Thursday, September 10, 2020

I LIke Thursday #210

Welcome to this week's list of likes.... where we try to remember the things we liked this week...
 And welcome to Colorado snow in September. We've been coping with record heat for months, with four raging wildfires, and one that darkened the skies for the labor day weekend, then it snowed for 24 hours, dropped to 25F. Yesterday it melted in the afternoon. 

1)I like cooler temps! I'd love to see Fall type temps, where I can comfortably sleep at night, wear a lightweight sweater and capris... please...
I like poodles on porches
I asked Milo if he remembered snow, and he said, well since it last snowed here in May four months ago, yep.


2)My E book at night is
 the story is about a woman just after WW1 whose fiance died and how she is getting through life. She discovers a desire to help embroider cushions for the church, that she wants to be independent, and how she handles life.  

3)Finished My audio book, third in the series of the Secret book and scone society,  and am waiting on the fourth so I am currently listening to

which is kind of sorrowful to me but I am a gonna finish it


details on tomorrow's post

 4) as we waited for the storm to start, before we put all the plants into the garage for safety, I noticed the pretty blue container holding my gold mums and decided to paint it. I had just watched a video on how to paint like a fauvist. This was done quickly and without overworking it, and I love it. I still want to do a painting in the fauvist style but later.  


5)ever discover your own belongings in your own jewelry case? I forgot about this sweet copper bracelet and now have worn it for three days. I hurt my back, and haven't been able to do much, so looking at the sparkle on my own wrist while watching youtube was a good thing

guilty pleasure

13) watching big brother then love island on tv. And Chrisley knows best too.

Fine dining

6)we made a chicken casserole we like over pasta this week:
dice onion and bell pepper and saute in olive oil. Add minced garlic.
we used cooked frozen chicken, put that in to  heat up.

Add a can of mushroom soup (Amy's has no corn starch) and a can of marsala cooking wine,  and a jar of mushrooms as we can't find good fresh ones here. Saute til flavors are melded, serve over angel hair pasta with some little green peas on top. Yum, 

Quilting sites

7)there is a halloween block (quilting) party going on here:

listening to 

8) I absolutely love this new to me family, mom on base, Ger O donnel  on whatever that instrument is, 5 nearly grown talented kids... all of them great at their instruments, all of the great singers... enjoy 

 9) How I love his song, Harvest moon, especially this rendition by Reina   enjoy

10)I liked putting the T-shirt sheets back on the bed, and being cozy instead of HOT for sleep. I also put the flannel quilt on top, which may be overkill but is pretty when I walk by!

 laughing (or not) at  

11) I like comics
this one does a fun caption it contest here

12)Top Ten Cartoons of the Week – August 29, 2020 |
history of the year 2020

 Milo's Moments

Mama: what did you like this week darling?
Milo: I like hunting waskily wabbits! See my form? Good right? I'm pointing toward the critter!
Mama: you are a great hunter, and so fast!  
Milo: I liked playing in the snow and that it got cooler... it's not easy prancing around in a black fur coat in 90 F !
Mama: you also ran upstairs this morning, and landed in front of me like a super hero!
Milo: well yeah... I was letting you know Daddy came out of his office room !!! Hooray! We're all back together and we can do stuff!
Mama: like change the sheets, that's what I want to do
Milo: well okay lift me up, seems early to go to bed but you know I love to sleep on the big bed! 
Mama: I meant Daddy might help me this time baby, but you'll be able to hog the blankies tonight, okay? 
Milo: and I like wearing my jimjams don't forget to put those on me tonight before sleep. 
 Please visit these fine folk to read their list of likes, and join us! it's fun(let me know in comments  if you did an I Like post this week)   



easyweimaraner said...

I had to look twice... really? snow? wow!!! we love the petersens and we love the cartoon, shall I share it to the show-group? not sure if I will survive hahahaha

Duke said...

I am sooooooooooo jealous that you have snow already, Milo! You are one lucky boy!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow, what a lot of LIKES you have, LeeAnna. I knew you got snow, but WOW, that was a nice amount. Your painting is beautiful and your bracelet is GORGEOUS. I love anything copper. So glad to visit on Thursday get to meet Milo. I'll visit the other sites as time permits.

dq said...

We love the Peterson Family Band at our house too. We watch all of their videos on youtube and sadly missed them in Branson, Missouri while we were there.

As for me, I don't favor cooler temperatures. The snow is pretty though. said...

The good thing about snow. Helped with the fires and air quality right? Milo looks thrilled for cooler weather and playing in the white stuff. I loved the book Where the Crawdads Sing it was definitely worth the read. Great likes this week.

grammajudyb said...

I did a post this week, but I’m missing from your list! ?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I have that book, A Single Thread, on my to be read list - glad to know you're liking it! Your chicken casserole sounds yummy. We love our jersey sheets, too - so soft! And yes, when the history of this year is written, no one will believe how the crazy things just kept coming!!!

Sara said...

I do love fall, with the cooler weather and pretty leaves. We had schizophrenic weather this week too. 90 on Saturday. 45 and rainy on Monday and Tuesday. But thankfully we don't have the wildfire smoke to deal with. I have a cousin living just north of San Francisco, and he texted a photo of that freaky yellow sky yesterday.

That book is on my "to read" list too. I just finished an old Tony Hillerman mystery. I had never read any of his before.

LA Paylor said...

It's there now.. I just don't know how these things happen!! y'all don't forget to see Judy today too!

Meditations in Motion said...

Oh, NO!!! I read that some parts of Colorado were supposed to get snow. It's too early!!!

Harvest Moon is one of my favorite songs too. Thanks for sharing this version.

Barbara said...

The snow reminds me how much I miss it. Not only because of the recent hottest summer ever, but also because all last winter we had absolutely no snow here in New Jersey! If that isn’t enough to convince folks of the existence of climate change, nothing ever will.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

I didn’t know it snowed there in May. A Single Thread sounds interesting but I couldn’t get thru Crawdads- too much translating and sadness. I need to google fauvist. Oh dear- you just reminded me I have fresh mushrooms in the fridge. Darn it- I do that a lot with mushrooms. God knows what they look like now.
I sure enjoyed your fountain photo! Btw- my brother and I harmonized a cappella on Harvest Moon when were in 1st and second grade. That just bought back memories, thanks again.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Goodness, the snow show already. It surely is a wild year. Great thankfuls

sandyland said...

marvelous always

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We may all line up for one of those haircuts...ANY haircut will do! lol How neat to see that beautiful snow and know it will warm up again too. I am going to listen to Where the Crawdads Sing as an audio book soon but it will take a LONG time to listen! I love that book. I'll look for the other one , a favorite author! Hugs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh brrrr on the snow! We're ready for some cooler temps but not quite like that. Hey, count us in on the chicken casserole, yum. Hey Milo, that is the purrfect hunting stance, very impressive!!! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning! I heard about your snow on the news yesterday morning and thought of you and Milo. I'm so glad it was gone quickly but it won't be long before it sticks around. Egad. I am not ready for anything like that yet. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Tamar SB said...

The weather nationally is insane! I heard such good things about that book.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Your snow made headlines all over! I think that is too soon for me! I'll take our humidity and rainy day instead! Have a wonderful week!

Miaismine said...

A Single Thread sounds like a good book! I added it to my Want to Read list at Goodreads. I thoroughly enjoyed Where the Crawdads Sing! It’s a tough read, but so worth it!
Oh! I’m sorry to hear you hurt your back! Yikes! At least you have some sparkle in your life! ;)
I love that dog cartoon! It reminds me of The Sweetest Fig by Chris Van Allsburg! A great twist on life!
Good for you, Milo, enjoying the snow!

piecefulwendy said...

Reina is one of our favorite artists; she's a MN gal, but now lives in LA. We were able to see her in concert last year. Glad the snow is gone; crazy crazy weather!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another post I smiled all the way through except the part about hurting your back! Well you beat us to it with the snow. We've been saying fall has started too soon but we're hoping the snow is weeks away yet. Fingers crossed. I think you nailed the Fauvist look with that strong blue colour. Thanks for the fine dining recipe...would work perfectly from my cupboard as well; I even keep a large bottle of red wine just for cooking. Love M and M's conversation. Thanks LeeAnna.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super sweet painting, LeeAnna, and I absolutely LOVE the Petersens' music!!

Carol Andrews said...

Oh your beautiful snow is just what I needed to see this afternoon after being in town for DH’s physio. It was hot and smoky, but not as bad as you have it on the west side of America. Enjoy the cooler weather. Sending a prayer for lots of moisture to come your way in any form. Mo needs a treat for being so willing to help Mama make the bed 😉 Carol

PaintedThread said...

I love finds like your bracelet! Yay for guilty pleasures. :-) The cartoons made me chuckle. And what's with all the white stuff?!?!

pilch92 said...

Sounds like you have been busy. I look forward to flannel sheets.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

It's so crazy to see you already got snow. I enjoyed A Single Thread as well as Where the Crawdads Sing. Love your bracelet!

MissPat said...

Ugh. Snow already, much too soon, but at least it's gone for now. I just finished Where the Crawdads sing and I found it unsettling. I can't really say I enjoyed it. You really nailed that blue pot even though I have no idea what Fauvist style is. Will look it up. Hope your back is better soon.

Annie said...

So much to smile at so thank you for linking up. I love poodles too and had a little one when I was a child so there is a special place in my heart for them for sure.
Annie x

colleen said...

So well rounded. I loved Neil Young's early album "Harvest."

Lynn Holland said...

Blimey I can’t believe all that snow you’ve had. We’ve had some bizarre weather here in northwest Lancashire in the uk 🇬🇧 but nothing like you.
I enjoyed your fun packed post
Lynn x

Lisca said...

What? Snow? Gosh, it is still 31 degrees C here (southern Spain). I suppose it would have doused the fires, which is a good thing.
I love Tracy Chevalier. I have read three of her books (but not the one you are reading): The Girl with the pearl earring, (Dutch painter Vermeer) The lady and the Unicorn (about weavers), and Fallen Angels (set in Victorian times). All were very good .
I loved reading about Milo, and I chuckled at the funnies. All good fun.
Have a lovely weekend,

Lisca said...

I forgot to say I went onto Faith, Trust and breast cancer blog and commented.

CountryDew said...

You'll have to let me know how When the Crawdogs Sing sits with you.

Joanne said...

Oh no... that is way to early for snow for me. LOL. I really did like Where the Crawdads Sing even if it was pretty sad at times.

eileeninmd said...


It is nice to see another update from Milo, he is doing well and enjoy the snow. This weather from extreme heat to cold temps so quickly is not normal. It is great that the snow helped with the wildfires. I did enjoy the Crawdads book. I am always looking for new chicken recipes. Take care and stay safe. Thank you for linking up your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend.

Linda said...

I like your taste in music! And Milo looks like a great hunter.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

The change in temps has been a real blessing. Even though we've had snow in September over the years, the 60+ degree shift in temps in the span of a couple of days is most unusual. Much like the rest of 2020. *sigh

Angie said...

LA - now that my garden is pretty much on the decline, I would welcome any precipitation, even snow! We have had smoke for the last four days, but it is finally clearing out. The Petersens are a very talented group, aren't they? Lovely painting of the blue container with the gold mums!