1. What activities did you enjoy as a kid in the summer?
being free not to go to school was heaven. I used to pack a lunch in my metal lunchbox, with thermos of koolaid, get a blanket and some paints and go outside to play. I'd ride my bike all day, ride down to the library or pool about a mile away, play inside with my barbies when it got too hot, on Saturdays I'd go downtown with the mother to get her hair done, and eat at the local drive in burger joint. I took classes once I started high school, like typing and driver's ed.
2. Did you go on vacations? Where did you go?
We had property in Maggie Valley NC and went there for most of the summers. I picked blackberries on the side of the road, walked a lot, played in the cold creek, had tea at a local Japanese tea house sitting on the floor, went into Waynesville to the 5&Dime for comic books each week and read those outside. I put together puzzles, and imagined what it would have been like a couple hundred years earlier.
Sometimes we went from FL to GA to father's family reunions, and it was fun to stay in hotels
We rarely stayed at the beach but it was nearby
3.Do you have a favorite summer time dinner? Share it with us please?
you've reminded me of our family dinners of real home made fried chicken, mac and cheese from scratch, potato salad, strawberry shortcakes. Our family went to the fields in summer to harvest our own vegetables to can later, beans to shell while watching TV. Back in MD we went to a take out diner for enormous Greek Salads with chicken... a very good summer dinner.
4.How often do you sit outside and enjoy an iced tea or coffee?
I try to do it daily but have really REALLY obnoxious neighbors on all sides that take up more than their share of space, have big smoky fires, are having parties during the pandemic, drive such loud cars they vibrate our whole house. I don't go out as much as I'd like.
I have very fond memories of spending entire spring and summers on our screened porch in MD... I would get a drink, a pad of paper and pen, the poodle and go out to write stories. Seeing my fountain full of birds taking baths, the ferns waving, and oak trees was like balm to my spirit.
How about all of you?
This was from the link party: https://tuesdaysplace.blogspot.com/
there is always the time for mac and cheese... we love it the whole year... or fish and chips, I could eat it every day LOL
Thank you so much for visiting my blog earlier, talking about Maggie Valley, etc. One summer we took our kids to stay up there on a place called "Dream Mountain", which was near Maggie Valley. It was quite an adventure as our diesel engine car couldn't make it up the hills, so someone at the bottom of the mountain would take us up and down in his jeep. We picked blackberries and made cobbler and took our kids to Ghost Mountain. It was still open then, with big rides like the Viking Ship ride. They loved that one. I live in Florida, but not near the beach. It's about an hour away. We enjoy living beside a pond. Come on down! Have a blessed day, and thanks again for visiting.
We definitely did similar things on summer days. The summer I took my kids to Rock City we also spent a week in Maggie Valley in a little cabin - it was heavenly! Well, now I'm in the mood for fried chicken after reading here. I have potato chip chicken on my menu for today, that will have to do. Thanks for visiting my Tuesday 4 too. I would love to have you come play on my new Sunday 6 next week if you're interested. Have a great day :)
Strawberry shortcake was a huge summer dessert when I was a kid too. My mother made it a lot. I had almost forgotten about it.
I am happy that my children who are 39 and 41 were able to have summers off until after Labor Day. Sounds like you had a fun summer. Your vacations sound great too! Your dinner sounds delicious. Sorry about your neighbors. Thanks for stopping over. You are a no-reply so I couldn't respond back to your comment.
Weren't summers simply the best when we were kids? We found so much to do. I hate that today's kids, if they found themselves in the same circumstances, would be bored out of their minds. Such a shame.
Wow-you had quite a nice childhood for your summers. I don’t have many memories like that. We did go to California beaches 2 or 3 times and stayed in a cottage which was wonderful I. I think I was 6 -8. Other than that, we had pretty boring hot summers and I couldn’t wait for school to start to have something to do. How different.
Cheeseburgers and corn on the cob made on the grill, plus fresh tomatoes and any other fresh veggies laying around. Yum! (My new phone should come on Friday! Call you next week?)
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