Earth spinning on Mother Nature's finger |
She hops along carrying a wad of tangled string.
She stops periodically to gain control of the mess, wadding it tighter in her mouth, not willing to lose a bit of the building material that would become her home. Hers and the babies to come.
Hopping over to the breakfast bar, she carefully puts down the wad pushing it into grass up to her knees, and pecking away she finds a juicy tidbit to have for breakfast. Hop hop hop to another place along the bar she grabs another worm.
Satisfied she has eaten the last of the food for the moment, she hops back to her string and picks it up. It has managed to unravel enough to swirl around her beak in the breeze. She pecks it back into a manageable ball and walks away from the woman watching her from inside the house.
More robins come to take her place at the worm cafe but they don't affect the watching human as much as the first one did. They are not juggling needs, they are not under pressure to build a safe haven in which to survive, they are merely eating.
Eating is also necessary but when several necessary needs pile up, it forces one to prioritize equal needs and possibly give some up in the crunch.
A great thinker came up with a needs hierachy for humans. Supporting all the rest, is breathing

I don't know why some people prefer to ignore facts about the threat among us, and insist on having things their way while endangering others.
I've heard this a lot lately,
"We're all in this together"
It's earth day... a day we set aside to consider how to keep house.
To breathe, eat, have air and water we need to clean house.
Most animal groups rely on others to survive.
I've heard a lot of statistics lately, such as in Colorado we have documented nearly 500 deaths from covid in the last 3 months. Nearly 500 people were alive, all ages, most loved by someone.
Only 500... deaths... and many were unnecessary deaths. If people were encouraged to believe facts maybe they'd realize the only way to stop the deaths is to stay far away from the virus. People who have bumper stickers that say "pro life" must only mean pro fetus because I've heard them say, the dying were on their last legs anyway. I've heard them say grandparents are expendable and should give up their lives to keep commerce going the way it was before. (I believe people are smart and will figure out new ways to provide a commercial service to the country)
At what point does life have no further purpose or meaning? How many deaths are acceptable? If we could stop the spread of this illness, why won't we? Are we really that selfish?
Ironically the ones who blow off the deaths are also older....
Babies and children fare better in this particular pandemic but they are also dying. Yes they are. Young viral men who work in law enforcement and on ambulances are dying too. Are they valuable enough to get the attention of leaders? I imagine the wife of a young 30 year old who died because this virus attacked his lungs, knows the pandemic is real. The mother of a 16 year old who died yesterday is begging people to take this seriously.
So many people report not knowing how they got it. That's because it's spread so easily from someone who's infected but hasn't shown symptoms yet. Someone just in front of you running and panting as you go for a walk, someone who just handled the groceries before you got there, someone who is not wearing a mask because they mistakenly believed a leader who said this is just a hoax.
I am one who believes we all have purpose, and something to offer the world. I believe we are all tied to each other, and to the earth, and to other sentient beings.
I feel I still have something to offer in life.
I am also at the mercy of the ignorant ones who choose to believe this is not a real threat just an inconvenience.
Earth day.... The earth is here to support us if we work with it, and protect it and each other.
I say this not for the many people who are doing what they can to support each other, I say it in case one person might open their eyes to what is, and puts on a mask, or better yet stays home for now.
well said... happy earth day to all of us
Happy 🌎 Day. May we collectively come to our senses and make the changes necessary to stick around.
If only the ones who need this would read it. However they are much too busy continuing on like nothing is happening.
What is so amazing to me is how much the environment is cleaning itself up and how quickly just because we are not sabotaging the environment.
what if... consciousness and caring and empathy could spread as this chaotic anxiety causing invisible virus does?
what would that look like. one bit of good news is that LA, California has really clean air today on EARTH DAy! be well
Well said! Empathy - that would be novel idea, wouldn't it? Not sure we have many leaders who understand empathy.
It is amazing that there is cleaner air and water from just a few weeks of humans not polluting the earth. May we find a better way to live in harmony with our earth and all it's people.
well said!
Well said. Thank you.
LA - beautifully and passionately written. Until we can test everyone (and we are a long way off from that), we are making tradeoffs between people going back to work and earning paychecks versus people dying that wouldn't if we could continue to keep businesses closed.
Bravo! Happy Earth Day!
I was sad when I saw that photo of the Himilayan mountains that have been shrouded in pollution for so long, the people there forgot all about their beauty.
I worry too that a few are destroying so much that is valuable, including lives, for greed.
Hi LeeAnna,
Bravo from me as well !
It's a scary time. Covid 19 isn't just for a certain age group. Everyone is affected. It's hard to believe what comes out of America here on the news.
Stay strong.
hugs from a distance
I was treated of this deadly disease within a 2 week, I am now free from Herpes. You can contact him …………….robinsonbuckler11@ {{gmail}} com...............
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