Can't tell if this is sick or not...
Welllllll, my pup looks better than we do!
yup! |
![]() | |
we see llama stuff everywhere now! |
sad to see Christmas dec go away for a year!
wowie! |
Three trees? |
one tree... with bones! or many trees in one tree? |
We have now been in Colorado for one year. I cannot say we love it here yet...
I have changed a bit,
I'm alone more here and am surprised to feel kind of okay about it. I seem to need to nest and settle right now. The quiet time has brought more writing moments and I've enjoyed that. Age has brought more acceptance that I am what I am.
I haven't settled on a word for the year yet. I choose a word or phrase each year, and the universe teaches me lessons all year on it. It may be Explore. It may be "good things happen"
Some things I want to explore next year:
Use my supplies with abandon even on work that will not be shown or competitive
learn to use my digital camera and software to edit photos
write a lot, pursue publishing
dance again
open each box even the basement and garage boxes
meet like minded people who are accepting and smart, funny and creative, and kind.
see the area...get in the car and go to new towns
Do some more studio visits with artists for the blog
Make time to visit with far away friends.... distance means little when it comes to matters of the heart
want to chat with me? email me with your phone number and we will. I would like that!
Linking to
all seasons
Worthy goals!
Good goals - good for you and good for your nesting and blogging. Our first year in TN I wasn't so sure either - but after almost 30 years I'm certain we're in the right place.
Great goals! Especially the "open every box" one. Still working on this myself! Call me sometime next week and we'll chat! Meanwhile, happy 2019 to you all.
What an adorable Christmas cow!
I love to read your blog. Your goals for the year are great. Having moved myself two years ago and can identify that a few of our experiences are very similar and different at the same time. I almost have the last of the boxes unpacked. That is my goal for this year. I also need to purge a few more items to be able to unpack those boxes. From a big house to a smaller house was a hard adjustment. I am getting there one day at a time.
Happy New Year. May 2019 bring all you want and more. I would love to chat sometime. I feel like we are already friends.
We moved 3 years ago and I'm wanting to reorganize things as it seems chaotic!
Now me--instead of unboxing and setting up--I am going through what I did have shipped from Fl to NY at the end of August to repack (after more sorting out and getting rid of--shipped 22 boxes up-will only ship 4 boxes going back--) for a hopefully soon return to FL--NY does not agree with my health issues any more--need that daily sunshine and the heat--
so the resorting starts tomorrow as soon as I finish a bit more on the current counted cross stitching to finish it off
I also need to find out what I like--style wise--was always country-rustic style--but that isn't great in Fl there I found I liked bright pastel colors--so what style is that????
have a great new years eve-
enjoy, di
I am glad you are settling in to your new environment. It is always such chaos for a while. My friends and I have been talking about all the "STUFF" we will leave our kids someday. It has gotten a few of us to clean a closet or two, I purged my sewing room. It felt good to have a fresh start, with a clean room. I got rid a 7 large brown paper bags of quilting fabric, and still have tons left. So I can relate to opening all the boxes you packed, I still had boxes we had moved 20 years ago that never got unpacked. Merry Christmas and happy new year!
Hey, guess what I got today? An email notification with links to your posts going back to Dec.5! Good thing I've already read them or I'd never get any sewing done today.
I need to confess that there's a Rubbermaid bin on my front porch with stuff that was packed up over 10 years ago when we had the floors refinished and all the downstairs rooms painted. I know, I know, I should just toss the whole thing, but I think it's full of glass vases and such including most of my black amethyst collection. Arghhhhh.
Happy New Year, LeeAnna! I’ve enjoyed your 31 days of blog posts. 2019 is going to be a good year for both of us! I have a good feeling about it!
Some very worthy goals! Always love your posts - a good mix of humor, thoughts from the heart, creativity and inspiration. Wishing you all good things for 2019! xx Karen
Hi LeeAnna,
Age teaches us a lot! What makes us happy, satisfied, wHat matters, what to let go of.
A year! That went fast!
2019 goals look good!
I hope you get comfortable where you are. I spend most days alone with no neighbors and I enjoy it, but I know not everybody is like me. Your goals sound very do-able and I'm sure you will accomplish them all!
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