Thursday, June 15, 2023

I Like Thursday # 354 meaning of father


 welcome to this week's list of likes, starting with one of my paintings... to interpret the prompt "signpost"   and use collage tehniques. I cut out the word extraordinary from a magazine, and written jpage from a magazine was torn then painted for the road/mountains 

 the weather was riany  which meant cool enough to bake one day... I made a loaf of whole wheat bread, a pumpkin orange cake, and chicken nuggets for dinner. Love when it's cool enough to bake... Milo also has a supply of almond rice applesauce cookies, and pumpkin oat almond butter cookies. 


Listening on audio books: 

watching on TV

Murdoch Mysteries (canadian show) Dancing Queens on Bravo.  Marie Antoinette (PBS)

Our Prompt this week  (back to Ice cream next week)


I have one nice memory of my adoptive father, he used to take me out to the local diner called the Toddle House, just we two and we sat at th counter. He always ordered us minute steaks... very small thn ones,. He also sometimes took me on ridealongs to the groves, he estimated citrus crops yields and would count fruit with this clicker, and stop to measure sugar content, I stayed in the car because of snakes but I got to play with the counter. Because this is a positivity post I can't share all the problems with him here... but 

he was a good one for taking me for driving practice. He'd calmly say "you're getting close to the curb, over and over and not flinch when I eventually hit it and sometimes on valentines day he'd bring me a box of chocolates in a heart 

the mother remarried after he died... and her new husband was a loving man. He made sure to be kind to me, include me in life around there, took me to dinner after church on Sundays. He was a lovely man, and I was his typist for a book on angels among us. He remodled homes so was a font of knowledge on all things home. I loved him. 

I watched a lot of TV growing up, and had TV dads  on my wish list. Ones who were safe, and kind. 

I found out my birth father was Italian, (possibly firtst generation American) and suspect he was not told of my existence. I was told his name was Earl Le Roy Serrone.... and he lived in Ohio. Anyone know of him? Supposedly I look like him


My husband and I were not able to have kids but he's been a terrific father to our three dogs. He is kind and gentle while expecting them to behave in a way that fits into the world. He would have taught that to our children too. They would have been safe with him which I always wanted from a father but never had, he would have taught them that education is a good thing, to think for themselves, and provided for their needs attending their events. He has integrity, is a man of his word not making promises he won't keep. Milo loves him like a playmate. 


I got to zoom with Joy this week, and talk with Cindy and it makes my life so much richer

I heard from a woman in Scotland this week, that's she's been reading my blog for a long time, and she shared some books I would like... I felt great knowing she's been sharing life with me.


we ordered tomato seedlings from Home depot, that arrived dead due to UPS truck trouble. but hoime depot replaced them, so I can enjoy watching food grow now! 

some wileflowers must have self seeded last year as some are coming up around the pots


father on youtube talking to a baby

 Just adorable connections between dad and son

Milo's moments


Hi y'all... I liked getting breakfast in bed this week. I heard Romans used to lie down to eat, so I did it. I liked that Mama made pancakes last weekend, and since I can't eat wheat she made some specially for me with oat flour... I've been having them all week!

whatchamakin' Mama?? Make some for me!


never gonna give it up!!!

I like running around the soft grass since it's been raining so much it's nicer to run on

friday smiles at a stitch in time   

Sunday Smiles


easyweimaraner said...

it is super to have a fabulous dog or cat dad... to hav a partner who is with us at this front is essential ;O))

Helen said...

Thank you for sharing from your heart today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad you have good memories of your step-dad. He sounds like a treasure. Yum on the baking and hopeful wishes for tomatoes! Happy Thursday!

Susie H said...

Glad those tomato plants were happily replaced. There's nothing like fresh from the garden especially if the garden was your own! Great baking week -- totally Milo-approved! Have a great week!

Angela said...

You are blessed to have such a good man.

grammajudyb said...

Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad! Even a dog dad! A good man is a good man! Lovely baking done at your house, my tummy was rumbling as I read about it! Fun to see those “bachelor buttons” coming up of their own accord! I love when flowers do that!
Thank for sharing your creative journaling.

Brian's Home Blog said...

This is such a nice post and it's great to have good memories. Love your art too. Milo, you are such a cool dude to get breakfast in bed. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

My tomatoes are all spindly - I may have to replace them if they don't pull together soon. What wonderful memories of your father. What a rough life, Milo! :-) said...

Lovely post, good memories of your dads, none are prefect in so many ways, but as we age we start to remember the awesome things about them. So since Milo is no longer eating wheat is he having less problems with his ears?

Annie said...

I was blessed with a wonderful dad who sadly died when I was only 31...he was my best friend in life and had a way of putting right anything that was wrong in life. I think the last thing he said to me was how proud of me he was and I remember growing a foot when he said it so this is something I tell my children and grandchildren often.
Milly insisted I put the photo on my blog this week just for Milo 😀
Annie x

Annie said...

Milly is a cairn terrier...she’s our 4th. They say once you’ve had a cairn terrier you always have one....and they are right. She is such a character and I love her lots 🥰🥰🥰
Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful mixed media collage. Sounds like Milo eats better than I.

I was raised from birth by Grandparents. Even though my blood grandfather had died when my mother was three, my grandmother waited until she was 16 before she remarried. My grandfather wanted a boy, so I inherited all the skills a boy should have. I could tear down an engine, help build a new room with the use of power tools, and run electrical wiring like the best electrician.

I could NOT cook or sew real clothes or quilt like my grandmother. As for the trade off, I learned to cook MY way and learned to sew paper to paper. I will, however, never be bamboozled by a mechanic or someone telling me I have a plumbing problem.

Nice you get to watch your tomatoes grow. Milo always looks happy. Thanks for sharing your own father story with us this week and how these men influenced your life.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I very much enjoyed reading your writings about your dads. The trend is definitely that children will know more dads as they grow up. Your hubby sounds delightful, perfect for you and Milo. How wonderful you found each other in this big world. No wonder Milo is such a prodigy...Ned is no match. :D

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's always good to pop by to see what lovely Milo is up to. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xxx

Rosemary Dickinson said...

So nice to hear about the memories you have of your stepdad. I always like to see what you're baking. We planted tomatoes but not sure how they're doing. Glad to see what Milo is up to!

Kathleen said...

I am glad there are some nice memories of your adoptive father and nicer ones of your stepfather. More ice cream next week? Love seeing darling Milo....glad he has his own pancakes!

piecefulwendy said...

I enjoyed your post, LeeAnna, and it was great to see a photo of you, too! I'm glad you have some good memories of the dads in your life. Thanks for sharing.

Lisca said...

Thanks for sharing about your dad. I was blessed with a lovely caring dad, who took me with him on the tank of his motorcycle and taught me every car brand ( I still recognise 1950s cars)
I love reading about Milo. He really loves his cookies.
Have a lovely weekend,

Sandy said...

My younger brother can't eat wheat either, and was diagnosed long ago; but is happy now that there are more alternatives than back then. Nice you have some planted by birds wild flowers. I live in Ohio, but haven't come across your father's name. Any idea where in Ohio he might be?
Sandy's Space

Ann said...

I read The Salaryman’s Wife when I first found Sujata Massey and I really enjoy her Purveen Mistry series.
Have fun this summer.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for sharing a few good childhood memories with us, LeeAnna. LOVE that sweet self-seeded wildflower! Hey, Milo, want to hear something PAWS-atively hilarious? I thought for a minute there that Mama was making your pancakes with CAT Flour!!! LOL!!!

MissPat said...

I thought the same as Joyful - cat flour, what the hell is that. Maybe I need new glasses (appt in Aug). Thanks for sharing your memories and finding positive ones about someone problematic in other ways.