Thursday, July 15, 2021

i like #253


welcome to Thursday's list of likes for the week! Small ones add up to gratitude, right?

I like watching the birds but was shocked to see ones perched on my standing flamingo whirligig this week, especially because I moved it to keep them from flying over (and pooping) my patio. I mean what are they looking for in the wildflowers?

bugs at the Daisy Cafe? 

We ordered new to us wines for pick up and this cat bottle was one of them, a Riesling. I kept the bottle!


I enjoyed a moment this week looking thru my quilting books and planning a new quilt, while listening to my very good book on audio. Lost in Paris is not only focused on a grown woman's relationship to her mother but a mystery inheritance left by her great grandmother. Very fun and good reader.

I'm reading and enjoying the  next Ellie Alexander in the bakeshop mystery set in Washington state

 I love finishing a wall quilt, complete with hanging sleeve, and putting it on the wall to enjoy

that post is  HERE with close ups of the fun!

I sewed a lot this week and plan to show those pics on Saturday Sewing post

I am back on the oil... calming scented oil to sniff to raise my spirits.

It seems to help me and even helped milo during the fireworks. At least his head didn't pop off

 Some fun shows we're watching is Love Island... pure summer drivel and I'm loving it. Big Brother is back with it's silly games and conniving, we thought Miracle Workers (Daniel Rafdcliff and Steve Buscemi was on TBS but couldn't find it... this is the third season and it's quirky and funny. 

We've been watching Crime scene kitchen... where contestants guess what was baked and try to make it too. DH is in his office usually when I have breakfast (difficult for a person allergic to eggs, pork etc) and lately I leave out some remnants so he can guess what I made, A La CSK show! It's funny, I think it's obvious but he's had some errors! 

Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup

speaking of cooking, I tried a new recipe this time for sweet potato, carrot and  apple soup. The recipe tasted good but the texture of my potatoes turned out to be .. stringy.ewwww.

the coloring pages this week looked boring but I ended up loving them! I added in ink flowers and little additions like inked squares and dots, and blended the colors, layering them on top of each other creating depth. I used the staedtler watercolor pencils again, uniball gel pens in black and white.

 to stop worrying about covid and people who won't listen to facts in America, I watch videos on art, history, and mostly the love between good people and animals. Here are two heartwarming ones this week.

true love

how lucky to find a true companion...

Milo's Moments: shhhhh the baby is asleep. His ears are hurting from all the smoke in the air, and he's hot because it's so hot now and he can't take off his black fur coat! He turned an ankle this week and we won't let him run, so he's not feeling cooperative. I know he loves you all though... 

please visit these people to read their Like Lists and join us sometime! Just let me know you posted!


rosie and the boys nature pics

friday smiles at a stitch in time 



easyweimaraner said...

we sleep a lot too Milo.... next to eating it is the only thing we like this time ;O) btw: LOVE the cat bottle

The Joyful Quilter said...

That soup looks delicious and I know you must me enjoying the Bakeshop series, as I've read a few of those. The cute flags you added to the cabanas totally make that new quilt! Kudos on getting it up on the wall.

Sara said...

The cat wine bottle is so unique. I would have kept it too!! Looking outside this morning I can't decide if we just have heavy fog, or smoke mixed with fog.

Brian's Home Blog said...

HA! We have the black and the white cat wine bottles here. One of the dinners the Dad made last week was awful, it should have been on Crime Scene Kitchen. I hope those ears are better soon Milo, no fun. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Tamar SB said...

Always here for the Milo moment!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a neat wine bottle! I love seeing your beach wall-hanging again, too. It's so fun! Poor Milo, hope he feels better soon!

Kathe W. said...

wow look at that cat bottle! Never seen anything like that before!
Sending healing thoughts to Milo! Hope he is all better soon.

Sandee said...

I love that wine bottle. I would have kept it too.

I always love seeing Milo.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥ said...

Oh poor Milo. Surprisingly fireworks don't bother Bobbin. Great wine bottle. Your coloring is awesome as usual. There is one of those books by her at work. I look at it and am totally overwhelmed. The cat videos make me laugh. The oldest grandson has Haze and since he is attending summer school Haze is just lost. The other day she was sitting on the porch, in the pouring down rain waiting for her boy to return. Last night as I went outside she was waiting on my steps waiting for X man to head home for the night. :D Makes me smile.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Those are some amazing quilts and we love the black cat bottle and you too Milo. Purrs

piecefulwendy said...

You have been enjoying some creative fun, and I'm enjoying seeing the outcome! Poor Milo - I hope he is feeling better soon!

Carol Andrews said...

I do love that wine bottle! Your colouring pages are very inspiring this week, as is your sweet wall hanging. My blog post just went live now. I’m thinking I need something to keep me on track. I keep losing track of what day it is! 😉. I do hope Milo will heal quickly. Poor baby! I can sympathies with how uncomfortable he is with the smoke and heat.with

Carol Andrews said...

And here’s the link for my post:

Scrapatches said...

The cabana quilt really brightens your wall. Poor Milo. I hope he is able to run enjoy the outdoors again soon. The art work is as lovely as always. The cat wine bottle is a keeper. Looking forward to seeing your new quilt project. Thanks for sharing… :) Pat

sonja said...

Your cabana quilt is so " by the sea, by the sea, by the the beautiful sea" ! It makes me so happy to see!
been watching one bike one world with Dean and Nala for a while before the covid 19 lock down and enjoy how clean much of Europe is, how brave Nala is in her bike handle baskets and how kind Dean is to adopt a tiny kitty by a stream.

My Tata's Cottage said...

LOve the quilt! Milo it is ok to sleep especially when it is too hot or too cold. We all have ways about us. You will feel up to being outdoors very soon. You take care

Michelle said...

Love that cat wine bottle. I like a good glass of wine with supper. Poor Milo! It is hot here too. I am not enjoying it either! Thanks for taking the time to link up and have a good weekend.

PaintedThread said...

That kitty thinks she's a dog! lol. Poor Milo - I hope he feels better soon.

MissPat said...

Sorry, Milo, that you are feeling poorly. Hope you heal up soon and the smoke goes away (I know, that's wishful thinking). I'd definitely keep that wine bottle. After 8 weeks of almost no rain, we're now getting rain almost every day. More expecting this weekend. The weeds are having a field day.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love seeing your art work. You're so talented! I would keep that cat bottle too. It's very cute! Your wall quilt is just perfect for this time of year. I hope Milo feels better!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Always neat things to see at your house. Sorry about Milo not feeling like himself...the humidity here too is awful so I think I know how he feels. A cat bottle which seems to have intrigued the most people...very interesting. Love the colouring and different ways you mention to stay calm and less anxious.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Some lovely 'likes' this week. Your cabana quilt turned out adorably cute!

Dawn Hart said...

Fantastic wine bottle, also love the wall hanging, you're so talented xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am having trouble leaving comments. In fact, for nearly two days, even though I kept refreshing, there was no comment box at all. This was especially true for embedded comment boxes like yours. It must have been a Blogger glitch.

I loved the cat wine bottle. I feel for poor Milo. It's hot here, too, and his fur coat is probably even warmer. I hope his ankle is better soon, too. I hope you had a great Friday Smiles and a lovely weekend.