My husband ordered a little pink elephant watering can for me after a recent like post! Delicious!
And I got this cute little clock at IKEA recently.
I like my friend Monika (https://tailsaroundtheranch) who met me last week for an IKEA moment. We both like to wander through the whole place. We started with free coffee and a snack when she gave me this little fellow she felted for me
then we wandered...
I saw some fun stuff like
This live plant I purchase and took home. Cheery right?
and this flexible laundry basket in an amazing shade of aqua!
And this table shaped like a leaf that can stack over a coffee table (not a purchase)
And this flamingo pillow... and these chairs to hold leashes (no purchase either)
I liked the iris my husband brought home for me this week.
And three movies I watched this snowy weekend...
One is LION

A true story, written by a man who was lost as a child in India, then found his birth family after 25 years! A 5 year old boy, left asleep in a train station by his old brother as he tried to make money for their family. When the brother returned, Saroo had already gotten on a train and was lost to the family til he found them miraculously after all that time.
Watching the movie, which seemed really slow to me but full of feeling, I felt the panic and despair of that 5 year old. I rejoiced at the tenacity of a young man able to remember lost memories, and trace by google earth back along train lines to his home. I felt the love of an adoptive mother as she let him go find his birth family.I realized that there are many children out there, also living on the streets with no where to go.
Funny enough, I chose movies from the library shelf at random. I realized my second film was also about life in India. Viceroy's House. I learned so much about India's independence, and how hard it was to set up government after being ruled by England for years. That's when Pakistan came into being. It opened my eyes to the heartache and problems this fine ancient country India had. It also made me think about prejudice.
It's easier to rationalize subjugating a group of people if you decide their skin color makes them less than human.
As did this film, Lost city of Z, set in South America, another true story, this time of English explorer Percy Fawcett. He discovered ancient civilizations in South America. When he brought back his discovery to England, he was denigrated for even believing indigenous people were that advanced.
The lost city of Z

I don't know why people will not believe facts but came to understand these people were threatened by the realization that "Indians" might be their equals, that someone they wanted to be better than, could actually have advanced societies. (If indigenous people are human, then you can't subjugate them for their gold)
Still happens, when perceiving a group as equals threatens someone's sense of entitlement, that group is held down.
Some people refuse to admit Scientific facts because those facts might indicate a need for changes to be made in action or thought. I ran into something like that this week and it wasn't nice at all to be yelled at because I believe in climate change.
I liked all these movies for causing me to think and define myself.
I like that I started my valentine quilt finally, see post HERE
I starting laughing out loud at this person's blog! She finds the funniest pics! And her comments!

Enjoy scrolling down, each post is hilarious
A friend sent a link to this site about crocheted food. I not only marveled at that, I went on to read the scientific historical studies for days. Human migration, runes, ancient manuscripts, and lots more.
I LOVE This site! Atlas Obscura.

Just to get you started, and if you're like me, leave the page open to travel from story to story, here's a link to how science discovered dinosaur birds had brilliant feathers!
Milo is thankful he is out of his cone of shame for the most part. He is recovering from his snip surgery...
MILO: What the heck!!! I woke up in this and they continued to keep it on me. How's a poodle to sniff the world with that thing on! I talked them into taking it off for walks, just so's I could find the right place to pee and poop. Mama said, well don't lick your incision and stay where I can see you.
Please enjoy these fine folks also keeping lists of weekly likes... and consider joining us by linking up. Let me know I'll add you in! It's the best little group around!
1. .http://3poodlesandanana
2 craftscaviescontras
and new this week!
linking to some of these
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
Main Crush Monday
the mop link party mondays
sew can do mondays
Make My Saturday Sweet @ Amanda’s Books and More
Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday Our World Tuesday
http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays
Hi LeeAnna,
I'm glad the see that Milo is nearly fully recovered. At least he is out of the cone of shame while out in the real world! That's so hard for a growing puppy - they don't know their girth sometimes and then throw in the cone and it really throws them off. That little felted llama is so cool! And I had to laugh along with you at the express checkout sign. ~smile~ Roseanne
Those movies sound interesting and heartbreaking too. I find anything with children and dogs/animals in I can't handle it if they are mistreated.
Ikea is such a great spot for a stroll with a llama bearing friend! Love your purchases; I've got to get there.
Spring flowers are so cheering. TC xxox
Good to see Milo is almost back to his old self. Cute watering can, gorgeous flowers. Love your llama. Love Atlas Obscura, read it almost every day, and if I don't have time, it goes into my to be read later. The movies look good. Have a blessed day my friend. OH and adore the checkout sign. One at the local grocery store says about 12 items or less. LOL So the conundrum...if you buy 12 tubes of toothpaste does that count as one item or 12?
I missed checking in last week, but catching up today. Love the valentine quilt and how it is feeding your creative soul.
I love learning about people and places, too. And appreciating knowing more about people in another part of the world. Those films sound very fascinating.
My son had us watch a couple TV series about the walks Levison Wood has taken. Central America, the Nile, and the Himalayas. He is in the British Army, so is quite fit and qualified for the political aspects. You learn a great deal about the everyday people as he meets them along the way.
For some reason I am fascinated by Indian movies. Loved "Lion" and would even watch it again. I will rent your other 2 movies at the library. Hysterical sign about 15 items. Every store needs that clarification. (hee hee). A functional (easy on the shoulders) but pretty laundry basket-say what? As usual, a great post. Thanks for including me. Have a fun day! mary in Az
I love that watering can! I keep thinking a I need a watering can, but I use a pottery pitcher and I guess it works just fine. And thank you so much for sending me the atlas obscura link! I lost myself down that rabbit hole for ages. The iris are beautiful, I have one planted in my yard, not in a flower bed or anything, one year someone gave me a couple chunks so I just dug a hole in the grass and stuck it in. It seems to survive year-to-year, but it's hard to mow around (1 random iris). A prime example of terrible planting, but it makes me so happy when it comes back. Of course it isn't back yet, but I'm hopeful!
Hi LeeAnna,
We have the same aqua laundry basket here!
I'll have to go back and take a look round for those chair hangers!
Another reason to love the local library - renting movies! I forget to do that, and check and see if our library has the movies you've mentioned. We did see Lion, and loved it, too. Glad Milo is doing well after his surgery! I enjoyed seeing your Valentine quilt start in yesterday's post - hope you feel inspired to keep going on it.
I really enjoy cruising certain stores. You found fabulous items. Love the little elephant water can. I would love to get one. Know where he got it?
I love IKEA, but the closest is 2 hours away so I only get there once every 2 years. Glad Milo is cone free.
Those are beautiful pics. thanks for sharing.
Love the felted critter. I have Viceroy's House on our watch list. I may have to check out The Lost City of Z. You have lots of cool stuff this week!
I have the same elephant watering can. A keeper, I think! Thanks for linking up today!
I love that pink elephant watering thingy and we always love seeing Milo! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
I just adore IKEA!
All three movies sound interesting. I especially wanted to see Lion - several friends told me not to miss it. Got a chuckle from Milo's dialog. What lovely Iris.
Get well Milo! I love that you are working on your valentine quilt! I don't know what I would do without PBS British entertainment. It all delights me! Have a wonderful day!
I laughed out loud at the check out sign. Love the elephant. IKEA always fascinates me ... so much to look at! Beautiful iris (one of my favorite flowers). Good for you and your valentine quilt. Hugs to Milo!
That felted alpaca was adorable, and I loved the pink watering can elephant! Funny signs in that photo at the grocery too. Loved your Five.
Oh my gosh that brightly colored leopard fabric makes me swoon! Great things of thanks this week. Hope Larry the Llama is providing you with loads of positive energy. Ear scratches to my favorite black Spoo with hugs for your weekend. 🐩
that fabric is lime and magenta! It's fleece from Joann years ago and I made myself a coat with it! Since then I foolishly gave away the coat but made Milo a quilt out of the scraps. Too good to throw away!
More flamingos! Love it! (By the way, I still can't get the Domingo the Flamingo song out of my head!) I have seen The Lion - a terrific, inspirational movie! I have put the other two on my list ...
Thanks for visiting my blog today and your comments. I saw a short video the other day by someone who suffers from severe skin issues. She said she used to see herself as a victim of the skin problems, but now she looks at it as part of the struggle that she is meant to experience on the journey to who she is supposed to become. This may come across as another platitude, but maybe it is helpful ...
I heartily thank you for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~, I sincerely appreciate it!
You also have such a beautiful blog, that's why I'm going and do copy-and-paste of the URL code of your web page in order to be updated with your next articles and to follow you!
Hoping to have you following me in turn - I'd be honored by having you amongst my blog friends -
I'm sending hugs and much love to you
XOXO Daniela
Good news about Milo - The cone of shame is never fun.
Love the Elephant Watering Can.
Fun little felt animal too.
You always find some neat stuff.
love your likes!! those little chair hooks are too cute, so is your watering can...glad milo is on the mend! the little felt animal is adorable! going to check out the blog you mentioned...thanks so much for linking up with willy nilly!!
I loved the beginning and the end of Lion, but, yes, it did drag in the middle.
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