Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday's Stories Courage!

Today's Sunday story comes from The Sunday Whirl (creativity prompts whether painting, writing or quilting challenges all  make us more creative)

There was no magic way to talk herself out of this situation this time. Nope.

Lean into the truth, her soul advised her. Have courage

Why is it a struggle to be vulnerable? Isn't it human nature to be vulnerable? To be real even though it's messy?

Be-real-be-real-be-real, the words repeating in her mind like a mantra.  It will be okay, he'll understand, you'll handle it together, he loves you, words to accompany the mantra like condiments.

She didn't like the tendency she had to worry, life was to be lived in the moment right? No worries of the future. Just trust the universe to support you if you're striving to live the right way.

Still, as she walked, she made up a story in her mind of what might have happened... there could be enough truth in it to carry the moment right? wrong... she was never happy stretching the truth, it was wrong and she knew it, and it never helped a situation to lie.

Nope, nothing to do but admit that she lost the phone again. The expensive phone that she begged her Dad for, the one with pink crystals on it. He didn't want to buy her one, and said she was too irresponsible for, even said she'd probably lose it. Oooo, she hated to admit he was right. Nothing to do but tell him now, just pull her courage around her like a coat.

"Dad? Can we talk?"

"Sure, but first, look what I found under the cushion on the sofa... it was lost and hungry, I heard it beeping at me... what's say we feed it while we chat? Now what did you want to tell me?"

"you're the best Dad, that's all!"

"I love you too honey"


The Joyful Quilter said...

What a great story!!! It brought a smile to my face and sweet thoughts of my Dad to mind. Thanks, LeeAnna

Mary in Boulder said...

Another surprise ending! Always amazes me.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Perfect story. You are so cool.

Becki said...

Cute! I like your use of words like 'words to accompany the mantra like condiments.' :)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Awww. Sentimental me cried with the wonderful ending. Her dad was so like mine.