Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fall Home

"Fall Home"  45" X 25" 2020

Today is my Fall quilt reveal day for the Fall Blog Hop at 
 (I will include the others posting today at the end but this is the entire schedule!) 
the images should enlarge if you click on them for details... it's been so smoky here, we don't have sunlight to get better images, sorry! 


My goal was to use my cute Fall fabric collection in making a fun quilt... 
I had captured this google image once and thought it would be a good format... with my tweaks of course!! lol
Our printer was on the blink and unknown to me, the link was only partially printed and the color didn't print well either. Well, I didn't know I'd use this as an inspiration when I kept this image. I looked and looked, for it again using the same words but couldn't find it to attribute it. I'll be happy to add it in if anyone out there knows who made it. UPDATE! it's here!
(thanks to Diane)
Milo photo bombs the design wall


I started by cutting out 6" squares, marking a diagonal line, sewing a quarter inch from each side to make two HST squares. The quilt is made of 32 squares, with borders and finished at 45" wide X 25" long. There are 20 HST blocks and 12 whole fabric blocks.

after arranging them on the wall, I sewed them into a center, and auditioned border fabrics. 
Originally I thought I'd do applique, but after sewing the top, didn't want to cover up the pretty fabrics. My friend Joy (she's here!)  suggested a word, like HOME. 

I wrote the word with a calligraphy pen, blew it up to size, placed saral paper over my word fabric and traced around with a pencil transferring it to the fabric

and carefully cut it out. The word went on the quilt and the cut out fabric was fused to some blue fabric (reverse applique) for another project. 

free motion stitching with copper thread


I quilted with madeira sparkly metallic thread, YLI gold metallic thread, and brown rayon threads. In the ditch first, then diagonals, horizontal and vertical lines, then free motion. 
I even added a flower over one spider body!
after that was done I decided to add in some broderie perse... cutting motifs from fun fabrics and tacking them on with lapel stick til I could free motion around them

every quilt needs a cow right?

before binding, I put on a 


trim the quilt and place sleeve fabric (double size needed plus 1/2") face down and baste. Draw a pencil line across it, not halfway, but just 1/8" short of it, and do a running stitch to tack it to the backing. Don't catch the front of the quilt! 

When you fold it up, you'll have that little eighth inch of clearance room for a rod so the quilt doesn't bow out when it's hung up. Catch the raw edges in the binding when you put that on.

I had just enough of this binding fabric. Make it work! When the last stitch goes on it's done, sleeve and all!

ooops... not done til you fuse on some crystals to catch the light, along with the metallic threads! This is going to hang over my mantle. 
I thought I would be making this year's Halloween quilt, and the top is done and on my design wall image above. I just really wanted to take out my cute fabrics and use them... so thank you to Carla for sponsoring this hop and encouraging us to do that! 

others posting today


linking to

http://www.inquiringquilter.com/ Wednesday wait loss
Midweek makers wednesdays


Karen's Korner said...

You have certainly captured Fall with those rich earthy colours. Nice work.

Charlene McCain said...

Great wall hanging! I love the design and your color choices are perfect!

easyweimaraner said...

we love your wall... and with milo it is quasi living art ;O)

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Charming Fall wall hanging!

Duke said...

It's just beautiful! Love it♥

Connie said...

What an inspiration for fall! You showed your creativity with this project.

tink's mom said...

This is such a lovely fall quilt. Thanks for walking us through its construction. Never heard of Saral before, need to look into that.

piecefulwendy said...

What a pretty quilt, LeeAnna! It's the same length as Milo, if the photo is correct? Had to smile at how well he posed under the quilt :-) Please tell me what Saral paper is?

Moira said...

great project. Thanks for sharing

LA Paylor said...

saral paper allows you to directly transfer designs with pressure (pen or pencil) like old carbon paper in a typewriter. I have used the same sheet for years, over and over.

Kat Scribner said...

Leeann, the lettering on the quilt is awesome! You do such detail in your projects. I am in awe. Stay well. Hugs.

PaintedThread said...

Really cool. It's a terrific fall quilt.

Calicojoan said...

Ohhhh, I spy some fun fall fabrics in your runner. You know that saying we learn something every day? I put sleeves on my quilts all the time, and I never though of drawing a line using 1/8" for placement. I'm smacking myself in the head on this one. How easy is that. Thanks for teaching this old dog a new trick!

LA Paylor said...

shucks that's what I'm here for ma'am! lol

Sara said...

I like everything about this quilt - the colors, the elongated star, the sparkle, and especially the word. Great use of your fall fabrics.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's very, very pretty, bravo you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Fall Home quilt is very homey with its warm, rich colors! I love seeing your scraps up close - an I Spy for quilters! Will you hang this somewhere or use it on the table?

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

What a perfect fall quilt to hang above the mantel. Thanks for showing the detail.

The Joyful Quilter said...

I can't tell you how ridiculously happy this piece makes me, LeeAnna!! It was fun to see all of your gorgeous Fall print fabrics and the progression of design ideas, knowing I offered a suggestion that ultimately led to something that worked for your lovely Hop project. Fun surprises with the broderie perse and the added bling! :o))

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely quilt, and what great fabrics you had! Great work and thanks for the inspiration!

Stitchin At Home said...

Love the earthy colours of this and the word home is a perfect addition! What a good idea for adding the sleeve.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Dropping by via MooseStash Quilting and the Hello Fall blog hop !
That's so cool what you made! And you let us see your design wall in action! What a bright shot of clour :)
Thanks for the tutorial today! Fun mix of fabrics! and a cow!

Danette said...

I agree - every quilt needs a cow! Thanks so much for the explanation of how you made this cute quilt! It is so fun!

Barbara said...

This is beyond beautiful! So perfect for the season and in your planned location. Reading through your post made me realize how much work this took. But I’m sure you feel it was worth every minute.

Nancy said...

What a cute hanging. I use the reverse applique technique when I cut something out of the fabric then fuse the leftover to another fabric. Two for one and not wasting! The crystals are the finishing touch.

Needled Mom said...

That’s really nice with all of those cute fall fabrics. I love the sleeve technique.

Emily said...

Love that cow!!!!

Carla said...

I love this so much and then you show the crystals and I'm thinking I want this in my house. The fabrics are so cute and thank you for your sleeve instructions. Looks a lot easier than the way I do it. Thanks for joining the Hello Fall Blog Hop.

Rebecca Smith said...

Great fall colors!

JANET said...

Love the lettering. Wish I was brave enough to try it again. The first time was a disaster.

Marsha Cooper said...

I really enjoyed looking thru the pictures and the details of each one.

LJ said...

So cute. Loved that you gave us an in-depth tut of your process. Making and attaching the 'home' was great.

Sandi1100 said...

Adorable! I like the cow and bugs you added. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Swift said...

This is really a beautiful! I love the crystals, fabrics, and other details. I've never added a sleeve on my quilts, so this was a great tutorial. Thanks!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

All the scrappy goodness in this piece - Oh MY!

Angie said...

LA - wonderful. I adore autumn colors, and I think HOME says it all. Comfort, warmth, love. I think you put your very heart and soul into this piece!

Carol said...

What a cute wall hanging! Your addition of the word "home" was a great idea! I love the colors and the scrappiness of it.

MissPat said...

What a wonderful piece. Your creativity continues to shine. I'll be trying your sleeve attachment method. I do sew it into the binding but haven't down the lower tack down first. Worth a try. For small pieces I sometimes use folded triangles sewn in each corner.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Love your design and beautiful fall colors. The word "home" really makes it even better! Great job. Thanks for sharing!

Kathleen said...

Great array of fabrics, but the cow!!! This is a fun quilt with a lot to look at! Thanks for sharing your design.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Love those cute little black spiders. Adorably sweet as well as seasonal.

tirane93 said...

superb! that came out great. your hard work sure paid off. thanks for sharing it with us!

Susan said...

Great way to add Home to this. It looks fantastic!

Carol Andrews said...

What a lovely hanging; Home and pretty fabrics= perfection in my book!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Love your wall hanging and Home what an awesome sentiment.

Michelle said...

Really pretty Fall wall hanging. Love all the fun and cute fabrics in it.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi LeeAnna, what a great wall hanging. It includes such lovely fall fabric and even has a Broderie Perse cow who looks like he was part of the fabric! The metallic thread and crystals must make it sparkle. It's really lovely. Take care.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I do so love this hanging. YOu really have an eye for choosing fabric and making it all work together and so interesting too up close. Writing on it too is inspiring. Great job!

Paige said...

Such a pretty fall runner! And, your friend's suggestion for "home" was perfect! Thank you for linking to TGIFF!

Powell River Books said...

I like the way you used a wide variety of fall inspired fabrics and used light and dark prints to create your image. My sister is the quilt maker. I've never tried. - Margy

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

This wall hanging is so cute! Love the addition of the word Home. That, with the fall colors, makes this so cozy! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.