Thursday, August 5, 2021

I Like Thursday # 256


Welcome to this week's list of likes... I love the wildflowers growing from seeds sown in a pot on the patio...

We have an app that tells you what a flower is, the pink ones are something called mountain garland, the blue is cornflower or bachelor buttons, the yellow are coreopsis, the beautiful white I'm not sure but they are so fresh!

Speaking of fresh we love reisling in summer:

I loved the bottle of reisling we  tried recently...

wouldn't it make a fine quilting pattern? 

I am LOVING the synchronized swimming competitions! From the pairs prancing out in unison before starting to the athleticism required to thrust a swimmer out of the water without touching the bottom of the pool, to the extreme costumes of sparkles! Maybe it's the fact they come out of the water without being wet... how do they do that?I watched the pairs but then caught this USA team on youtube

Watching on TV

We watched episodes of Miracle Workers, Book club (on BBC) and I am enjoying Love Island, Big Brother, Bachelorette, Housewives on Bravo, and being able to watch Olympic events on demand on cable.  I saw wonderful gymnastics, horse dressage, canoe (kayak) thru rapids, and that really dramatic synchronized swimming.

hearing books read aloud to me while I am in studio

just finished this and it was really good... the reader was fun, the story line enjoyable, characters were believable... set in England, mystery at a hat shop


also finished listening to


 speaking of studio time, I've been working on my Fall kaleidoscope and at first I didn't like it but now I love it... more on Saturday hopefully... these are some leftover scraps from making it...

there is too much waste in the kaleidoscope by Ricky Tims but it's awesome once made! I'll use those scraps, in fact while piecing the fussy cut pattern, I took breaks to play with the odd leftover pieces! 

Keeps me off the streets

speaking of small things to like, I dither too much over fabric choices so I'm happy I was able to decide what to border the quilt with (like matting a painting to my non quilting friends) so I can finish it!

 fine dining

a few recipes, first an appetizer

this is good, oats, eggs, vegetables, milk... we decided it was a fine breakfast and had it all week! I changed buttermilk for the milk, and regular flour for the oat flour but used whole oats as called for. 


The other dining experiment was  dh's birthday cake full of sugar and chocolate! 

By far the BEST chocolate cake I've ever made or eaten.

 Moist with good texture:

uses buttermilk in the cake and icing. The icing was too much for us, way too much. The whole cake is full of butter and sugar.... unhealthy but a perfect birthday treat! 

next recipe is OLD SCHOOL teacakes. My grandmother always had these on hand when I came to visit and I adored them... sort of sweet, sort of like a cross between a cookie and a biscuit.

 haven't tried them yet but I will...


we watched a movie Saturday night... we started two others first.
 The first one looked great but was only in Africans so we turned to the next movie that turned out to be  geared to kids. The third one: Kodachrome was excellent!

Kodachrome (2017) - IMDb

 was very good. It tackled real life feelings, growth, finding meaning and humor in dire circumstances. The three lead actors were wonderfully real. Both of us were engrossed in the story line. 

I miss using film actually... 

how some critters cool off in this heat

first get a baby pool...

Kisses are good...

Milo's Moments

Hiya Mama!
 I like lots of things including tugowar with Mama because I always win!

Mama: mayben not this time since you've pulled the skin off I have a handle!
Milo: good point but I do have three rings, heh heh. I always win!!!

Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits

each day Milo comes up for the ritual of my dressing for the day. Like my other poodle Cole he watched and sized me up to see what the day would bring by my choice of clothing.

Milo: okay... I see how this is shaping up... shorts, t-shirt, no socks... we're staying home again today right? 

Mama: it's our new normal so yep. 

Milo: oh. I guess this means no rideinnacar. No craft festivals or trips or walks some place new

Mama: right. It's not safe. Even vaccinated people are carrying around the virus in their noses with no symptoms to warn us, so they can transmit it to people like Mama with immune issues so... home again. (hugging Milo, and giving him a pet)

Milo:Mama! You've got lotion on your hands!!! Now I smell like a human, ewwww! I tole you 'bout that... no touching the poodle with lotion hands!

Mama: well no one will know since we'll be home again

please visit these people with lists of likes too! Join us, or one of the other link parties keeping it happy!


rosie and the boys nature pics 

  friday smiles at a stitch in time 


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think the synchronized swimming competition is fascinating! Amazing to see how they are totally in synch like that. Happy Birthday to DH - chocolate cake is a must for that in my family, too. Yummy! Have a great Thursday, LeeAnna!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Amazing what a few mixed seeds in a pack can grow in to !
What you are creating with all the Ricky Tims scraps is promising. Lots of wasted fabric is what I noticed when I browsed the book.
Wine bottle...fine quilt pattern ...scrappy wine bottle ?
Great to see you're making the best of it staying at home :)
hugs, take care,

Rebecca Jo said...

The print on that bottle is really pretty.
I have gotten totally sucked in on Love Island. i'm like 2 weeks behind - LOL so I try to avoid commercials for the current ones because I dont want to see what's going on. I need to see more Will on there though - his accent! WOWWWW hottie!

grammajudyb said...

I think next year I’ll try wildflowers in a pot! It’s a happy result! Chocolate cake! Yum! A birthday to celebrate, even better! Have a good week LeeAnna!

Sara said...

Does Milo like to take rides in the car? Your wildflowers are so pretty. I've never thought of planting some in a pot, but that's a great idea. I enjoy a nice Riesling too and that bottle is too pretty to throw away. LOL

Miaismine said...

Your photo of wildflowers literally took my breath away! It's beautiful! I wonder which app you are using to id your plants?
Pretty quilt! Good reads and movies - added a couple to my want to read/watch list. Will probably have the time as I've heard parts of NM are going back 40% in restaurants...sigh....are we heading to another lockdown?

Brian's Home Blog said...

The wildflowers are sure pretty and so is that wine bottle, so is your quilt too. Hey Milo, new normal? We don't hear the word normal around here much. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Carol Andrews said...

Your wildflowers are so pretty LeeAnna. I agree that pretty bottle does have an interesting pattern. Good to hear you are staying home; staying safe again. I’m sure Milo (and you) miss being able to get out but at least there is Zoom Calls to keep you connected. Thank you for hosting this fun linky party. It’s always nice to see what everyone is finding joy in. 😉

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I enjoyed your answers in the last post, LeeAnna. Yes that was such a dangerous thing you did and you were so lucky!
Meanwhile, lovely likes though I'm sorry to hear you have to stay inside still. Love those leftovers from Kaleidoscope.
I like your meal ideas too. Thanks for sharing!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Looks like a lot of fun was had this week and that you are staying safe. Milo we always enjoy seeing you

piecefulwendy said...

Your wildflowers make me smile (so does Milo). The synchronized swimming vid was pretty amazing!

Cynthia Marrs said...

That Milo. No lotion hands. Stay home, stay safe


Tails Around the Ranch said...

What a beautiful wine bottle! Love it-blues always draw my attention!I think those white flowers might be babysbreath. It's always a joy to see our sown seeds bloom.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The baked oats sounds like something I would like to try and I know I would enjoy those mysteries! Happy Thursday!

My name is Erika. said...

Thanks for the chocolate cake recipe- it looks like a good one. And that Riesling bottle is pretty and you are right, it is great quilting inspiration. And it is nice seeing Milo too. Hope summer is going well!

PaintedThread said...

I like your scrappy strings! Oatmeal with veggies... interesting. Mmm... chocolate cake! Happy birthday Mr. LeeAnna! Milo is looking good. :-)

Angie said...

LA - thanks for including the video of the synchronized swimming - I have not watched any of the Olympics, and this was smashing! My hubby and I watched the Kodachrome movie a month or so ago and I bawled my eyes out!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Milo has stayed so dark compared to Scout! I love that bottle, it reminds me of tile quilts that seem to be returning to popularity these days! Have a lovely weekend! said...

Love your pots. I adore the wildflower mixes. Your quilt blocks are gorgeous. I haven't watched any of the olympics, and just got off of a 7day run of working, so I didn't even get to post and I like Thursday post. I am sitting this morning with a cup of coffee, contemplating cleaning excited my oldest daughter is coming to visit, even though it is only for about 48 hours, to pick up the grand and carry them home. First time the oldest daughter will have visited us since I moved to Michigan 18 years ago.

Annie said...

I’m loving the recipes and Milo is such a character...such a sweetie.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Milo is such a distraction for me. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

sonja said...

that wine bottle is a great inspiration for a quilt project. i think i'll paint it out on a fat quarter as i don't fiddle with applique.
i'm with you Milo i just sits sometimes, okay often!!!

Lisca said...

I love the Milo stories and I enjoyed seeing dolphins and horses having fun.
I hope you are having a fun weekend too,

randa said...

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