Friday, June 26, 2020

Paint Party Friday

Ahhhh watching paint dry...
I was inspired by a recent video set in France, of their fields of flowers, and by my own yard of flowers
to paint this.
I used KOI paints, my wide flat brush dragged across green and blue at the same stroke, to lightly color the background.

then in with two shades of yellow, the green fineliner pen, and Posca white pen.

I keep paints and paper near the computer so when I'm jazzed with an idea, it's all there.
It's not often I love my paintings but I love this one in person, the photo doesn't do it justice!
I decided after doing the latest mandala with my more intense paints, that I might just prefer the KOI that other people say is powdery.
I like them.

continuing with my mandala series, which really is about the process more than the finished product, I mixed some of the more intense colors, blue and cherry red, to make purple, loaded the flat brush and started with that outer ring.
It's more intense in person too. I turn turn turn the painting as I add details, I removed paint with the flat brush blurring edges, I added detail with the brush tip marker Pitt artist pen. I feel out of control using that one, as it lays down an uneven thick line. The last thing added was the very center dots!

I host a blog party on thursdays for people doing lists of things they liked that week, and the inspiration for a cardinal was from Canadian Needle Nana's post. I did a sketch with pencil first
then started putting in a purple gray I mixed not my fave Paines grey, as shadows
then began daubing on color... gold, orange, red, brown green... all mixed slightly before putting them on. The blue kind of melded with the red but it's under the wing.
My husband looked and said, "awe, he looks sad" when I showed him Jocelyn's photo he said, hmmmm maybe cardinals look sad, he is just like the photo!"
It's a small piece, I'm more comfortable doing small works at the moment, but I just love him! I went back and looked again at the photo to see the differences, and my bird's head is tilted differently, but I like it!
So three small works for the week... not bad, it's good to watch paint dry



easyweimaraner said...

your cardinal lives in your painting... so fabulous!!!

Duke said...

All of your paintings are beautiful!

Stacy said...

Those are all pretty but I love the cardinal. Maybe he looks sad because so many believe he brings messages from heaven. That's a heavy burden!

Sara said...

Wow - the cardinal is wonderful. My house is full of original oil bird paintings. My cousins husband is a wildlife artist and I've bought quite a few paintings over the past 45 years or so. I have loons in my office, and pheasants, bluejays, herons, grouse, and more scattered around the house.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Yes, it's all about the process:)Well done! all three look great!
Paint would dry pretty quick here!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your paintings are very pretty, we admire your talent!

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful art, as always. The first one is my fave today. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said...

Beautiful art pieces. I love your painting with the flowers, and I like your cardinal too-hugs

Tarang Sinha said...

How lovely! Pretty flowers and lovely bird. I was trying but couldn't sketch a bird. I'm bad at sketching. :)

Crafting Queen said...

Three beautiful paintings.

Christine said...

Lovely work!

DVArtist said...

Wow you are so talented. I love seeing the sketches of the bird then the finished piece. Wonderful. said...

Love your cardinal.

Linda Kunsman said...

love the cardinal especially. Happy PPF!

Barbara said...

Beautiful pieces!

sonja said...

love watching paint dry and your cardinal painting is wonderful. yes they do look a bit sad with the black mask coloring about their eyes They are really sad when they finish off the cats crunchies out on the deck!! Koi water colour paints are grand ,easy to use! great post!! i still do most of my watercoluring on paper with versatex screen printing inks, watered down......
Awee! can anyone tell us how to post on the new blogger ( it is a bugger for me so far) and i have put off using it and now can't quite figure it out. Some old dogs and dames don't like certain changes.
personally challenged, sonja

The Joyful Quilter said...

Love, love, LOVE that sweet painting LeeAnna!!!

Beth B said...

Love all three.

Patty said...

I love reading your blog. Your painting is gorgeous. Thanks for posting your work.

LA Paylor said...

awe, you made my day Patty!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Beautiful artwork! Love your sketch-it's totally in scale and Drew is right-the final does look like the original! Well done.

Ira said...

Lovely art! Especially liked the bird.

Kokopelli said...

Just came across your cardinal on the PPF page. Love him! Happy PPF!

Sherri Thacker said...

WOW I love all your paintings!! Great job!