Saturday, December 14, 2019

sewing saturday

little gifties
Welcome to Sewing Saturday!
play this while visiting today...

First... online purchase notice...from connecting threads, I got:
cotton threads, for a really terrific price on sale, two books I've wanted a long time with patterns
the NY Beauties has pattern real sized to copy, and the pin cushion... well I have a collection of cool pin cushions so this should be fun... a tiny tuffet! Thanks to Sally (at craftscaviescontras) for inspiration, who's been working on a lovely NY Beauties quilt for a while now

3 little gifties
no secret, I love a hexie! I got out the Christmas tiny pieces, and basted some hexies to turn into mug rugs like this one I made last year and have used all year long

made from scraps from last year's Christmas table runner. I still love it best. So I stitch away at night and quilt them onto felt.
Tim Holtz serrated scissors from Amazon
I need to trim the edges more evenly but wanted to get pictures done for this post.
this is more orange red than orange, but the color is off in this pic. The buttonhole edge is done with gold metallic YLI thread.
More to be made...
I designed some fabric gifts for dog loving friends, and don't want to show them all here yet but here is one....
turbo, front
turbo, back
 there is a post-a-day thing going on, and the prompt Friday was "favorite color"
Hmmm that's hard.
It's kind of a situation of "love the one you're with"
It used to be red in high school, then yellow through college,purple, then lime green.
 Now it's coral or turquoise, or a combo like fuchia and orange, or turquoise and red,  turquoise fuchia and lime green.
I guess it's easier to say my least favorite color, beige.


Elkes Lebensglück said...

so schön genäht und tolles Video!
greetings elke

sewyouquilt2 said...

Your hexies are so cute

Julierose said...

Ooh that thread pack looks so yummy--what a great idea for a gift from my hubby hahaha hugs, Julierose

Sara said...

All of the little hexie ornaments are adorable! And I have that same cute little pin cushion kit. It's on my 2020 UFO list.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are such cute mug rugs, LeeAnna! I like the way you stitch them to felt to finish them off. I'll have to try that with my next hexie project.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super cute mug rugs, LeeAnna! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make from that NY Beauty book. That pattern has been on my To Make list for a very long time.

piecefulwendy said...

I love New York Beauty blocks, so that book looks like great fun. Of course, I really do like the Vintage Christmas book and have been enjoying it this season. My least favorite color is mauve; beige is right up there with it.

MissPat said...

I didn't put any books on my wish list this year. I think I have too many already and yest, I've seen 2 in the last week that I really want. I think I'll wait for a sale though. I like the hexie mug rugs and I bet the felt helps protect the surface the rugs sit on.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Great idea for a hexi mug rug! Love the shape!
Vintage Christmas by Lori to see your take on this!
enjoy your day!
Time to make a few more folded fabric origami!

Duke said...

Love your hexie mug rugs!

Sue said...

Love the hexies. Fabulous threads. Pentatonix are great. My face colors are purple and black. I like using black as a neutral when I want the other colors to pop

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Thanks for sharing the video, love Pentatonix! Your mug rugs are very festive!

Julie in GA said...

Your comments about favorite color really hit home with me--I can't choose a single favorite either. It also depends on whether you are talking about color to wear or color for quilting--I love using yellow and orange in quilts, but never wear either one!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

That Christmas themed hexie is just beyond adorable!

Denise :) said...

What sweet little gifts you've been working on!! I adore color -- all the colors! I use 'em all. But I do find I use a LOT of orange in my pieces. I'm really drawn to orange fabrics, though I'd *never* say it was a favorite color! :)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty hexies!