Thursday, March 9, 2023

I Like Thursday # 340 dreaming of a dream studio


Welcome to this week's list of likes! This pic is of a shelf in my studio... I love hula, poodles, flamingos vintage images and books! 

let's start the party, shall we?


 Fine Dining

 two fails this week, both keto biscuits (scones for the english among us) one from almond flour and one from oat flour, both tasted like cardboard would, flavorless with odd texture. 

dh reviewed that even with butter and marmalade they steadfastly remained tasteless

can't win them all

 O. M. Gosh these kitchen shortcuts are simply amazing to me. I actually do one of them already!



Watching on TV

it's been a fine week, of Survivor return, American Idol, The Good Doctor, A Million little things, Miss Scarlett and the Duke, the bachelor (I should be ashamed) Pillow talk where people watch TLC shows and comment on them much like we do.

The Empress (Netflix) historical drama based on a true story about Elisabeth “Sissi” von Wittelsbach, Princess of Bavaria and her journey of becoming Empress of Austria.Anne with an E. 


on ebook, the current Rhys Bowen book which started me researching Coco Chanel who was both very bohemian and a Nazi sympathizer. I do not understand how people can be free thinking and closed minded with hatred at the same time. The story isn't about her but involves her a bit.

on audio


 signed up again for the Sketchbook Revival.... my absolute favorite free workshop each year: 

👉 Use this link to share the workshop


I took a workshop on art journal this week, and made two paintings, I'll share what I learned on Saturday's creativity post but here is little view of them

Quilt making

click here to see more

finished project last week. 

the prompt challenge was to make something in one week, with no squares.

and these additions to my Spring quilt... 3-D pinwheels I'll add sticks to in the finished top  Post HERE

click to see more

Funny but true

Pin on Funny greeting cards - some of our favouritesPrompt for this week:

 what would you like to have in a dream studio space? Think about layout, cabinetry, tools... Have you ever seen a studio space you wished you had? 

studio one 11' X 13" my sewing table

this is the link to a studio I've been in and found incredibly useful as well as pretty, Debra Gabel and I used to be in an art quilt group in Baltimore MD together, and we often had play dates are her home.:

one of my book shelves in studio one

 There are many things I'd love to have in a studio... 

 More closed closet storage, meaning I could close a door to the shelves

built-in area to store my  fabric drawer units on wheels,  that can be rolled to the cutting table. That would keep sun and dust off them, as it is now I keep curtains over them but don't like the look.

a center cutting table I could walk around and open larger to baste quilts on

my cutting table is against the wall to give me space in the room
a sort of work height rolling drawer unit to go in my fabric room, to place drawers on to work from

a larger sewing cabinet, with room to the right to put scissors etc. 

a design wall that can roll one in front of another to host more than one project

a comfortable painting area, a comfortable beading/hand embroidery area with storage units with large shallow drawers to hold supplies and finished items. Flat files take up a lot of space

great lighting that doesn't cast shadows over a work surface

The truth is we make do with what we have, and I'm doing that. I'm grateful for what I have but my true dream is to have a house behind the main house, that I can walk to, with a bathroom, a small fridge and microwave, and plenty of built in storage. At one point my mother opened a ceramics studio, in a small modest house near our home. She had a room to display greenware for sale, a place to pour clay, a kiln to fire it, space for classes. It was small but all contained. 

I doubt this will happen for me but it's my dream....

I am a maker. I paint or sew, bead or embroider, knit or crochet or felt, write or dream every day often teetering supplies on the edge of a crowded table. I'd love a large space to fill. 

uh oh, the snoopervisor is here... must be time to eat or walk

Milo's Moment

Milo: guess what i'm old now! I have 6 years here on earth and i think it's time I got to do everything I want to do when I want to do it.

Mama: oops.... no one gets to do that honey... we all share earth and this time period, and homes and food, and air, and you get the idea, you're a poodle-with-deep-thoughts.

Milo: still.... feels like I should be allowed to do what I want to do.

Mama: what do you want to do my little...

Milo: let's start with having a plate of food when you eat, nothing special, whatever you're having would be fine. My own plate of food just like yours that smells so good!

Mama: I'll work on that, but I suspect your food is healthier for you

Milo: hmmm then because I love you, I'll trade you! my kibble for your plate!

now visit these fine folk to see what they liked this week!


easyweimaraner said...

happy birthday dear milo!!!! 6 is a super number... I'm six and da nelly turns 6 this year too... so we could be the sixpack LOL. we have no luck with scones either... they turned into stones ... sigh

Sara said...

Happy birthday to Milo! I just downloaded that Rhys Bowen book, and look forward to reading it once I finish my current book. Survivor has been really good so far. Feel bad for the guy who hit his head on that first episode, and had to leave the game. I'm happy to see some interesting new twists again this season.

grammajudyb said...

Loved looking again at parts of your studios. I too would like to be able to walk around my cutting table. But as DH says"you're out of room" and there is no where to expand. So I will sew what I have, try to downsize and get ready to be unable to do big stuff. I give myself 4 years before I just can't physically handle a big quilt.
Then I'll do smaller things. Wall hangings, table runners, coasters. til I can't.

Angela said...

I love your paintings. That dog cartoon is hilarious. Banksy insists upon barking at the yappy little things across the street on a regular basis. I didn't know he was telling me to be calm!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've baked with almond flour, too, and things do turn out kind of differently. I loved your PQ quilt with the geese. So pretty! Storage is always an issue for quilters and crafters, isn't it? I could use more of that, too.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Yay for Survivor returning, and also the Spring Baking Championship. Oh gosh, I just LOVED the book about The Empress, Sissi (two of them, actually). Whenever I hear about Bavaria and Austria, I think of her. Thanks for those kitchen shortcuts. There were several helpful ones! Your 3D pinwheels are so stinkin' cute!! What a fabulous idea. I love the photo of Milo checking on you, and of course, the meme. Stay calm! Happy Thursday. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Brian's Home Blog said...

That video with the kitchen shortcuts was amazing, really amazing. Your art is always so pretty. Hey Milo, Happy Birthday dude, I hope the plate trade works out for you. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I feel almond flour is never the same as regular flour. It's a good alternative but that's about it. We're lucky to have a sewing room but it can always be better! You can't go wrong reading something by Rhys Bowen. Always good! I love your quilt with no squares. Came out great!

PaintedThread said...

Interesting kitchen hacks. I read a book recently about Sisi - what a life. I really like that recent quilt. Milo is really six?!? How can that be?

Angie said...

LeeAnna - I watch American Idol when I am running on the treadmill - it is the perfect distraction for me and makes the time go FAST! Yesterday, I caught up to the last episode before I was done with my run, and I was just bereft. It is such good TV - I want more! Love your pinwheels. Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!!! Oh, and happy birthday to Milo!

Annie said...

Happy birthday Milo...I hope you get to do just what you want to do if only for today. My sewing room was a completely empty space that I designed myself so everything is just where I want it and it’s filled with storage spaces...I will try to take a few photos for you one day.
Annie x

Sandy said...

OMG those kitchen hacks fascinated me. There is one I already do...the hardboiled eggs with the potatoe masher. Trouble is I doublt I'll remember them the next time I do something related. We're all just such creatures of habit. The quilt is goregeous.
Sandy's Space

Kathleen said...

Watched all the kitchen hacks….may need to make cheese chips and get an egg out with a whisk! I love your dream studio…I would do with a few more feet, a real wall available for design and cabinets galore! Milo is so sweet, a very happy birthday!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another awesome collection of interesting tidbits! I always have to come back a second time to follow up or note something of extra interest to me. That doggy cartoon is so funny. Yes you are a true creative soul. Now that you mention it, I would like to have a little house too. Then I could truly ignore things that need doing here and just create. That sounds like heaven~!

Dawn Hart said...

Happy Birthday Milo, some awesome cooking tips, I use a grater to grate my hard boiled eggs, but these several great tips I didn't know about, my craft room has become a dumping ground lately and looks a mess oops xxx

Miaismine said...

What a cute photo of the things you like! Yes, I understand your comments about Coco Chanel...didn't realize she was a Nazi sympathizer. Rhys Bowen is a wonderful author, isn't she? Love those bookshelves! Oh, how I love clear containers! Those fabric shelves look like the baskets are removable which is certainly a nice feature! I understand about wanting to be able to walk around your cutting table. That quilt above it looks really cheerful! I also like your ironing surface on your cutting table - great use of space! Happy Birthday, dear Milo!

Ann said...

I’ve had some cooking fails recently, too. In some ways it’s nice; one recipe I don’t have to keep or try again.
I’m behind on Rhys Bowen’s series. Thanks for the reminder.
My “studio” is the worst it’s been in years. DH’s stuff it taking over. No wall space; layouts on the floor again and with that stuff taking over, there’s less space to lay out on. Haha. No storage place to speak of. On the plus side, I’ve culled my fabrics quite a bit.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Love your little pinwheel quilt and your thoughts on your sewing space. Sounds like a good plan. I don't think we can ever have enough storage, though! Milo is so cute with his intense stare - I'm sure he has some thoughts! Hard to believe he is already 6. I've never cooked with alternative flours and seems like I'm not missing out. Haha! x K