Thursday, January 2, 2020

I Like Thursday #174 a new decade of Likes!

modern art from the kitchen
welcome to this week's list of likes! I not only appreciate and like DH's kitchen work, I noted his abstract art display of just washed items. For it's artistry, he gets top points, color, line, intersection, balance, originality.
The fact that it's unintentional has no bearing on this award.

I like fresh blackberries and raspberries just rinsed in a pretty red colander

I liked this T-shirt at the Denver Science Museum store... it's so me

OMG I am in love! (and I do like latkes)

I liked seeing this petrified log split in half, up close at the science museum. Oh the colors and lines, can't you see a quilt done like this??

you might...

enormous crystal on display at science museum
accessorize accessorize accessorize!

I enjoyed the interactive exhibit of extreme sports, watching others pit themselves against the challenges that is. Most people able to do this part finished around 39 seconds. The world class competitors who helped set it up did it in 9 seconds.

I like my new series on meeting other people, stories on Tuesdays. Join me if you have a cool meet

I now want to read every article he wrote for the New Yorker.... here's a sampler

I liked this quote by Paula Poundstone
"Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up 'cause they're looking for ideas."

odd fact about me... in my younger years I dated a man named james joyce. He was an actor and the only similarity to the author might be in the over use of alcohol.

There are more than 6,000 languages spoken in the world, and on average, one goes extinct about every two weeks. The one where men grunt once for no and twice for yes never goes away

Milo's Moments
 Hi, can you believe it was something called the Howl-idays and I got a bath? And my face and nether region shaved too?
(mom: well that's all we did, no earplucking, no overall shaving, no scissors)
Well, I do like my long winter coat, and my curls, and having clear vision again but do you all think my bangs look like Elvis?
sometimes in the morning, mama doesn't open the blinds so I can guard the house properly. I had to push my snout into the crack here just to check for intruders like cats and squirrels or people driving by, or getting in their cars, or wind. 

 whew, that's more like it! A wide screen view of squirrel channel. Don't get me wrong, it's cold out there and lots of snow still from our day long mini blizzard that left us with slush and ice and tall snow what gets stuck in poodle feet requiring a period of time in the kennel to thaw.
My peeps are sick, and I'm bored so Mama went and found a new ring toy for me.
I HAD two but somehow, someone peed all over the one I took for a walk one night. I guess it was Dad because he yelled, then my toy smelled like pee, and he threw it away.
So now I have one with half the skin still on and a brand stinkin' new one! I go from ring to ring, touching them with my nose to make sure I'm not dreaming! Yep. that's a new one, that's the old one. I pile them up, chew on them back and forth, and hardly know which one to pay attention to.
I mean the new one squeaks, that's nice, but the old one knows me!
It's not easy to be a good pawrent.

please leave Mama a comment and then visit her friends keeping lists of likes too!!!
not able to post this week  


Sara said...

That carrier snail info was SO interesting! I've learned something new already this morning. Thanks for sharing! Milo looks very handsome with his shaved face.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Friends of the family had trained their dog to put all the toys back in the box at bedtime; also to pull its blanket out of his bed for the weekly wash. It was cute to see as the dog was so proud when he did these things.
Aren't nature/ creatures astounding... Always something to learn. I read the New Yorker at the library and enjoy it.

Scrapatches said...

Love the colors ... and the science museum finds ... and, of course, Milo, who looks very dashing in his new do and red sweater. Thank you for all the interesting Thursdays ... Happy 2020! ... :-) Pat

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Love your Milo photos!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So many interesting things to be found at the museum! That carrier snail was new to me. Love the "um" tee shirt, too! Tell Milo I am a fan of the squirrel channel, too - they are so entertaining!

Duke said...

That petrified log half is so cool and the look of it would make a beautiful quilt. It must be the time of year when our peeps feel the need to give us a bath. I got one too, Milo! You are such a handsome boy!

Julierose said...

Love that james joyce tale--so funny --amazing how we used to roll, no?
Milo is extremely funny today--I am always on the lookout for great haircuts--and I wear bangs, too--hopefully tho', I don't look like not me!! #;0000
Hugs, Julierose

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Milo looks so stinkin' cute for the new year, I can't stand it. Your bangs look just purrrrr-fect, and a new ring is sweet. Get that new one all broken in so that you enjoy them both equally. ~smile~ Roseanne

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like the quote about adults asking children what they want to be when they grow true! I'm still changing my mind all along the way! And loving it! Happy New year!

piecefulwendy said...

The petrified tree makes me think of the quilts of Jean Wells. So cool and inspiring!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Hee, hee, Milo. You're much better looking that Elvis ever was!

Laura said...

I am very excited by that log cut in half photo. Thanks for sharing. One could start with some hand-dyed or painted fabric and then add other fabrics (maybe some silk) for texture and then some machine stitch and then some hand stitch (my personal favorite wonky french knots because I am very good at making french knots that turn out wonky).

Michelle said...

Milo is so handsome. Obviously he is well taken care of and a happy dog. I also love latkes and need to make some. Been too long since I have. Thank you for linking up.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love that huge crystal! It's so pretty. I love your story about James Joyce! I bet we all have stories about the guys we've dated. I haven't seen Paula Poundstone for awhile but I always thought she was funny. I hope you and your family have a Happy New Year! Especially Milo!!

Tamar SB said...

Love the latka sign! said...

The shirt is awesome. Dated James Joyce huh? The science museum looks like it is fun. The carrier snail huh? The crystal is amazing. Poor Milo, don't get clipped too much, you need to keep warm in Colorado.

Tanya Breese said...

Aw happy new year Milo!

PaintedThread said...

Oh, the sports exhibit looks like fun! That is a hunk of fools gold! Love the raspberries and blackberries. You look handsome, Milo (and I hope the rest of you feel better).

MissPat said...

Sorry that Drew caught your cold/flu/whatever it is. When your both sick there's no one to wait on you. Well, Milo would if he could, I'm sure. Hope you feel better soon.

Michele McLaughlin said...

I read your post yesterday but laughed coffee everywhere when I read your paragraph about language and men's language--had to do some cleaning up then :D Great photos from the museum and love Milo's new sweater!

Ann said...

Inshurium and pyrite are my favorites here. The first is too funny.

claudia said...

Hi LeeAnna! Blast from the past here. I am so sorry that I have been so absent from the internets. Well, not entirely absent, but I never get to where I want to go, because my email list is so freakin' long. Today I am unsubscribing to a bunch, so I can spend more time with my bloggy friends! More to come...

Carol Swift said...

That rabbit/latke, huge crystal, and Milo are very cool! My hubby is awesome in the kitchen, too. Thank goodness because I don't like to cook.

Sandee said...

Awww, you're so precious, Milo. You know how I enjoy seeing you.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. My best to your mom. ♥

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I like your likes. All of them I think. Or maybe most of them. But especially imnotsuriem. (I AM sure I hope everybody at your house is all well. Happy New Year.)

Angie said...

LA - hope you feel better soon! I've never heard of a carrier snail. If you hadn't included the label from the museum, I might have thought you are pulling our leg with a "glue gun gone mad" episode!

M. K. Clinton said...

Thanks for joining the pet Parade. I enjoyed seeing the things you like and the trivia was new to me!