Saturday, February 5, 2022

"Too many cooks..."


"Too Many Cooks"  23" X 23"
This is Too Many Cooks... made for the project quilting prompt, kitchen influence 

I knew it was time to use this saved piece of 50's ladies... of course I also bake while wearing heels and pearls... 

I dragged out many food related fabrics because, well more is better and excess is never enough.

I wanted to do Dresden plates and only had one week to make this, so I found an old template and began cutting out sizes to see which looked better. I used turquoise scraps for RSC color this month for the test blocks...

of course like Goldilocks the first was too big, the second too small and the third looked just right. I turned the experiment into mug rugs to give away

two done, the one on the left needs finishing with piping

I was momentarily distracted by my favorite color, turquoise/aqua and almost used those around this but really love the idea of food fabrics surrounding the busy kitchen.

little pink toaster!

mason jars because I grew up watching mother can vegetables

jello mold!! and aprons... and one must have coffee

remember the Maxwell House ads "good to the last drop"?

I looked all around my supplies to find almost enough red rick rack to add...

had to piece in a tiny bit of orange and this is all that was left!

quilted it with mostly cotton thread this time, making a frame around the motif with lots of starts and stops...

but had to add silver mylar metallic that really sparkles around the aluminum kitchen table and stools

I researched vintage 50's fonts on dafont, and printed some out with the idea of putting words on the front

like this but it seems distracting .... what do you think??? I cut them out of two black fabrics

For now it's done... but I need to figure out how to put words on there...

 to end today's post, I include another song of love, in honor of February I am sharing music I like and thoughts on love... lyrics "there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them.... " along with all the rest, we love to sew, and create meaning and beauty.

Linking with

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays


Mari said...

This is darling, Leeanna! I don't think you need the words at all. It's terrific as is. I think everyone had that aluminum table and the Dresdens with the rick rack are fabulous. And the yellow! Lovely. And doesn't everyone wear heels to cook dinner? I know I do! :)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super cute TEAL mug rugs and your PQ entry is fabulous!! The words? I say put the all on the back. SEW glad that you found just enough trim for your plates. It really adds to the finished project!!! said...

That is so cute. I can't believe how many great prints you have in your stash vault. Also your stitching especially with the sparkly thread is awesome. I am sure you always look like a queen when you cook. Muah!

My name is Erika. said...

This is amazing. I like the center panel, but those half circles around the panel are amazing too. Hope all is well. hugs-Erika

Duke said...

It's wonderful! I absolutely love it!

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, so colorful and so pretty!

Char said...

Love the quilt! Thank you for the song, it’s my favorite by Jim Croce and I’m old enough to remember seeing him sing it.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Masterpiece! Love the colors, the silver threads on the metal furniture, the creativity,everything. I think it would be neat to add “Too many cooks” in very small letters just above the black/white check border at the bottom of the center panel….like a caption for a New Yorker cartoon. I love Jim Croce’s music and always wonder what else he would have created had he lived longer.

Cynthia Marrs said...

I think the cooks quilt is adorable. The words do seem to distract. Maybe make the letters smaller? You are do talented.


MissPat said...

This is so cool. Can't believe you had a piece of fabric like this. And the Dresden Plates with the rick rack trim are perfect. And you did it all in less than a week. Take a bow.
The cooks bring back memories of June Cleaver.

piecefulwendy said...

This is such a fun little quilt; I absolutely love it. I wouldn't bother with the words, to be honest. And Jim Croce, singing one of my favorites!

Julie in GA said...

I love your little kitchen-influenced quilt! The center panel is just too perfect, and your half Dresdens of food fabrics are a great addition! The ric-rac, the yellow background, the black and white check--all fantastic choices!

Stitchin At Home said...

Wow you nailed this!

Kathy said...

Perfect depiction of Too Many Cooks, but don't put the words on the front! It's a title, not necessary to the picture at all! Put them on the back. Great little piece!

Sara said...

Too Many Cooks just blew me away!! So FUN!! I really love how you used those dresden sections to frame the center.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Such a cute mini! I love the dresden with ric rac, and these fun fabrics! It's adorable!
Thanks for sharing your inspirational process, and linking up ;)

PaintedThread said...

I thought I had commented... but I guess not. Love the fabrics, and the colors. The ric-rac is a nice addition.

Kim said...

Such fabulous mini filled with vintage loveliness. I would love to see you baking up a storm in high heels and pearls. 'This Is Too Many Cooks' is filled with fun and delight!

Helen said...

Your 'Too many cooks' is fantastic and so 50's. Using the red rick-rack was a great touch. And using 'food' prints. Just very clever all the way around. :)

Kathleen said...

I love this. It is fun when you can use up a saved fabric and the great RicRac! The food prints were perfect , too. I can go either way with the words. Really nice finish for PQ!

Preeti said...

Gosh, this is so much fun. Love the vintage heart of the quilt. And I trust you to make the most of imperfect blocks too. Have a fabulous week, LeeAnna.

Jeanna said...

This little quilt is adorable! Maybe put the words on the backing? I think the front looks amazing without them.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

What a cute and creative use of theme based fabrics. Well done!

Susie H said...

Your kitchen challenge is adorable and, personally, I don't think you need to add a thing to it. Thanks for dafont tip. Never heard of it but was fun to play around with just now. "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce -- wonderful song for February!

Cindi said...

I love this little quilt. Such an excellent design you came up with. Also love your teal Dresden plates. This is way off topic, but I was reminded of a youtube video I saw recently, called Too Many Cooks (Adult Swim). Warning, before you decide to watch it, it is very weird and sometimes a bit graphic.

QuiltGranma said...

I, too, love this quilt, the bright yellow and the red Rick-rack are the perfect accent around the Dresden halves. No need to add the words on the front of the quilt, just have that phrase on the label is my advice.

PersimonDreams said...

so sweet! That rikrak is perfect!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Leeanna, what a lovely quilt. It's perfect!

Sandra Walker said...

I may have snort-laughed at the "of course I also bake while wearing heels and pearls"! I like it with the second version of the phrase in the lower right corner. And I just love it, period! You captured the sparkly thread well; I love using that stuff for added bling.

Susan said...

Quite the adorable piece for a kitchen challenge - well done!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Love Jim Croce! That song says it all, doesn't it? Your quilt is oh so cute and perfect for your kitchen to to top a little tea table. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh my gosh!!! how perfect is this piece? I love all the fabrics you used - and the 50's ladies.... perfection!!!