don't those two spotlights look like the lawn is looking back at you?
The weather in Aurora CO
it was like Fall all week,
then it was like Winter on Sunday
and if weather predictions are true, back to fall-like temps later this week
Breakfast yesterday
much more interesting than today... turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches while watching the snow come down
On the to do list
How come the to do list never gets shorter? Or more fun?
The usual maintenance items but I finally mopped the wood floors and cleaned the FR carpet. That is the good news. The bad news was the reason it got done.
Milo had a playdate, his friend pooped 4 times in our yard, his mom picked it up but also got it on her hands and unknown to us her shoes.
Yep, we realized it after she walked through the family room to wash her hands in the powder room. I never actually saw the evidence but being a germaphobe, we totally scoured the kitchen and FR floors.
We have to get the furnace worked on as it has a nasty burning smell, and I sure hope the repair guy can help with the problem.
I have PT this week, and I have an art quilt meeting this week. Yea! I am the new member.
I still haven't set up the studio but I've been sewing more anyway. I still have that on my to do list.
I will brag that I finally took off my chipped fingernail polish and repolished them... that was only on my list for 5 days!
I listened to Rhys Bowen's book on cd while sewing and finished it. I love her Molly Murphy series.
I need to get the art quilt group's book to study from the inter library loan, I have nearly all Jean Wells' art books but not that one of course.
I've had a great time watching the BBC Victorian Farm show on youtube this week (6 episodes) and learned so much. I gave that link in Thursday's "I Like " post) All you homemakers out there have probably (like me) have no idea what laundry meant back then. How cooking mean hunting gathering, plucking or gutting, firing up the stove, back breaking efforts to just make a meal.
We are coming to the end of 800 Words, sad. I love it. And we are on season 2 and latest season of
Striking Out. It's so engrossing I hope they make another season. Don't you hate getting way into a plot line and the show is cancelled?
I've been watching Romanov's on Prime... holy cow! It's intense, different each episode, different plots and actors. Very weirdly fun to watch.
I finished the quilting on my Web of Fun quilt and need to bind it. With some really annoying shot gold fabric. Ought to be a challenge.
I made a quilt with the great hand painted fabric my friend Sonja sent from Hawaii... I only used fabric bits she sent but love the composition., That should go on the blog tomorrow.
I sculpted Milo's hair yesterday, does that count? He was not amused, and kicked me in the chest at one point trying to get off the table.
Accomplishments last week
I met my challenge finish deadline with Poodle with a Pearl
I wrote a short story on Sunday
We went to another town for a craft festival over the weekedn
We got Milo bathed and groomed!

He's not this sweet ... he looks like a clean cut black poodle who's mama's back hurts now.
Lessons learned this week
I stood in awe watching the geese flying south this week.
I've seen birds fly south but not thousands of geese at a time, day after day! It was so loud, and so striking a view that Milo and I stopped in our tracks on each walk to look up and watch the move.
They are really brilliant to be able to coordinate the trip, know which direction, decide who will lead, when to stop for meals, when to rest, how high to fly. I watched smaller groups catch up to the big ones of approx. 600 to 1000. When the small group of say 5-10 caught up, they blended in, the vee changed to include them, shifting happened and straight lines became chaotic til order was restored.
They never stopped, they let the stragglers join it, made room for them, included them into the group, moved forward or back in line to adjust but kept moving. They sing as they go, calling out cadences and encouragement to each other.
They have a common goal, and a strong social need to be part of the group.
Safety in numbers
Acceptance and belonging
being able to lead when called upon, being able to follow.
Working together.
Fitting into the group because life is better when you're not all on your own.
Giving in or taking charge... knowing when to do which.
If you lead, be darn sure you know where you're going and that others trust you to care for the entire group welfare. A good leader keeps the group together.
Geese, people, tomato, to-mah-to
My heart goes out to the state of California and it's citizens. They provide all of the USA with food, drink, entertainment and beauty. May the fires be put out soon.
Linking to
Wednesday around the World
happy homemaker monday
not only the hills have eyes, the lawn too ;O))) our paws are crossed that the repair guy can fix all problems ;o)... if not I can send you Mark LOL
Well, it's snowing again this morning in middle MO. We should break a snow record for November 12th by the end of the day. And temps should be back in the low 50s later in the week! Roller coaster weather. As long as I have hot tea and honey, I'm good. I love your shot of the snow on the berry bush. Very pretty. Did you know, when flying in a V formation, each goose will fly slightly higher than the one in front of them resulting in a decrease in wind speed? And, that they rotate the leader since that goose takes the brunt of the wind? AND, they mate for life! Yes, the photos of the fires in CA are terrifying. I pray for rain and assistance for everyone affected. I'm looking for a good, inexpensive grooming table on FB Marketplace. Grooming Cabo in the floor is hard on this doodle's mama! Hope your week is filled with lovely surprises. xoxo
What a great post. I loved the geese story and the white picket fence photo. mary
Are those spotlights in your yard? I'd be planting flowers that looked like a mouth if they were in my yard ;) You accomplished a lot last week. How neat to see all the geese flying over like that. We see them here but usually not quite that large of a grouping. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Boy you did accomplish a lot. The geese are actually coming here. We are the south for them. Some go much further, but a LOT stay in Eastern Colorado. They just fill the sky. I've had drapery work this week, nice paycheck, but want to get back to a quilting project to keep working on. Hope the PT is helping. Getting my house in order for my stepmother coming next week for Thanksgiving. Hugs, Sharon
Fire is one of my biggest fears in life, so I can't even imagine what it would be like living near those fires. I feel panic just watching the news coverage.
We always enjoy watching the geese fly south too. Years ago we lived on a farm and the snow geese would stop at the pond east of the house. Acres and acres of white geese covering the ground and the pond. New groups arrived and left every day. And then a few days later they would all be gone until next year.
Just caught up on your posts. Poodle with a pearl is unique and special for sure. We watched all those series on PBS and I loved the kitchen bits. Is the woman Ruth in the Victorian shows? I loved her practical, no nonesense approach but had a hearty laugh too about their struggles. The three apparently became quite famous because of these shows.
Meanwhile too did you know it is a senior female goose that leads those great vee's. She knows where to go somehow. People can't quite figure out how the geese decide to follow.
I think your photo above with tangled branches, white snow and pops of red quite artistic.
Geese left here end of october. Great picture. Have fun with your quilting.
Love your snow pics! We got several inches here today. Beautiful, but awful early for our neck of the woods. They're saying it's a prelude to what's to come! Blessings for a great week ahead! Stay warm! <3
WOW love the weather pictures - what a difference from one day to the next! And yes it does look like the lawn has eyes! I sure hope your repair is a simple one on the furnace. Have a GREAT week.
Could the furnace smell be dust in the ducts, solvable with a simple cleaning? I know the first run of the furnace here tends to be stinky.
It is mind-expanding to contemplate the migrating birds. We’re far enough to the edge of the continent that we don’t see migrations much, but it got me thinking about the monarch butterflies. That those fragile little things can migrate is wondrous enough, but also consider that they are generations removed from having ever done it. Amazing.
That poodle has all my attention ;-)
Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)
Lovely post and photos even though I am not ready for the 'white stuf.'
Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
It DOES look like a pair of eyes! CREEPY!
Lovely share. sthat smell and goes away. Hope it is simple
True on the lifestyle of yesteryear. Some conveniences to be very thankful in our current era. My hubby had to laugh when I said I was so busy doing dishes (dishwasher), laundry (inhouse laundry room), etc. haha Thanks for sharing some of your week and photos with Pictorial Tuesday.
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