Thursday, August 19, 2021

I Like Thursday # 258


Welcome! It's Thursday and these are some of my small likes this week, come on in....

I love this cookie jar, and recently unpacked it... the movers hid a lot of our stuff!

would you like to share in the bean harvest? I picked 8 pods, pulled two beans from each, quick steamed them in the microwave and the three of us shared them. That's about it, no new blooms so no more beans... sadly it's been so hot vege don't want to grow

Missing the olympics? 

and weight lifting  at



I watched a video about how to dress my body shape and they suggested a lightweight kimono jacket. I found one at amazon. Although they sent a gray instead of blue one, it wasn't worth trying to return, and when I put it on after washing it, dang if the video wasn't right!!! I think it adds style   even if I am only  wearing shorts and a t shirt! It is light weight and didn't fall off shoulders or need adjusting all day, and I felt more special as I went around the house.    that's a lot to like for a little money  link:

I finished up a course this week  on creativity... it was fairly good and here is my sketchbook  to prove I did it... heh heh

I am also in the middle of a writer's workshop that includes meditation and it is wonderful... so much has come to me this week just from this free class with Kelly Blaser. If someone offers a free course I usually try to take it. One less personal exercise today was to choose 10 words from the chat list and in 3 minutes write a poem. 

Words to use: all, able,quiet, quest, absolutely, tender time tree truth fluid

"The quest is quiet
absolutely she believed in all of the truth that flowed fluidly
grew like a tree
able to shine light on all around
she felt the tender heart at her core " 
which kind of surprised me when I was able to write a poem in 3 minutes... never know what you can do til you try.

I liked baking the sweet potatoes a new way to me... trying to concoct candied ones

waiting for oven time

wedges, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon salt... bake stirring every 15 min til done. Very good but next time less sugar. 


My post is on Saturdays but I finished this intricate block for the bats and boos quilt. I wanted to show my way of dealing with the pattern. I'm old school so I print it out because I HATE SCROLLING back and forth. I punched holes in and put it in a little notebook so I could flip back and forth! Teaser

the very center is now done!


I saw the return of The Hustler, a game show where people try to decide who is the liar after hearing a set of clues... Craig Ferguson is moderator and funny. Our success rate is about 50/50 picking the one.

bachelor in paradise... junk food viewing for summer... yea!

movie: (netflix) Love Happens with Jennifer Anniston and Martin Sheen  entertaining view of a man who is grieving his wife's death writes a book and in fame finds more truth within

  Milo's Moments

Hi Y'all,,, this smoke is bothering my ears and Mama is hurting me by trying to clear them out. 

She says the word "ear" and being a smart poodle,  I learn the impawtant words like : 

ear (means run for your life!) bath (see first definition) French Toast, (come quick and get ahead of Daddy in line) out back (grab a ring toy and get ready to play keep away) treat ( a whimzee is coming at 8 pm which I know exactly when that is) 

please visit these people with lists of likes too! Join us just let mama know to add in your link

forgive mama if she doesn't leave a comment... it's been a hard month on her...

Kim at  



easyweimaraner said...

the jar is super sweet, love it too!!!

grammajudyb said...

Cute cookie jar and awesome lamp! We love sweet potatoes, any way! Especially roasted on a tray in the oven! Cool enough for the oven yesterday and today again!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

As always, a great read for me this morning. So many great things springing from your very creative mind. Love that block and I love sweet potatoes...candied sounds especially delicious.

Sara said...

I totally enjoy watching The Hustler, and have not picked the right one yet. LOL What a cute cookie jar. I enjoy sweet potatoes, but my husband hates them. I just don't get it. So I rarely cook them unless we've got company who will help me eat them - which obviously hasn't happened any time recently.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That cookie jar sure looks like a real big cup of coffee! Those sweet taters sound good too. Milo, I sure hope the smoke leaves you alone so your ears don't get messed with pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Sherrie said...

Really like your Cookie cute. All your art
work is beautiful. Your sweet potatoes look reayy
yummy. Your Bats and Boos block is really great. Like
the colors you used. Have a great day.
P.S. I've post my likes at Food for Thought for this week. Here is my link....

Rebecca Jo said...

I LIVE in kimonos... actually just bought another one. They make me look so much more leaner & I feel better in them.
WHREE DID YOU GET THAT COOKIE JAR??? I need to find one for my coffee bar

Sara said...

I really LOVE your center star for Bats & Boos! Fussy cutting that center square was just the perfect choice.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Great stuff and hi Milo

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, I love the cookie jar - so cute! The star block for your Halloween quilt is just great with its fussy cut center, too. It has definitely been a hard month - sending you good thoughts! said...

Love your cookie jar! The kimono is fabulous, doesn't it make you want to make your own? Love your center star. Your sweet potatoes look yummy. LOL Milo, you and Bobbin are in the same boat. Bobbin is not a fan of ear cleaning, or baths either.

piecefulwendy said...

I saw that cookie jar and at first thought, is that whipped cream?? (Clearly I am a bit hungry while reading this). Milo, I'm sorry your eyes and ears don't feel so good. Sending a hug.

PaintedThread said...

That cookie jar is cool! Sweet potatoes look delicious. Milo! Hope hope you and mama are in better spirits soon.

Jean said...

I love your sketchbook. Well done.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Oh my dog...I'm still laughing at the Wiener-lympics video. Way too much fun!

Dawn Hart said...

Love your sketches, the writers workshop sounds a lot of fun, I did some the a few years back about writing a post on a theme each day for a month, turned out hidden deep inside I'm a bit of a poet, although I'm not that great at it, I did enjoy it lol xxx

WendyK said...

Love your journal pages.