Thursday, August 8, 2019

I Like Thursday #153

Welcome to I Like Thursday! Lots to like this week, starting with the local fabric shop hop... 8 stores along the front range of the Rockies. I visited all 8, and got the special fabric from each, which is the equivalent of a "layer cake" of 40 10" squares. They gave me a pin at the end, and I am in the drawing for a quilting machine!
Along the way I found a couple little supplies to purchase including this book and fabric...

The book by Lori Holt has the cutest blocks, and the fabric is so so so sweet!

I feel like I could have painted it!

We went to DH's company picnic last weekend, and I got to put faces with names I've heard. Milo met this 5 month old puppy, but it was so hot they laid down and the pup began to chew on his leash.
her name is Ivy and she's Milo size now!
DH got to know his coworkers better, and they were all saying it was odd to see each other in casual clothes!

I visited four shop hop stores alone, and met some interesting people. We all three finished the last four on Saturday, visiting three towns, and at the last store we met a couple with their brown standard poodle, Princess. So much fun to meet another poodle on the road!
After the hop, we walked around Old Colorado City and shopped. I loved this sign... we live in the West now...

How fortuitous, as my bison's wallet just fell apart!
Loved this display window
and this sign... warning...
this was in a book of quotes by Bob Ross the painter... love it!
these bird houses are made of cool stuff like a faucet, and a bottle opener, gear knob and license plate

I've enjoyed painting this week, even on the free "better quality" paper the clerk gave me... that Milo ate part of. So what, I could paint on part of it, and it didn't particularly behave better than my other papers...
"there's a bunny in the garden"

this is the back
More of this week's art tomorrow on paint party Friday! Please stop back by and let me know what you think about it.

I have hurt my back again, lifting my coffee cup, and am not to sew for a while, so no sewing Saturday this week.

Milo's Moments
handsome boy at the garden center on Sunday
Hi Y'all! I had a good time hanging out with Mama and Daddy this weekend. Look what I found shopping... look close...
my new boxer friend
I looked under the table they were looking on, and wagged my puff tail to get him to come out! He did and we sniffed but he said, no rough housing in the store, so we happily chatted while the pawrents shopped. I had fun meeting Princess earlier in the day.
I snooper-vised Daddy while he pushed around the growling thing all over my yard.
I don't know what's he thinking doing that anyway, but who understands daddies?
I followed along behind him just to make sure it didn't eat him, or any of my toys.

These peeps are keeping a list of likes this week, please visit them!
And, please leave Mama a comment before you go, it makes her so happy and that means I have a chance at more treats!

Linking to these parties!
quiltingreadersgarden friday applique  
rosie and the boys nature pics
pet parade 


Julierose said...

Oh your poor back--hope it heals quickly...
Love that little mouse-y fabric--so cute..hugs, Julierose

Carol R. said...

Sorry about your back... maybe that means more time to paint? Maybe you can try painting on fabric scraps to see what does and doesn't work for you. It definitely means more time to give Milo extra treats lol. Hope your back feels better SOON.

Roseanne said...

Hi LeeAnna! Oh man, it's no fun to hurt your back and the oddest things can throw it out. Milo looked so stunning next to that plant at the garden center. I'd say lime green is his color! Love that you got a pin for the shop hop and my fingers are crossed for you to win the machine. ~smile~ Roseanne

Lea said...

I love the fabric with the mice - so cute! Oh, I want one of those birdhouses!
Give Milo and hug and a treat from me - he is such a good sweet baby!
Have a blessed day!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Fun finds at the shop hop! I love the Bob Ross quote, too - so true, and something I'm trying to do better at. I love how Milo makes friends wherever he goes!

Sara said...

Adorable fabric! I do love shop hops. There will be a small one in eastern SD coming up this fall I think. Maybe I can escape from work a couple of days and check it out.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Can I just say right away how gorgeous your yard and "Christmas Tree" are? Congrats on all those hop finds. Sorry to hear your back is out again. Hang in there!

Sandee said...

The best part of this post is Milo's Moments. I'm a bit biased.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥

eileeninmd said...

Milo eats paper, is he part goat. I collect the pins from all the national parks I visit, that is a nice for the RMNP. Cute furbabies and a great quote. Wishing you a great day and a happy weekend ahead.

Norma Schlager said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs and love Milo's take at the end. I thought your paintings on the scraps of paper were so charming. You should have Milo prep your papers from now on. But, seriously, I did think they were terrific.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I met a big poodle that looks very much like Milo this week when I was hiking. Her name was LuLu! Hugs to you both!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I've been on one Shop Hop and I loved it! It was a day full of quilting and shopping. I hope your back feels better soon. Milo is so funny! Love him!

Shannon said...

That mouse fabric is adorable! And I love pins like that. I have them on my bulletin board in the studio! I'm so glad Milo doesn't attack the lawn more like Blue- small favors :) I'm sorry Milo ate your painting paper-- sort of like the dog eating the homework, although possibly more annoying!

Michelle said...

Always nice to go to a company picnic and meet some new people, at least to the spouse! lol Looks like Milo knew to just hang out and enjoy. Thanks for linking up! said...

Oh no hope your back feels better soon! Great likes, and the pin for the shop hop is awesome.

Scrapatches said...

Looks like you and Milo have had a fun shop hop and other adventures. Your art pieces that Milo helped create look a lot like the fabric. They would look lovely in the same quilt. Hope your back feels better soon. Thanks for sharing and hosting ... :-) Pat

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
I was jest thinking 4 months we'll be putting up the Christmas tree!
Sounds like that was a fun quilt shop hop! Lori does make fun stuff!
Your yard is looking great in spite of the heat!

Duke said...

We hope your back is feeling much better today. Love the bird houses! You are too funny, Milo, and soooooo handsome!

PaintedThread said...

Good luck with the raffle! I love that little mice fabric. So cute! Those bird houses are unique. I love the designs people come up with. You always have so many interesting photos!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Hope you are on the road to recovery! Back pain is awful! I just love all the neat things you posted this week, wish I could take Scout in a store...but I think she would just break up the joint (literally).

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Such adorable fabric. Love those little miceys. Hope your back feels better soon.