Thursday, June 22, 2023

I Like Thursday # 355 what do you call the neighborhood ice cream truck?


welcome to this week's list of likes.... whether or not we like hot weather, it's summer here y'all. 

this is a quilt I made last year I think, and it means summer to me

I love post cards, hibiscus, flamingos, & pink shells. On with this week's list starting with 

Fine Dining

I tried a new to me recipe pumpkin muffins made with oat flour. They are very soft and tender because oat flour doesn't have gluten to help glue it all together, but the men folk around here feel better without wheat. We've eaten them all week, the three of us, the recipe is here... I didn't add anything much to them, and it made 12 good sized muffins not 10


the tomatoes are holding on, the wild flowers are growing even the volunteers and rain has slowed down

 Prompt this week

remember the ice cream truck driving around your neighborhood in summer?
Did you go out with your money, stand in line and get a treat? Remember
how it felt to go on your own and leave with that three colored
Popsicle or the chocolate coated vanilla on a stick? What was your
favorite frozen treat? Is there an ice cream truck that still goes
around your neighborhood?
I usually got one of these...

 Good Humor Creamsicle Ice Cream Bars - 6 ct

Fudgecicles Recipe

Fudgesicle and  orange cream sicle were my favorites, although now and then I wanted a huge popsicle in banana flavor. 

Did you know Popsicles were invented by an 11-year-old? Have ...

It was like heaven to have a box in our own freezer of these frozen treats, not having to wait for the jingle of the ice cream wagon 

remember when the popsicle started melting and the sticks broke apart apart and there you were trying to eat it before your arms were sticky to the elbows? I never loved the home made popsicles done with the tupperwear forms... I did like the super long frozen push up popsicles in plastic that you squeezed into your mouth... I loved those so much as a kid. 

Fla-Vor-Ice - Wikipedia

Watching on TV
boy it's sparce right now... Thank goodness we dvr'd some shows to catch up on like Midwives, Sanditon, Love Boat, and a few others. 

This week I've been trying to paint, and quilt, and stay cool. We had to turn on the AC or I would have swollen 3 times my size! I love that my art supplies  live in the kitchen where I do computer things
I don't wear make up these days

watched on youtube...


I love history, and cultural differences... this is the oldest video of inuit life and people... fascinating to me. I liked seeing the open smiling faces, the way they love their babies, their dogs, how they sew clothing, and the calming music...

 And laughing at Jerry Seinfeld and friends...


so funny so many funny women

Milo's Moment

Milo here: Mama! Put down that sewing machine and come clean my window! 

How am I supposed to guard this house without a clean window!?

Mama: well it's your doggie snot on the window...

Milo: A. N. D.??? your point is?

I do appreciate you coming in to help me guard Mama.... why don't we stay in here and look out a while? 

Mama: Of course my darling... anything you want!

Milo: Oh, for those of you interested in the status of octopus.... 6 legs gone, two left to remove but then a poodle's work is never done! You'll be happy to know the body still has a wonderful squeaker I can use to make Daddy get off his bum and come chase me at night! He and Mama have been playing hide and seek with me too... they take octopus and while I hide my eyes, they go hide him in the other room then I go find him! 

Mama yells "Okay, SEARCH! and I tear in there, and look til I find him. 

that's about all the news for me right now... please visit mama's friends to read their lists too.

friday smiles at a stitch in time   

Sunday Smiles


easyweimaraner said...

we liked the video that is super interesting... and milo, we know that you are a fabulous sniffer dog who can find all things...even the invisible ons we are sure..

grammajudyb said...

Love seeing your fabulous flamingo quilt again. It does shout summer! Glad everyone enjoyed the pumpkin muffins! Yea for fudgesicles, , me too! We had rain and hail again last night! Did you experience any of the bad weather we saw on Denver Channel 4 weather?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your flamingo quilt is definitely summery! The oat flour muffins sound yummy. I haven't baked with oat flour, but would like to try it. Milo, I bet you can find your octopus no matter where it is! Happy Thursday!

Angela said...

I love your bright and cheerful quilt but a big no to banana popsicles. yuck

Brian's Home Blog said...

That flamingo quilt is so pretty, we really like those mingos here. Milo, it just shows you are doing your job and keeping your nose in the neighborhood watch game. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!!

Sara said...

Our small town in rural Minnesota didn’t have an ice cream truck. But we did have Schwan’s delivery. I loved the orange cream cicles. That is actually the flavor ice cream in my freezer right now. I ate a lot of popsicles as a kid - but usually mom made me eat them outside because they melted and dripped.

Angie said...

LeeAnna - I was born and raised in a small suburb of Dayton, Ohio - I am not sure why it did not have an ice cream truck ... I was never a big fan of Popsicles - I much preferred ice cream! Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I really love your summer quilt. Beautiful! The oat flour muffins sound delicious. I see an ice cream truck once in awhile in my neighborhood but it's not the same as when we were kids. It only sells shaved ice. NO ice cream! So wrong!!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I really like your flamingo quilt - so bright and colorful! The muffins sound good and now I am hungry. Again. Lol. We did have an ice-cream truck and my favorite popsicle flavor was root-beer. I did love creamsicles, too. But ice-cream sandwiches are my all-time favorite! I read a good book a few years ago called, 'My life with the Eskimo'. Milo is so cute keeping watch out the window. Such a good boy! x K

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your Flamingo quilt is gorgeous! Love muffins too, any kind. Because I've lived in the Arctic on Baffin Island I had to stop everything and watch that video. What a great find! Enjoyed it very much so thanks for sharing!
The patio door here is the dog it all the time on both sides. A baby groundhog got chased yesterday much to my horror; thankfully it knew where the hidey holes are in the back yard. Yikes, always something!

Kathleen said...

I love seeing your flamingo again - such a great quilt. Ice cream truck favorites....creamsicle, fudgsicle, and either chocolate or strawberry crunch. MIlo did a fine job on the octopus...we had very few toys like that that outlasted Percy's teeth. For a small dog, (30 lbs) he was a destroyer of most stuffed things. He once took apart an indestructible leather squirrel in less than 10 minutes.

Michelle said...

I grew up on an air force base, so the ice cream man was popular. I love those orange creamsicle bars. So good! Thank you for linking up.