I was tagged for the one lovely blog award by Kaja (
at sewslowly) and Marly (
at marlysquilts) which was a happy surprise! Thank you to both of you. They both have terrific blogs, full of ideas and color and creative inspiration. Both of these women take time to share their artistic journeys in a real way, so go meet them.
About me....
1. I love color. From childhood I loved color and making things. I have tried just about every craft out there and believe it all goes together to inform my current art. Once I discovered sewing however, it's all about the fabric! I still paint watercolors, I still bead, I still make sculptures, I still like stone and metal but it all relates to fabric nowadays and textural 3-D effects are important to my art.
2. I make original, story quilts that are often humorous. I want my artwork to express who I am, and either make a viewer laugh or think, and hopefully relate to them in some way.
AMOO-HA! detail shot |
3. My degree is in Psychology/ Sociology and I worked way too many years as a social worker.
I am lucky enough now to spend my days as a writer and an artist. I travel to guilds to teach and speak on increasing one's creativity.
I love to laugh, and find the funny moments in life to share with others as I believe fun and creativity are soul sisters.
4. I love words. I love to read and have since I first held a book. I put words on quilts now, and write for the joy of it!
Words are magical and can transport you.
Quiet in progress |
5. I am a terrible housekeeper.
6. I have done a lot of musical theater both as a dancer and singer. I worked the Renaissance Festival in Florida for about 10 years as an interactive character doing improv. I am an old ballet and tap dancer with injuries but I still do Contra Dance with my Favorite Dance Parner (my husband) as often as possible. I used to belong to a zydeco group so I also still love to do Swing Dance, Cajun, and waltz.
7. I do math puzzles for fun and love jigsaw puzzles. I spend too much time playing games on the ipad.
8. I love dogs, still miss my labradaughter Chelsea after 14 years, and now live with a standard poodle Cole who writes a post weekly. He's very clever and funny too.
9. I have way too much fabric to use in several lifetimes and am happy to have it.
It is my obsession and palette.
When I start a project I shop in my own stash for materials!! It's so much fun!!! I do spend time on it's care and housing.
I sew every day that my body allows. If I am not at the machine, I also love to hand piece and applique. I can't just watch TV, I must have a project going as well. I sew on an old Bernina 1630 and need a new machine but I would rather keep this one if possible.
10. I collect pin cushions. And poodles, flamingos, cows, and other bright and shiny sparkly things.
11. I go by principle of just try it, with art. Go ahead, try it!
12. Walking is another passion of mine, and I find viewing nature increases my creativity. You'll see posts about our travels as there is so much inspiration out there in the world.
I believe we are all here for a reason. We are the only people on Earth with our particular set of skills, history, challenges to overcome, minds, abilities. There is no other person better able to tell our story than us. Artwork has more impact when it's personal, and I encourage you to tell your story in fabric.
In fact I want to hear all your stories... come sit by me and we'll chat!
I try to do that in my daily writing of the blog. Check out the top pages, the categories to the right, for lots of fun stuff from the past.
Y'all come back again sometime!
Check out a few blogs I am nominating and it should be every one of you!!
snowcatcher for the inspiration, beautiful photos and Friday Funnies!
pugmomquilts down to earth fabric and color lovin' gal
sooner or later we'll all be blogging for the mix of dye, weaving, fabric, and fun
daybyday Mary has beautiful photos including her dragon sometimes
quiltedfabricart. Always cheerfully experimenting with fabric
poochsmooches Funny accounts of Rita the dog
And folks, I read a lot of blogs, and LOVE them. I love the writers of these blogs!!
Please don't be offended if I didn't mention yours this time.... I know I am leaving out
some that I read weekly, and I apologize!! I can only throw myself on
your understanding that my brain is crowded with quilting ideas and
funny stories!
hugs, LeeAnna