I'm ready for my close up Mr DeVille |
This is a picture of one of my dolls. I made Daisy a l-o-n-g time ago, but she still keeps me company in the studio. She has been known to hold a pin or two for me. For this shot, she sits in the basket on the end of the ironing board on the cutting table. This basket, meant for picnic cutlery was a gift from my friend Linda years ago. It was a neutral lime green, but faded. I painted it red, and put a skirt around it of Mary Englebreit fabric and some beaded fringe. It holds my cutting utensils. I like Fiskars rotary cutters, but also have olfa in all sizes, and one dedicated to the wavy blade. I like scissors almost as much as pin cushions so have many styles. My faves are the sharp Kai, and the spring action pinking shears by fiskars, and the fiskars microtex small ones. I keep all these cutting implements very handy and use most of them every day on some project.
Do not think these are all there are, there is a collection at the machine, some in the traveling packs, and some cluttering up the coffee table. For more Studio shots, see labels on the side,
I took a lot of pictures at the IQA show, and they have a lot of exhibits not just competition quilts.
I worried that my failing camera would be able to handle too many shots, so
was stingy with picture taking. That means I didn't get a shot of the
maker's names often, so it's not ethical showing those pictures
here. I did get many shots of the doll exhibit because I love dolls.
They were outstanding, and here is one, and I think with the right angle
you can see the maker's tag...
Hope you are enjoying the Fall colors, and my memories of the show. More to come.
LeeAnna, doll enthusiast
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I know that doll pattern! I've made a few of them, using that very one…also, YEARS ago! lol There is something about a doll that just makes one smile. :)
Baskets are great for this type of storage. My 'cutting' stuff is all in an easy to reach basket. Works great.
I've never put all my rotary cutters together...which is probably why I'm always looking for where I left them! LOL!! I like your basket idea...esp with that cute little fairy to keep them company! Thanks for sharing at my Organizational linky...your post helps give me ideas!
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