One of my stamping experiments on fabric (4" square) |
Weather in Aurora CO
We seem to be in a rainy pattern. It rains daily here, sometimes all day off and on, or sunny turning to violent wind, rain and hail. As in life, I guess you make the most of sunshine moments, then cope with the rainy ones. The temps have been merciful at least in the last few days... between 60-80 mostly.
To Do
number one is put one foot in front of the other and face down my big fear of doctors... today it's the dentist and repairing my three front teeth. He strongly advised to do it all in one sitting.
I. Am. So. Scared.
I read a quote that growth comes from facing difficult situations and growth is important to life.
There are the usual daily home maintenance items, and there is comfort in routine. I love being home so I do not mind laundry, dishes, mopping.
Be gentle with myself as this is a hard week... be kind in my self talk, rest more, sit outside when I can, paint when I like, watch fun shows on tv, read magazines, pet my poodle-son, be quiet.
plant the iris bulbs a neighbor gave me and keep an eye on the vegetables!
watch my puppy playing with other dogs... and laugh at their antics
Gracie and Milo, sitting on the lawn... first comes love... |
I hope to finally finish my night novel... it hasn't been great, not bad but not engaging and I forget to take another up, so each night I read this one. (Cake on a hot tin roof)
watching on TV and youtube
Amazing Race, Agatha Raisin, Time team, Mrs Maisel, Frankie and Grace, chopped junior, Master Chef, (screaming at) the bachelorette.
On youtube I am loving the tutorials of Shayda Campbell, and CreationsCeeCee.
My painting from the video lesson, so easy anyone can do one!
Fun experience last week
Our dealer was fast! |
I had no idea how to play roulette or craps and am no good at poker, but I sat at the blackjack table and laughed with my new friends and the dealer who was very informative. It was fun and I got to know my neighbors much better. DH ended up playing roulette and meeting other people.
I played for hours and had about 600 play bucks at the end! I won a gift card to Khols too!
What I learned:
you never know what might turn out to be fun, til you try!
I won't be gambling real money, it's not fun for me, but this was win win!
We went to the local farmer's market on Saturday and found these interesting items...
dessert wine (raspberry peach moscato), cherry balsamic vinegar, and lemongrass white balsamic
and home-made from a Greek family...
awesome tabbouleh and hummus. (we supplied the plantain chips and crackers)
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Sending you good vibes and prayers for you visit with the dentist. I hope you find it less scary than you imagine.
Aw, on the pups. You know how partial I am to Milo.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday, my friend. Scritches to the pups. ♥
How timely that inspiration quote is- I haven't felt "soft" lately. Your facial drawing is so good! I have been enjoying Shayda and Cee Cee sights very much on you tube. I will post about them later in the week. Thanks so much. mary
Hope all goes well at the dentist! I really enjoyed watching Mrs Maisal. :) And that casino night sounds fun!
What a nice evening to meet your neighbors. Good luck at the dentist.
The casino night sure sounds like a fun way to get people in a neighborhood together. I have a huge fear of dentists too, so I understand completely.
Hope it goes well for you at the dentist and is not as scary as you anticipated. Sounds like you had a nice week last week. Hope this one is also a great one!
I hope your dentist appointment goes well. I've grown used to dentists and they don't scare me anymore lol Have a fantastic week :)
Getting the dentist visit done is a move forward. Hope it went okay.
Wonderful quote! Something we all need to remember. The rain has been relentless here. We're going to lose our tomato plants in the garden if it doesn't stop soon. They are waterlogged. Not watching much TV lately. Entrepreneur and I took a trip to Vegas and went to see the Grand Canyon. Seems like there is always something to do before it gets dark. Hope all is well in your world. Cabo got his "summer do" and seems to be much more comfortable. xoxox
The dentist.......I so understand the fear! I hope it all goes/went well for you! Have a great week!
Of all the people I know in Colorado each is reporting some weird weather patterns - my brother even had snow and hail this week. I LOVE your farmer's market finds - I see some fun cooking in your future. Have a wonderful week.
The dentist is not fun, but you are being brave and it will be worth it in the end. Love your artwork and can relate to being a home-body, too. So nice to have fun and meet new people while doing something you might never have tried before. Hope your weather settles down - it's a strange year, for sure. x Karen
Hope dentist went well, hate going too but I am not scared (was when I was younger - they were not as gentle then). I LOVE routine too. I like the link you posted about watercolor, will add it to my favorites. Have a great week
What a small world-Pastamoré frequents our Farmer's Market too! They have some mighty fine flavors.
LA - I hope all goes well at the dentist. For most of us, it is not high on the list of joys. I think you hit the nail on the head with the self-talk and the quote from Vonnegut. I have had hours in the garden lately, with only myself and the singing birds for company, and I was surprised by some of the things that came into my head that I had to work to banish!!! On a lighter note, love your painting - such soothing colors!
Hi! I hope all went well with your dental appt!!
Your painting is awesome! I recently took a little class in watercolors and I still have a lot to learn. Lol And that peach raspberry moscato is calling my name! 😉
Love your inspiration too. Blessings ❤️
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