Thursday, October 8, 2020

I Like Thursday # 214

I Like fall breakfasts!

 Welcome to this week's list of likes... let's jump right in shall we?

2)  Lovely music to listen to here while reading 

traditional halloween dishes!

 useful and fun

3)  I liked bringing out the fall kitchen towels this week, and the fall dishes too. The temps may remain in the 80's and the smoke persist in giving us nosebleeds but I get to eat from something fun.

morning coffee!
Fine dining


4)  I fondly remember apple cider donuts eaten in the car while driving through New England each year, so we ordered some cider
5)  cooking with apple cider
and I tried making apple cider muffins with apple pieces. They came out dry so I'm not even passing on the recipe... I'm sure you can find one that's better.   Oh don't think being dry stopped us from eating them... we find heating them and putting on peanut butter improves the taste!



6))  the blue flower is finally flowering...we purchased two more mums
and deadheaded these


just trying some calligraphy lesson from Start your Art
7)   I steadfastly slogged through my online course this week, often stopping in the middle of a video lesson. I did like one speaker however, who talked about play and intuition in creation. Another one spoke of the value of story boards which I think might come in useful in art quilting. More on Friday's paint post.


I liked finishing the quilting on this year's Halloween quilt

8)  I quilted the Halloween piece for this year... not making one interpreting masks but that might have been timely, no? Masks come in many forms... more on the quilt on Saturday's sewing round up, but I enjoyed quilting it, while listening to the book this week. 


 City of Girls - Gilbert, Elizabeth

9)  This is the big Like this week, my audio book by Eliz. Gilbert City of Girls. Please listen on audio, the reader is AWESOMELY entertaining. The story is so clever about a young woman of means who moves from conservative life with parents to her aunt's in NYC and learns about life and theater.  

I finished my ebook, started another and the library took it back! I'm on the holds list....luckily another hold came through to read in the meantime!


we watched an awful movie (The big wedding) with terrific award winning actors... go figure... we watched so you don't have to. 

10)  dancing with the stars.... a bit lackluster this time but still I enjoy watching dance. 

10.5)  Amazing Race is returning soon

funniest video

11)  I showed the funniest video  on Tuesday about a husky in fall leaves... Here it is!

12)  How persistent are you? Watch  this physicist bird watcher try to build structures to baffle the squirrel both of which are very persistent! 


13) I felt a surge of love for Milo this week, I always love him but for some reason he has been my saving grace this week. I am increasingly ( I thought I had reached the pinnacle but no) worried for the lack of uniting leadership in my country and fall into deep depressions. My puppy seems to sense the worst of it and come quietly lean against my leg, allowing the tears to fall on his soft hair, allowing human hugs, and looking into my eyes with connection. I felt a surge of love for Milo this week...

Milo's Moments

 I liked the surprise gift I found this week!

Mama: well you weren't supposed to find it, on the top of the bathroom counter

Milo: I'm a super good finder mama.... I followed Daddy into the room where he washes his face, and this was up high, and called to me!!! 

Mama: that was for later, I took it in to cut the tag off and thought there was no way you'd notice something on the bathroom counter

 Milo: I'm just that good Mama! I LOVE (love...obsessed, tomato tomah-to) I ran immediately down to show Mama what I had, but did not let her get close since she's been known to take these from me

Mama: I also give them to you. You do get obsessed with these and want to take them on walks, carry them around, take them to bed. 

Milo: Ain't life grand?? Just when a poodle is bored almost to death, a ring toy appears! I hope all of you have a world full of your own ring toys! 

see my halo???

 now sit! Stay! Visit Mama's friends who kept lists of likes this week and let her know if you do one so she can add your link in!

New this week!

not posting this week



easyweimaraner said...

love your halloween masterpiece!!! and the music is great... it reminds me of falling leaves what fly around when the wind starts...

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Love all your Halloween plates - especially the candy corn ones, and your coffee mug! So fun and festive! That Milo is a sensitive guy - how wonderful that he's such a comfort. We need that these days, for sure.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I played Vince while I read your post. Nice! I listen to classical or piano every morning. I never knew there was so much Halloween neat esp. the mug. Your Halloween mini is so cute too. I love how dogs can sense our moods like that. Murphy paces when I cut Tony's nails...he once yelled ouch and she didn't like it. But they do get to know us so well, don't they.

Sara said...

Very good list of likes this week. I love the fun fall tableware!! The pumpkin plate under your breakfast just made me smile. HMMM - apple cider donuts or muffins sound yummy. And I'm going to have to check into that book.

Scrapatches said...

Mmmm ... apple cider donuts ... they are everywhere near me. Our favorites are still from a tiny orchard stand in central Massachusetts near the Quabbin Reservoir that is only open a few short weeks. We have not been there this year. Must be time for a drive ... :-) Pat

grammajudyb said...

I can’t wait to see your Halloween quilt on Saturday! A Halloween quilt is on my agenda for next year! What fun dishes to get to use! *smile*. I share your depression in the direction our country is headed! What can we do? I don’t think , anything! Vote, of course!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you're drawing strength from Milo. Bentley and Blue get me through, and sometimes, they're the only thing that does! I hope your air clears soon, and I love seeing your flowers!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! I'm actually posting this week! I just adore your Fall/Halloween dishes. That pumpkin plate is so darn cute. Aww, Milo! I wish everyone could enjoy a ring toy of their own. And a neon green one at that! ~smile~ Roseanne

Brian's Home Blog said...

We have some spooky cool halloween towels out too and we know you are a super good finder Milo! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

"Bee" said...

I loved the squirrel video....:)

Have a good day!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

I’m so glad you have Milo. I love your dish towels and quilt. Especially the candy quote. Maybe voting will give you some peace of mind. It’s all we can do right now.
Hang in there girl!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Lots of great likes and colourful stuff this week !
And still so warm ! Wasn't it snowing ?!
Here it's rain ! Where was that in the Spring :)
Hope the smoke clears for you environmentally and politically.
Thanks for sharing and caring.

Kathe W. said...

Fabulous and positive post! Have a lovely day!

Timmy Tomcat said...

What a nice Halloween breakfast and we love all those thankfuls

Tamar SB said...

Putting that book on my list@

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the Fall plates and mug and your quilt is gorgeous! You are so creative and talented in everything you do! Hugs to Milo!

piecefulwendy said...

Love all your fall dishes! I need to check out that music you were listening to. Milo, you are amazing.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Halloween quilts are the best! I hope it's okay that I joined in today for the first time!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I really enjoyed that book. I thought it was so well written. I love all your Halloween decor! Your Halloween quilt came out great! So nice to see Milo!!

Hazel said...

I've never had music while reading. Maybe I'll try.

Mary Quast said...

Happy Autumn!!! I love cider and pumpkin doughnuts! Give Milo a hug from me.

Sandee said...

I ate some of the donuts and loved on Milo.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

CountryDew said...

Hang on and hold tight. We're in for a ride. I love cider but my husband doesn't so I seldom buy it. But a hot cup would be good right now!

pilch92 said...

Milo is a cutie. Nice Halloween decorations. I love all things fall. said...

I feel ya! I know I have been hugging and loving on Bobbin much more. I was thinking about apple cider today from Jeff's favorite orchard. I never have time to get anywhere though. As to donuts....everyone I know has been trying to make donuts. Your description made me sister tried to make apple cider donuts and they turned out crunchy according to my mom. I asked her did you throw them away. I was told of course not! LOL Bobbin has different babies and I have to stop her at the door from taking them outside when she goes out to potty or out to play.

colleen said...

I had a squirrel like that. I think it aged out finally. I covered the feeder in oil and hung it from places it had to make big jumps to. Took it in at night.

MissPat said...

Well, the squirrel video aptly details why I no longer have any bird feeders. I don't have much Halloween decor and no dinnerware. Your pumpkins plates and mug are cute. I'm glad Milo is doing his best to keep you sane. The little blue flowers are cute, did you ever find out what they were?

Linda said...

That's a lovely rendition of Autumn Leaves. I'm glad you have Milo to cheer you.

Duke said...

Love your halloween dishes and your halloween quilt! Our dogs are so precious to us - always♥

PaintedThread said...

The moment you need to upgrade your squirrel-proof solution, you have failed. LOL. Love your Halloween bowls. All good stuff. :-)

sonja said...

i have loved Vince since i first heard him the radio in early 60s as in "cast your fate to the wind"???
and of course all the Charlie Brown Peanut specials!!!
Vince Guaraldi- Autumn Leaves is marvelously delicious to hear as i read your colorful post . Time to get out my hand carved ceramic jack o lantern aka Punky built in 1977! Stay well!

riitta k said...

Your Halloween dishes are so colorful & fun! This book by Elizabeth Gilbert is available here too, in Finnish. Maybe I'll have time to listen to it! Have a fine weekend.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Enjoying seeing Milo and that blue flower is gorgeous! You love Halloween don't you? Those dishes!!! :) Have a great weekend!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I adore your autumn inspired and Halloween dishes, They are awesome. LOVE the new quilt. I think Milo is adorable. Seems most pets know when you are in need of a bit of love and caring.

Arun Goyal said...

Beautiful blooms.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening here

sandyland said...

enriches me