Thursday, September 23, 2021

I Like Thursday #263

 Welcome to this week's list of likes... I like that my gerbera daisies are still blooming, just the yellow ones. The other two plants died from the heat.
I like my Maryland flamingo is still flapping
Look how sun bleached this once Bright colorful flamingo is after one summer. I have had to repair if from our extreme winds on many occasions but it's still here, reminding me of tropical memories.

We had a respite of 2 days of cool (more normal)  weather this week and I needed it to sleep better. We are back to another week ahead of near 90 here in Aurora and possibly most of October as well. We now have broken the heat/duration of heat records.

one pepper growing

 and a couple blooms

Because of the cooler temps my peppers were able to bloom and fruit! Tomato and beans also flowering and  trying to make food. We thought all were dead but were just dormant from high heat.

 I imagine if these record high temps continue as expected through October they will have time to ripen. Not bad, three peppers and one tomato for four months of watering... but it's a joy of mine to see food growing. If love supported them, I send my best each day when I inspect them.

dh says it's the most expensive tomato ever. An expensive hobby here in Colorado I guess.  

Watching on TV: "New Amsterdam" is back, and a "Million little things",  Survivor and Dancing with the stars  made this a fun week. Soon Project Runway returns, yea!

listening to on audio: I like this series set in England with two cousins who solve mysteries

next in series by Jenn Mckinlay

reading on ebook, well written and endearing characters

Finished  The Chaperone   was so good, so well written and read, and I related to it emotionally on several points. It explores the relationship between two women in a time of growing women's rights and changing expectations for women. It was read by Elizabeth McGovern (downton abbey) So intriguing I researched Louise Brooks after, and couldn't stop thinking about it. 

I was reminded of a time when women were blamed for being sexually abused, were not seen as smart enough to vote, were kept in clothing that restricted breathing, were told how a proper woman should behave. Please, do everything in your power to retain your right to vote.

the movie  The Healer with Oliver Cohen


was so good on another level. It was funny and clever, with the themes of healing all wrapped up in the most beautiful scenery. Thank you to Cindy for recommending it! (the beginning wasn't great but is over quickly) 

keeping perspective: 

retrieved from

a word from our partner  ...   Milo's Moment

places to go, things to sniff
Milo: well, another ring toy is on it's way to heaven. Luckily I have one already skint and one in the wings!. 

the skint one is behind me, chillin'
 I liked being groomed last week so I felt cooler and could run more. 

I do not like eating kibble at all, not even good for me kibble.

Mama: sad... did you know there are starving dogs in other countries who would love to have kibble? 

Milo: so sad... let's send my kibble to them and you can fix me a plate of whatever you're having! 

Mama: sigh...speaking of food....

 This week on the cooking front, I made use of the cooler temps on those two days and baked a blueberry cake and a pear crumble. Yea! Dessert again! We'll eat those all week, luckily both of us are okay with that!

I made up a recipe that came out so well!!! Shrimp coconut curry with fresh vegetables! using....

Native Forest Unsweetened Organic Coconut Milk Curry - 13.5 fl oz

the ingredients were what we had, fresh onions thinly sliced, red and green bell peppers, a mushroom mix from the freezer, minced garlic (jar) celery and fresh carrots sliced on diagonal. All in a saucepan on top of the stove with olive oil, a bit of broth, a bit of cooking sherry, simmered til tender. Add in a can of curry coconut milk and a bag of precooked frozen shrimp. Over brown rice it was so so so tasty. 

(enough left for us to have a second meal of it too) 

a close up of the center of one painting
 I painted and sewed this week and will do posts tomorrow and Saturday from that. I focused on trees this week while painting, and fall colors while sewing. 

done except for the hanging sleeve and ghost buttons!

So, that's about it for me, except for the friends I got to chat with this week, thank you all. Please visit these folk to read their lists for the week. We all know  little things add up and are easily overlooked unless you are looking for them! Join us in an I Like post if you do, let me know in comments!



rosie and the boys nature pics 


easyweimaraner said...

love the shrimp idea and we love the flamingo... it is time to get a new one here too ;O)

Sara said...

The Survivor was my evening entertainment last night. I'm so happy to have it back on again. Milo looks very handsome with his fresh haircut.

Kathleen said...

Wow, that coconut curry looks to be a time saver. I just watched the New Amsterdam, so glad to have it back. Happy Thursday.

Scrapatches said...

Thank you for all the beautiful photos. The recipe sounds very tasty. I shall have to see if they have that coconut milk curry near me. It sounds delicious. Milo always makes me smile. Thank you for sharing and hosting ... :) Pat

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I'm glad your veggies are starting to produce! I got a few tomatoes and then they just sat, green as can be, on the vine. You find really good-sounding books, and I'll check out that movie, too.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

So many good things here. I especially love your trees painting. And that recipe sounds so good too. Yes, a few things have been sent to heaven here too. LOL

Sherrie said...

Hi Lee Anna,
I love your Flamingo, so cute. Haven't read any of your books, but I'll be checking them out, I seem to be in a book slump right now. Your Blueberry Cake sounds yummy. Your painting is beautiful. Can't wait to see your Boo quilt...looks intriguing. I've posted my LIKES for this week if you want to take a look. Have a great day!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Lots of fun this week and hello Milo

Brian's Home Blog said...

Love that Mingo! It looks like you've found some good books. Hey Milo, you could go to Oz and chase Toto around. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Love that description of the Wizard of Oz!! LOL! I don't know how you are coping with that kind of heat. Oy! Have a wonderful weekend sweet Milo! Scout is a picky eater too!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Being a mile high definitely has its disadvantages, bleaching being one of them. Yeah, I'm enjoying my $10/lb tomatoes, too. 🤣 Only 1 Early Girl was harvested so I quit watering that dud!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Your Gerber daisy looks so pretty. I have never had luck with them . . . but I sure do like them! Milo looks so relaxed, enjoying the day on the patio. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne said...

Your daisy is lovely. OK I am jealous of your temps because we went from mid 80's to love 50's. A/C one day, turn on the furnace the next day. Milo you look so handsome all cleaned up. Drew's comment most expensive veggies ever made me giggle.

PaintedThread said...

I have one minuscule pepper on my pepper plant (of three plants that have survived). I feel for you with that sole tomato. Wizard of Oz - LOL. Blueberry cake and pear crumble sound delicious! Milo! you look so chill

Angie said...

LA - love that Wizard of Oz ad! I am a big fan of coconut milk for curry! I make mine with salmon and it is so delish!

piecefulwendy said...

You tuck so much into a week! Always fun to see what you are eating, creating, watching and reading! Milo! Eat your kibble!

Villrose said...

Love the flamingo! He-he. Spoiled dog? Or maybe just manipulative.
Too hot for me, I think. But have had lots of ripe tomatoes and chili since July :)

LA Paylor said...

not spoiled or manipulative, we think he has allergies

Lisca said...

Your flamingo is great. I hope it will last you another season. It must be fun to look at.
I always enjoy looking at the things you enjoy. I'm interested to see what you read, not so much what you watch as we don't have TV.
Your peppers and one tomato are coming on great. Your next curry will no doubt contain your own pepper.
Smiled at Milo and his food preferences. Did you ever find out what he is allergic to?
Have a good weekend,

Sandra Walker said...

Love your Halloween wallhanging (I peeked ahead at a future post!). Dogs are funny how they pose at times, so cute! It was too hot last week here too, for an oven stuff, but it's cooled right off so I feel a dessert needing to be made this weekend. Loads of garden goodness here still, pink gerberas for me. That's awful about that extreme heat, and it's not going away but will only worsen...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My apologies for visiting so late. Life got in the way of computer time. I had NO idea I would be this late, though.

Your daisies are looking good and I like that flamingo. Your cake and crumble both sound great, too. Fresh berries and pears! Yum.

Poor Milo. I hope you find what is making him not like his food soon. He'll be happy once the vet figures out his problem. BTW, the Wizard of Oz funny came from my blog post, not Lisca's.

Again, sorry to be so late visiting this week.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

See this post for the Wizard joke:

QuiltGranma said...

WOW that is a whole different perspective on the Wizard of Oz! Might get some wild younger folk to watch it with that kind of description!

Dawn Hart said...

Glad to hear your vegetables are coming along, we lost our whole tomato crop to blight as we've had such a wet summer here in the UK, love your book choices, must look into these as all new authors to me xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Good job I popped back to Annie's as I didn't know you had signed in to her Friday 'Stitch in Time' but sure I've not missed you over at mine, I'll check it out when I've done here. Poor Milo but he has to understand that much of what we eat is not good for dogs whereas the Kibble is healthy food for dogs...sorry Milo xXx