Thursday, October 31, 2019

I Like Thursday # 165

welcome to I like Thursday, and Happy Halloween! I love the fantasy of this holiday and the idea of putting on a costume to become something else for a night. The above pic was taken in Washington Park in Denver.

 I wrote a post about our trip there, read it click here!.
little snow hat on the globe light!
My list is short this week....
1. I was happy to see sun come out today, which meant it finally stopped snowing. It's very cold though, nearing 0 degrees but just seeing sun not snow after about 5 snowstorms in October is a blessing. I think the final total for these last two storms was about 10" of snow.
2. we were able to scrape some snow off the sidewalks and walk a bit outside today. Got to be very careful of ice here however.
3. I liked that DH played it safe and stayed home yesterday
4. I liked having good food in the house so we could stay in
5. I don't know if I'm happy about it but I changed out the closets from summer to winter clothes
6. I finished the last tea shop mystery and am starting on another novel
7. I like the new to me candy I got to give out tonight... so if some is left, I'll enjoy it
8. I liked meeting a friend for a comedy show last thursday
Sam Adams funny at 10AM
it was held at a library, and the staff is also holding workshops in comedy. We sure need a laugh.

9. I heard from several friends this week, and enjoyed phone calls with them
10. I got a gift from Colette at "whataboutrhema" of a squirrel for Milo, and flamingo towels and pencils for me!!! Thank you so much my friend!
11. I am glad to snuggle into the bed at night, while the air is cold and I'm cozy
12. I liked  having the cinnamon bread (trader Joe) with butter, heated til it smelled great for breakfast this week. No raisins... just yummy bread.
13. I like that it's going to be above freezing this weekend

MIlo's Moments
I liked going to the big park with my people. we walked a lot! Met dogs, then sat and watched people go by... I sat on both laps as I'm a lap-poodle. I growled several times at people I didn't like the looks of like ones who have wheels on their feets! Then suddenly I saw something move...
did you see it? Seems like the peeps didn't see it or they'd have chased it like I wanted to... what is this fat little creature that taunts a poodle so close??
Oh, and I discovered Mama's chair. Now I am no goldilocks, but my chair feels too small, and mama's got a big keister that made her chair feel roomier.
" MILO! How rude! I do not have a big butt! the chairs are the same size!"
Ha ha...She throws a human fit when I am in her chair but I kind of like a change of view, know what I mean?
Now after you say hi to mama, please go see what her friends like this week, and you can do a list just let Mama know to add you in!  

LInking to:
rosie and the boys nature pics  

Thursday Thirteen 


easyweimaraner said...

you got me at cinnamon bread... oh the happiness to sit in a warm house with good food . Happy halloween

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! That cinnamon bread . . . heated so the butter melts in . . . OMG. Is there anything that smells better? Maybe some fresh ground coffee mingling in with the cinnamon, but that sounds heavenly. YUM! I'm sorry you are having such cold and snow so early. We're having a turn today with 6" in the forecast. That just puts a small damper on trick or treating for some. ~smile~ Roseanne

Scrapatches said...

Good Morning, Lee Anna and Milo, It looks too much like winter where you are. Winter will be here soon. Sometimes we have snow on the jack-o-lanterns. Today we have only rain and a forecast for winds so bad that they changed trick or treating until tomorrow. I think the towns that changed it to Saturday had the better idea. I hope I have not munched too many of the Reese's peanut butter pumpkins by then. Fortunately most of the other candy that my hubby selected I will not eat. Thanks for gathering us together for I like Thursday ... :-) Pat

Sandee said...

☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ HALLOWEEN ☆
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

Julierose said...

Just love cinnamon flavored breads, rolls, coffee cakes yum nice listing this week...hugs, Julierose said...

I had a coupon for cinnamon bread too. I like raisins in mine. Great likes, I love sun after snow, it is so bright, clear and clean. I agree a toasty bed to crawl into, good food in the cupboards so you don't have to go out is awesome too.

Sara said...

Happy Halloween. When I was teaching I loved dressing up for Halloween. I do enjoy seeing the kids' costumes when they come to my door, but this year those costumes will be covered by winter coats. We've had some snow flurries, but nothing stuck. But it's cold. BRRRR!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Happy Halloween! We will not have trick or treaters here so I was not able to buy candy on the pretense. LOL. Those pumpkins in the first photo are a great idea! I'm eating a cinnamon roll as I'm reading this! We are unusually cold here- in the 40's in the mornings. It won't last tho by next week.
Enjoy your day. mary

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Wash Park! I've heard it is a great place for dogs and their people. Cinnamon bread from Trader Joe's sounds yummy - I would like it without raisins, too! Happy Halloween - enjoy the trick-or-treaters!

Michelle said...

I always love a bit of snow, but that seems like a lot! Milo is looking handsome as ever. Thanks for linking up today.

Duke said...

We have pouring rain and it's humid and the temps are warmer than they should be for this time of year. Thankfully, we don't get trick or treaters so no candy lives at our house. Your snow is so pretty and that warm cinnamon bread sounds soooooo yummy!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have a nice long list to be thankful for! But snow? Oh my! It seems so early, doesn't it! We'll just be glad for some cooler temps soon!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Just got back from a nice long walk with the Knuckleheads; it's gloriously beautiful outside and nearly 40ºF! Woop, woop. Happy Howloween 🎃

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Happy Halloween! It's warm, rainy and windy here. Trick or treat has been postponed until Saturday. You got snow so early this year! I'm sure ours is coming one of these days. So glad Milo had a good week!

PaintedThread said...

Happy Halloween! Our spookiness has consisted of the power going out twice. Bam! Wow - so much snow you've got! May it melt soon!

MissPat said...

Happy Halloween. It was fairly warm here all day (in the low 60's) and rainy off and on, but the predicted winds have started now and the temps are going to plunge as a cold front moves through. We only had about 60 trick or treaters which is below normal, probably due to the rain. But the church down the street had a trunk or treat event with various community groups handing out treats. It was moved inside the church, so I'm sure may parents decided that was enough. Hope your snow melts soon.

CountryDew said...

I can't believe you have snow. Good grief. You poor thing.

Angie said...

LA - yes, sometimes the best part of winter is being warm inside and just looking out at it! Especially when something warm and cinnamony is wafting through the house!