
i always buy...quilted northern!
Back in the summer of 1963, i wrote to my college roomate back in California on the toilet paper i found in Spain. In purple ink.
Carol B is a hoot!

Mary in Boulder said...

Love your table runner! Be sure to flip it to the back side occasionally so you can admire all your lovely quilting.

Angie said...

The lunch boxes are super cute. I really like your table runner.🎵 As to the way life has become-- I feel frozen in my tracks, like I am holding my breathe just hoping for "normal" though now I'm unsure to what that is anymore. I'm sure things will get better, it's a matter of when I suppose.☀🦋 I really like your quilting and those are really cute felt flowers. Stay safe. Together we can do this. 🌻🥀

Dandy Duke said...

You do such beautiful work - always! Happy Easter to you and your family, Milo!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I hope next week is better. I think many are cycling through so many emotions. Kudos to you for staying safe. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

Helen L said...

Happy Easter!! And thank you for sharing the family's lockdown rendition of ONe Day More!!! Priceless!! Brought such a laugh!! Hugs, H

Lydia C. Lee said...

That One Day more is GOLD!! YOu've made my day (which let's face it is pretty easy these days - anything amusing is a life saver!)

Susie H said...

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling such stress over the virus. Please don't judge your neighbors, just close your windows. We drive ourselves nuts when we compare our choices with others'. Deep breaths and laugh with Carol Burnett again. That is one funny video. I'll be sharing it. Thanks! Have a great week!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You have a lot of blues in your house! Stay home, stay safe!

Susan said...

Your runner is lovely! Thanks for the good video laughs too!

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh my goodness -- I LOVE Carol Burnett! Imagine, having enough toilet paper to use it for leaving messages all over the house! Your runner is fabulous, and every time you quilt feathers on a fabric that doesn't show them, it just makes your feathers that much better on the next project where they WILL show. Hang in there and don't let your neighbors' cavalier attitude get you down. Just do what you can to keep yourself and your loved ones as safe as possible, and trust God to handle the rest.

TheItinerantChemist said...

I think everyone is reacting differently to the current circumstances, and there's no "right" way to feel or act right now. Take care of yourself and do what you need to to keep yourself well mentally and physically.

chrisknits said...

Lovely table runner! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Thanks for sharing the videos they were too funny! Love your table topper as you know. It's so tiny and cute! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

Shannon Mackle said...

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