Thursday, July 1, 2021

I Like #251


welcome to this week's likes.  I write this the night before and I've had two episodes of ocular migraines right when it was time to write... I'm sorry but it's a short list... 

I liked this little small watermelon this week, so fresh and sweet.

I loved the zoom with Joy when we both played with paints and inks this week. More on Friday.

LOVED finishing my book,funny, smart, entertaining and finished before the library grabbed it back!

First Comes Scandal

 we watched the movie

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (film ...

it was a wonderful movie... about: In the aftermath of World War II, a writer forms an unexpected bond with the residents of Guernsey Island when she decides to write a book about their experiences during the war. Indomitable spirit of a group of friends, surviving the fascist regime. Lovely acting.

  white chocolate coconut crinkle cookies... O.M.G.

Milo's Moment

Poor Mama! Let me lick your eyes til you can see again! 

Mama: I sure wish you could lick it away honey! 

please visit    




easyweimaraner said...

we hope you fee better soon... hugs and weim-power to you.... we totally forgot to buy a melon this ear... how could this happen?

grammajudyb said...

I wish you relief from your migraine! Take care and if you can’t write a post…we all understand!

Sara said...

I'm so sorry that you've been having those migraines!

That movie you mentioned - I loved the book but didn't even know they made a movie. Now I want to read the book again. LOL

I was thinking of you yesterday when I was trying out a little fabric painting. It didn't turn out like I hoped, but think if I use a different brush it will get better.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So sorry to hear about the migraines, and hope you have a better day today! I loved that movie, and the book is good, too. Yummy cookies! I'm in the mood to bake something.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, we're sure sorry your head hurts and we hope the all better shows up soon. Hey Milo, lick away pal, it might help. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Michele Morin said...

Migraines are the worst!
I want to watch that movie!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Ahh, sweet Milo. Ocular migraines sound awful! I've seen the movie and the video and enjoyed both! Hope you are feeling better already!

Rebecca Jo said...

I dont have the patience to cut up a watermelon - LOL I always buy the precut ones. #lazy

pilch92 said...

Those small watermelons are so good. Hope you feel better soon.

Sandee said...

Feel better soon.

I ate some of those cookies. Yummy.

It's always good to see Milo. He's so handsome.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

Duke said...

We hope you feel better soon. Migraines are the worst!

Feline Opines said...

Sending you healing purrs!
Purrs & Head Bonks,

PaintedThread said...

Hope you feel better soon! I had forgotten about the Potato Peel Pie movie - I remember it was very enjoyable.

Angie said...

LA - our daughter suffers from occasional migraines, so I can appreciate what you might be experiencing. I hope it has passed by now. I LOVED the film about the Potato Peel Society - fab! Happy Fourth of July to you!

MissPat said...

Hoping the migraines go away. I listened to the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on audio years ago and it is one of my favorite audiobooks. It was multi-voiced, so you really got to experience the different personalities as individuals. Your post arrived a day late, but at least it arrived.

piecefulwendy said...

Hope you are feeling better, LeeAnna. I didn't get a post done yesterday; I spent a chunk of the day at the dentist :-( We've seen that movie and enjoyed it (I liked the book, too). Those cookies look tasty!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Oh, I hope your headache is gone for good today. {{Hugs}} Those are a PIA, quite literally, so to speak. Those crinkle cookies look delicious!!! Yum-o. If you're close to the end of a book next time, and the library is about to take it back, turn off your internet on the device. You'll be able to finish reading it but the library will still take it back. I am certain Milo's kisses licked the headache away. ~smile~ Roseanne

Susie H said...

I sure hope by the time you get this that the migraines have subsided. Those cookies sound phenomenal!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We sure hope your headaches fade fast!
Rosy and the Gang

Annie said...

I’m really sorry to hear about your headaches...they can be really debilitating so hope you’re feeling much better very soon.
Annie x

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Sweet Milo. Not only are you one very handsome boy, you have a caring heart too. Hope your mama's headaches become part of the past soon.

Lisca said...

I hope you are a bit better now and the migraines come less often, now that Milo has licked them away.
I enjoyed reading your blog and watched the cookies being made (might make those too. I have never made cookies)I also enjoyed watching the video of the junk mail envelopes. What a good idea. In fact, lots of ideas.
The Guernsey literary etc is a book that I read some years ago. (My husband is from Guernsey). I didn't know it had been made into a film.
Have a lovely weekend,

Lynn Holland said...

I’ll speak quietly, migraines are the pits. Hope things get bettter soon.
I’ve read the book and seen the film and loved both
Lynn xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh no! migraine, I know what that's like unfortunately and it usually makes me sick and sleep is the only thing that helps. I hope you are feeling better by now. The cookies look scrummy and loving the envelope journal and Milo too. Have a happy and restful weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

Lisca said...

Yes, my husband is a Sarnian. Did you know people from Guernsey were Sarnians? The ancient Romans called the island Sarnia. There is a town in Ontario called Sarnia, because one of the influential people who named the town was a former governor of Guernsey.
My father in law was in the army during the war and my mother in law was a young bride. She had the opportunity to evacuate to England before it became too hard. But the population did suffer. My hubby wasn't born until 1946, so he only knows the things his parents told him.

sonja said...

i also entertain ocular migraines from time to time. the first time i thought i was going nut and having flashbacks what with all the zig zags, lashing graphics and odd color and growing from one corner of eye to almost cover sight, i goggles it and was re relived to find it not a biggie and with no pain, i just take a break, lie flat closing my eyes and watching to light show. mine are over in about 20 minuets or so.

LA Paylor said...

mine are not quite that quick, I have a headache all the next day and feel cloudy. Sometimes I lose the power to make words, and always get a blind spot so that it's hard to make it to bed. This time I got one that lasted 40 min, then another one after getting up.
It is scary and interrupts any plans.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I hope by the time you read this, you are feeling much better and the migraines are gone.

I got caught up watching that junk journal tutorial. It was fabulous.

dq said...

So sorry about your migraine. Thanks for taking the time to post when you don't feel well.

mamapez5 said...

So sorry about the migraines. I hope everything is settling down now.
Love the little water melon. They are huge out here, but one local shop will sometimes sell them in big wedges which enough for me to buy in one go.
The junk envelopes were interesting. I am all for recycling where we can. best wishes for a more comfortable week. Kate x

Miaismine said...

Ouch! I've only suffered through one migraine and it was terrible! I hope you're feeling better! Hugs!