We went to Rehoboth DE. They have a boardwalk where they don't allow dogs but apparently all bets were off this weekend as there were lots of dogs and Cole fit right in.
The first time we introduced Cole-puppy to the beach, he ran out and grabbed a mouthful of sand like he does with snow.
The look on his face! He was horrified like we tricked him! Most of the sand poured back out and he looked like Tom Hanks in the movie BIG where he tried to scrape his tongue of the caviar!!
Much better was the fish and chips lunch at an outside cafe. We were one of three tables with dogs, there was a breeze and awning to keep off the sprinkling of rain. Cole enjoyed some fish but he just turned 12 and is still too young for beer.
We shopped and shopped at the cute little boutiques along the main street. Cole shops too, walks along the shelves and looks at all the merchandise. There were lots of stores with kitschy fifties "antiques"
Hey! Just like me, I'm a fifties antique!
We ended up resting on a boardwalk bench...
very peaceful. Til the parade of beauties began...
Oh how I wish I'd caught that!
Apparently the crystal-covered promsters parade thru the town gazebo for adoring parents and gawkers like us, an emcee with a microphone narrates.
We shopped at outlets on the way out of town. Here in America we seem to have outlet stores near every tourist town.
We had dinner at a Cracker Barrel and our table was right next to this shadow box full of sewing supplies! How lucky was that?
This is also where I found the spoon rest at the top of the picture, 50% off! Dinner, spoonrest, peppermint candy paid for, we returned home tired and like we'd been gone for days. We were able to finish listening to a book on CD we shared on the last car trip as well, so it was a good day.
If you enjoy reading about our travels please visit the label on ( outings and events) or (walks with poodle) where you can see pictures of other places we go!
older now
Hi LeeAnna!
What a great way to celebrate your Birthday! I pulled out my U.S.A. map to see where DE is! A day out at the beach is a vacation!
Love the spoon rest!
Take care,
Happy Birthday LeeAnna (whichever actual day it was or will be)!
Loved reading about your travels. Can't wait to see what you will create with the fabric Drew picked out :)
Love Rehoboth Beach. Can't wait to go this weekend for the annual sidewalk sale. Looks like Cole had a blast!
Thanks for your comment on my blog, LeeAnna, I'm glad you enjoyed the studio tour.
BTW, did you know you're a no-reply blogger? If you care to, you can fix that by not linking your profile to Google Plus. :)
Hi LeeAnna, thank you for visiting me on http://musingsofamenopausalmelon.blogspot.ca/
Sorry it's taken me a few days to come visit YOU! I've read the last few posts, and have to check out the tabs up top (I NEED to figure out how to do that on my blog) and I LOVE your poodle, Cole! My pitbull, Rocco, has a purple bandana he wears on our walks, much like Cole's orange one. I also love Florida! We bought a condo there in 08 and went there on all my school breaks, and the past 2 winters we spent 4 months there, since we both quit our jobs - lovely, on both! Happy Birthday, too! My youngest daughter's birthday is May 9; I take it yours is the 11th? Will follow you now and keep in touch!
A birthday trip to the beach sounds fun, especially with fish and chips and a dog!
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