Saturday, July 10, 2021

Sewing Saturday Weather extremes from beach to sweaters!


Cabanas  45" X 19"
While sewing this week, in the extreme heat of summer (100F) I finished the cabana's quilt and made my sweaters in the RSC color of the month, dark blue! From coppertone to winter gear! 

Above is my finished summer quilt (pattern Moda row by row book) quilted and ready to hang. 

love the beach quilting effect!
 So I changed up the pattern... I made the tiny snail's trail blocks but chose to offset and double them up to resemble waves approaching a beach. I took out one cabana to make the quilt slightly less wide (made a table scraps mug rug for my friend Lane with it) added in more sky, beach and water as well as fun prints. Also the cute flags were my idea and I think I might like them best! 


I've been saving this tiny bi-plane scrap for years!!! Now it's perfect for this quilt, IMHO

The flags were just little triangular scraps of my fun "candy" fabrics, fused down with zigzag stitch

wide bindings finish it off! matching fabric in binding carries the image to edge!

I looked through my stash of prints to find summer things like pails, ball, umbrellas, little girls stand in for my friend Lane who's family welcomed me to come each year to their beach week hotel Sea Resort, and our catch phrase was "sea resort where everybody's happy!" and we were. Bikini's and coppertone, swishing palm trees and soft sandy walks, lemon juice in our hair and cooling off in the gentle rocking water. 

On the other hand I also used dark blue to make some sweaters for the RSC project this year, and liked both prints

so I'll just keep them both for the moment! I'd like a sweater like this!

Remember going to the drive in movies? As a kid I wore pj's even though I'd go play on the swings during intermission! Sitting in a hot car in Florida with the speaker hanging on an open window, looking through the windshield to see the movie. 

My collection is growing... I have to start thinking about how to showcase these. My idea is to float them on black and white fabric, and make a cute quilt to hang in the closet maybe... 

I ran across Podunk Pretties video on how to make your own block loc ruler and HST guide... enjoy


Brian's Home Blog said...

Your summer quilt sure is colorful and pretty!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Cool Summer quilt ! Fun seagull fabric :)
Podunk Pretties ! Thanks for the link :)
hugs, take care,

Sara said...

I really LOVE all the cute little details in Cabana! It's so much fun! And the drive-in movie sweater totally cracked me up. Our drive-in reopened last summer after being closed for a couple of years and guess what its name is? The Starlight!

Maggie said...

Makes me long for a dip in the ocean on a summers day. Have a wonderful week.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Those beach cabins are so pretty and fun, your table runner is fabulous!

Ivani said...

Cabanas quilt is as gorgeous as cute. Love all the details,LeeAnna . ♥
I'm dreaming of being at the beach for a while.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

The people in your cabana are adorably cute!

PaintedThread said...

That quilt is stinking cute!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your cabana quilt is just about the cutest thing I have EVER seen! I can tell how much fun you had making it - so many wonderful details!

MissPat said...

All the added features take the cabana quilt to another level. As everyone else has noted, it is just too cute. And the sweaters. So much creative thought. Sorry you are back in the extreme heat. We have cooled off a bit and I've gotten some outdoor work done. Rain tomorrow (if it really materializes), so I'll get some sewing done, I hope.

grammajudyb said...

Glad you are staying cool! TGF-AC! That’s a quote from my baby brother! I knew I was going to love your cabana quilt! How difficult is it to do the binding like that? Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to get started? It’s just wonderful!

Duke said...

Love your cabana's quilt. It's so cute and colorful!

The Joyful Quilter said...

OMIGOSH!!! You really hit the ball out of the park on this fun summer quilt, LeeAnna. LOVE it SEW much!!! Your attention to detail always astonishes me. When I grow up, I want to be as careful about fully developing a theme as you are.

Susie H said...

You must have such a wonderful collection of novelty fabrics! Adorable sweaters but that Summer Quilt? WOW!!

April J Harris said...

I definitely remember going to drive in movies in my pajamas! Love your summer quilt! It is such a pretty design and the colours are gorgeous. Hope the weather cools down a bit for you - 100 degrees is so hot! We are having a cooler than usual July so far in the UK but we will be getting up into the high seventies later this week, fingers crossed. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party community. Take care and have a lovely week.

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Cabana plane addition. Your sweaters are cute. Have a great day!

Norma Schlager said...

Love, love, love your cabana quilt and all the additions you made...the plane, the alligator, the adorable bathing beauties, etc. You must have had fun making it.

Juliann said...

I love those cabana houses. Just beautiful!

Judy Hansen said...

Love your finish. The flags and the biplane are the icing on the cake! I can’t get over how the scale of everything is so good. Someone should sell it as a novelty panel, just as you have made it. You are amazing. Well done.

Ann said...

Your cabanas have so many adorable details. What fun! From the biplane to the alligators and everything in between. Congratulations.

Mary in Boulder said...

The cabana piece really reflects your love of color and fun details!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Love your 'cabana' quilt, so many delightful details to look at!

Preeti said...

So many fun fabrics - one darling quilt with lots to discover. Love the giant crab.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Don't know which is cuter, those wonderful sweaters or your adorable beach scene. Love them both! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

Anne-Marie said...

The cabana quilt is fabulous! I think I may have the fabric the with the two little girls in the water in my stash. Fun sweaters too.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What cute little sweaters.... CKinda has me dreaming about winter....

Susan said...

Your little cabana scene is so cute! I really need to up my game!

Ulrikes Smaating said...

wow! what a wonderful quilt! we live near the beach in Denmark, this would be fine on my wall here :0) hugs from denmark, Ulrike :0)