Friday, March 1, 2019

happy B-day 2-you Milo

I was about 3 months old!
Happy 2 you Milo puppy!

Always Mama's baby... I did the best retrospective first year post last year... please go see the baby pictures here.
at 2 months, that leash weighed more than I did!

He's grown this year, gained height and weight to be a big poodle boy now!

4 months old
At age 2 he is now 28" + at the shoulder, 35" to top of head, and 60 lbs.

He wags his tail when I laugh, or when he wants something from us... we know that means please?
He often comes to stand by my chair as I type, and loves me to drape my arm over him. He will stand forever while being petted. He loves to be hugged, and when he sits in front of me and looks back over his shoulder, batting his long eyelashes at me, I give him the world.

He likes to stand close when I sit, pressing onto my bent legs til he is basically sitting on my lap. He has always laid at my feet while I watch tv, often with an elbow on my arch, but that's another story.

He insisted early on that he needed to sleep with us. Sometimes we know it's time to get up when he's pushed us off the bed.

He is persistent, and hates the word stay. He loves playing with dogs.
Here's a video of Milo age 5 months, in a hotel enjoying the "Treat Dispenser"

Milo has lived in four homes and countless hotel rooms in his life, dealing with the changes like a champ. He underwent a major shoulder surgery at 5 months and had to wear a restrictive leg brace for another 4 1/2 months so no running or playing during that first year. He made up for it when he came out of the brace.
that video was made at 8 weeks old. I thought he would be my undoing. He had such a temper, and sharp teeth, I remember a turning moment when I picked him up and held him squirming between my fingers and considered giving up. We looked into each other's eyes and I knew I was a goner...

going for a steam, wanna come?

He is fun loving, and loving. He would rather ask forgiveness than permission, he bounds up to dogs and stops on a dime, seems to understand human babies are to be treated very gently, loves to tear up paper and toys. He's had allergy problems since we moved to CO. He continues to hit his front legs when he pees despite lifting his leg. A neighbor said he'd know him anywhere with those long long legs. He has little impulse control, and will endure our lectures so that he can get what he wants off a table. Every night he grabs Daddy's shoes running for the family room in hopes he'll be chased.
Image result for poodle milo on the bed

He still wants to put his mouth on people, not biting down just holding them. He wrestles with us on leash but when we drop the leash he walks perfectly next to us. He comes when called, and runs through every trick when a treat is held up. He's the smartest dog I've ever known, and thoughtful. He guards me. He loves to go in Studio 2 to look out the window in the afternoons while I work in Studio 1 next door.

He is learning the meaning of little speak inside voice, and no pull altho that's no fun at all.

He has become more patient with grooming, and likes to look good...
I look good right? Am I right?
He's my companion and brings joy to life.
He's johnny depp and peter pan and Oscar Wilde mixed together with someone with really good hair.
I am my poodle's mom.
linking to Awe Mondays
all seasons


Cloudia said...

Good Dog! Happy birthday!

Sandee said...

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Milo,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

Home Sewn By Us said...

Happy Happy Birthday, sweet Milo! Oh, that video with the treat dispenser. OMG - how cute and funny is that?! Those kleenex were just at the perfect height for treats, weren't they. ~smile~ Roseanne

sonja said...

You made me LOL at the mention of some of my fav dudes!!"He is johnny depp and peter pan and Oscar Wilde mixed together with someone with really good hair."
Happy Bday # 2 Milo from MZ Ruby and me. U r a BIg Boy Now, WOW!!

Sara said...

He sounds a lot like a typical middle school kid. Gotta love those fur babies! Happy birthday Milo

PaintedThread said...

What fun. He's grown so much!

Jeanna said...

Milo, get that table out of your mouth, you'll get splitters (and germs). Never thought I'd say that to a dog, but sure.

Cynthia Marrs said...

Happy BD, Milo. Your mama tells so many wonderful stories about you. I look forward to the Milo threads. Mama is a very talented lady.


Ann said...

Happy birthday, Milo.

Mari said...

Happy birthday Milo! And many more!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Milo !! I'm a big fan of yours.

Unknown said...

I remember Milo's big accident and I can't believe so much time has passed. Who reads Mama's blog for the quilting? Me neither! I read for the Milo updates!! Happy Birthday Milo!!!

Mary said...

Oh what a sweet boy, loved the videos. I especially enjoyed the video of Milo helping with socks, 😄

eileeninmd said...

Happy birthday to Milo! Love the cute photos and videos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Adam Jones said...

Milo looks like a lovely dog.

Sandee said...

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a wonderful Awww Monday, Milo. My best to your mom. ♥

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Awwww, sweet Milo and his Mama. :-) Happy Birthday, Milo! said...

Happy Birthday Milo! You bring great joy to your family and those of us that have been fortunate enough to meet you.

Lisa said...

Happy Birth Day Milo!! Your are one lucky pup to have found such a wonderful furever home. Cabo's birthday is coming up on the 26th. You both have a lot in common!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Happy Second, Milo. We'll hope there are no terrible two's for your mom to endure. But keep her smiling. It's good for her and us.

Duke said...

You are a VERY handsome boy, Milo! I wish we lived closer to each other. We could have great fun playing together! I"m in CT and we finally got the snow that we deserve!