Saturday, January 11, 2020

sewing saturday

at least I'm sewing again. It was really hard to find my sewing mojo after the holidays and being sick.

I decided to try Bonnie Hunter's lozenges pattern for the rainbow scrap challenge this year. Free on her blog, I printed it out.
decided to make them bigger at 3.5" X 6.5"  scrap color, and 2" squares.

The color this month is light or bright green... most of my numerous green scraps are dark or muddly. Hmmmm... it occurs to me I have not been replenishing the scraps for a while.
To transfer the bits to the sewing machine, I made a felt board with a piece of cardboard that came under cans of green beans (appropos no? ) and leftover gray felt taped to the back.
this is going to work fine.
they look odd because I'm not going to sew them together now, I want to totally mix colors. The light and dark squares are not just black and white, I used really light, or really dark colors. I think it might look fun when done, hopefully like Bonnie Hunter's picture!

I got a surprise New Year's gift from my friend Diane in Texas... lookie at the fun Christmas fat quarters! Thanks so very much Diane!
 Linking to

scrap happy Saturdays


Julierose said...

Oooh this will be such a lovely project! I am still flaying around looking for one to continue with by making sample blocks...
hugs, Julierose

Michele McLaughlin said...

Loved that you used the cardboard under the string beans, that's great!!! :D I like that pattern, thanks for sharing it! Have a great day!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

*wow* very nice!!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Like that you're using a mix for the corner squares - will add so much life to the finished top.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

This will be a great RSC project, LeeAnna! I like the light and dark corners and the pattern they make when you sew the blocks together. Great idea for laying out blocks on the cardboard with felt to grab the pieces, too - I could use something like that myself.

Duke said...

Your lozenges quilt is going to be beautiful!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Now that you've played with your GREEN scraps, I hope your sewing mojo will follow!!

Susie H said...

Your Lozenges blocks look great. That was a fun quilt to make and used up quite a bit of scraps for me. Glad you got your mojo back. You always have great posts with lots of pictures!

Ann said...

What a versatile block this will be. I’m glad you’re feeling good enough to sew again. A major improvement.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Looks like you'll have a pretty project when it's all done.

Danice G said...

Love the fabrics and the pattern. I need to begin working on my RSC blocks.