I like grouping flowers in a pot, then watching them fill out and grow. I also like the colors here, purple pot with lime green creeping jenny, and red celosia.
I've enjoyed seeing the vegetables recovering from being put in the raised beds. I have high hopes for their producing before first snow! I'll learn what can survive here.
I moved my easter eggs to the back yard for the turquoise color, and put one in the crab plant holder on the table
He looks kind of cross, no?
It's so nice to see summer after a winter of snow, and a spring of rain. I love flowers, and last weekend I found these 12 roses at the grocery store for $8. What a deal!
And they are healthy! Look at the pretty mix of color!
I like that my neighbor shared a raspberry lemonade mix with me, to make me drink more water! And she also told me she found out Johnson's baby oil cream repels mosquitoes. You can bet I'm going to try that!
I loved finding big ceramic pots and hanging baskets on sale at the grocery.
I like Amazing Race, Project Runway, Master Chef, and chopped Junior on TV.
I like watching the bachelorette, but the current one is such a mess I spend the hour yelling at the tv.
I'm enjoying my novels for summer reading, (especially forgotten garden) and quilting again. It's hard to go up to the studio in summer, with all that sunlight calling me outside. I liked going for a walk yesterday and meeting a neighbor who has formed a haven in her back yard.
She took me on a tour of her flowers, and I loved her rustic birdhouse, fence and bush. She grew up in PA and her Dad made this. It's so nice to meet new people who share an interest with you!!
She had this plastic guard around her tomatoes to keep tomato worms off...

I love my art supplies. I have a great assortment now, paints, pencils, markers, brushes. I'm enjoying printing quotes to put on my pictures too. I still quilt and bead, but I'm having a love affair with paint on paper at the moment.
Making this art is influencing my writing, how I look at objects and my quilt making.
I noticed this shadow on a walk, and loved the gradation of light to dark as well as the organic image.
Last week, Shannon put some pretty pics of her trip to Scotland on her I Like post, and I painted one of them... fun!
Diann at little penguins shared a hike picture on her I Like post, and I had to paint it too!
If you missed their original photos, check their blogs for last Thursday.
Milo's moment
Hey! I'm a boy! I brought my ring toy, to make them jealous and want it.
At one point all three boys held hands pulling together to get the toy away from me but I won the tug of war!It was hilarious, you should have been there!
I like my ring toy. First you gotta bite off all the fuzzy covering, then it's just great to carry around.
Even human puppies like it!
visit mama's friends also keeping lists of things they liked this week! Gotta keep paw-sitive!
Linking to these parties!
shadow sundays
Pink Saturday!
rosie and the boys nature pics
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
So much to love about your post today♥
Loving those roses...Milo is so funny--what a sweetiepie...
hugs and thanks for hosting this weekly link-up--such fun to read them all...Julierose
Great likes. The roses are gorgeous. Love the birdhouse. I like the pot, and your crabby helper there holding the egg.
Good Morning, Lee Anna ... :) Thank you to you and Milo for all the "pawsitive" posts to read. Your neighbor's haven looks inviting. Your watercolors are wonderful, as is the shadow photo. Very inspiring ... so you were inspired to paint by a photos of nature and your photo is inspiring me to want to sew shadows, seascapes and birds ... it is an ever expanding circle of how we see and share our world ... :) Pat
Love that shadow photo you took . . . capturing a shadow like that isn't easy because they change so fast.
Your flower pot grouping will be so cool when they all grow. That's quite a steal on those roses. I enjoy your approach to life's simplest pleasures like the shadow on the sidewalk. I need to pay more attention!
I just love those painted interpretations, LeeAnna. Inspiration everywhere and who can resist a yellow bird. Good luck with the growing things. Yes, we had sun too for 4 days straight and I wanted to be outside every single minute!
I love the words you have added to your watercolors! So glad you're enjoying painting so much. Milo definitely looks like he's enjoying those neighbor boys!
I like the bicycling cow! And yes, that crab looks peeved. Your roses are beautiful. Boys and dogs - I can see why Milo was so happy!
All that pretty and Milo too. Perfect.
Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥
Hi LeeAnna,
Thanks for the mosquito tip! I'll have to look that one up and give it a try!
Your raised beds with veg look like quite handy!
Success !
Hi LeeAnna! That cow riding a bicycle is so darn cute and full of whimsy. I love the Amazing Race and Project Runway as well. Who are you rooting for on AR? It's really getting down to the nitty gritty now. Isn't Colin just a whole different person from when they were on earlier?! I'm glad he's much more zen now. It sure looks like Milo was having a great time playing with the neighborhood kiddos. Those strong puppy teeth held on to that ring. ~smile~ Roseanne
Such a great selection of things! I love that photo of Milo playing with the boys. And I still think it's really cool that you were inspired by our pics to do such fun paintings! I love seeing all your flowers; summer is here!
I always look forward to seeing your likes. Apparently vitamin B12 makes your body repel mosquitoes. It works for me.
I too am enjoying the flowers after all the cold weather this winter and our rainy, rainy spring.
That cow is way too cute and I like that bird house too. You sure were having some boy fun! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
I like that you made watercolors of other people's posted photos. Inspiration is everywhere if we only take the time to look. Great deal on the rose bouquet. I can't grow roses because of the deer. I've finally gotten most of my flowers planted. Just have to find room for some dahlias a friend gifted me. I like how you find cows (and flamingos everywhere. Have a great weekend.
Wow, Milo is so much like Scout! She loves having her belly rubbed too! I loved that bird house too! Have a great day~!
I like your flowers and looks like you are planting more. I have planted a few. I need to do more! Thanks for linking up.
Lovely paintings and photos
Beautiful roses, and I love the birdhouse and the cycling cow!
The rose tray looks like a great way to get water right around the roots of the plant, and to prevent cutworms. But tomato worms (green with a 'horn' on the end) are the larva form of a moth. The moth lays eggs on the tomato plants - no way to prevent that. You just have to kill the worms when you find them.
I like growing veggies in raised beds - Good luck with yours!
Hi Milo! Always lots of fun to find someone to play with!
Have a great weekend!
Your life is filled with color and I love it! Is your Forgotten Garden book the one by Kate Morton? I read that one and simply loved it. Life after "the wedding" has been organized chaos with the end of school for the grandies and doing stuff with them until they leave for the summer to go to their dad's house in Alabama. We've tie dyed a few items, watched movies, dried fruit and played outside. And Cabo has been in the thick of it all (except the wedding.) :-) The corn in our veggie garden looks great but the rest is struggling. I think we need a soil analysis done. But, the beans are blossoming and there are few small tomatoes on the vines. Take care and hope your summer is long and relaxing.
Your crab holder is adorable. What a lovely reminder of Maryland.
This is just a wonderful post. I learned a few things about you too. Have a nice weekend.
So many nice items in this post. Happy PPF
I love your flying cow 😆 and you photos and painting.
Happy PPF 🎨
nice work!
What a happy wind cow, love how it's waving hee hee!! A very happy share of lots of loves and smiles. Happy belated PPF Tracey.
I think you lead a happy life! You have so many wonderful things for all of us to like! You are definitely not afraid of color!
I love this happy post! So much to be said for taking stock of the the things that make you happy.
Hahaaaa... I really really like that big blue Easter egg. LOL :D
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