*I Liked this placemat found in a store in Frederick. I didn't buy it because we had Milo with us and he was shopping too, and chose a toy so we were busy explaining to him we had to pay for it.
See that post here
I Love all the texture and lines turning a basic circle into a lovely flower! I should make a version of them too! I'm so glad my family sewed, and I took home Ec in junior high where I learned clothing construction and how to use a sewing machine!
I loved fabric from about age 5. I made Barbie clothes, I pieced quilt blocks about age 7, I hand embroidered towels for gifts. I embroidered my jeans in high school, and made most of my clothes from the time I learned how through college.
*I Like these foods in my fridge...
Watermelon cleaned cold and ready to slice in the evenings!
Sausage patties already cooked ready to warm up for breakfasts
leftover casserole waiting to be rewarmed for a quick dinner (Love leftovers)
Horizon organic milk... just tastes better
cherry flavored sparkle water
*I Liked finding this dress at Khols, 90% off at $6! Then another 30% off to bring the cost to $4.30
look at the crystals on the sleeves
*I Like wearing skirts in the summer
Skirts aren't just for dancing! Now that a person can buy stretchy tight shorts to wear under a skirt, it's like wearing shorts and a T-shirt but with the style of a skirt! I'm all about comfort. There's something about wearing shorts under that make the whole thing so comfy.
* I Liked finding these Father's day gifts at Khols made by IZOD for Milo's preppy daddy
little blue anchors on the shirt. Both pieces have a bit of stretch so they can be a slimmer fit than usual.
*I LIke this blog http://redrose-tomotomowriting2.blogspot.com/

I must remember this blog... no way to subscribe by email I can find. It's filled with lovely pictures of the blogger's life in Japan. So lovely. Travel sideways!
*I Like our video of Milo meeting the 180 lb Bernese young 'un down the street
* Milo Likes ice cubes!
I try to keep a bowl of them in the freezer for his enjoyment
Milo here... what fun these are! Who knew drinking water could be so much fun! They skitter around the kitchen floor so I get my exercise while eating them so I keep my figure! Funny... they seem to disappear while I play with them though. Mama's always there with another one! She's useful that way.
Please enjoy the lists these fine folks have made too!
6, craftscaviescontras
7. http://hillsidequilter12.blogspot.com/
8.https://gwynedtrefethen (Posts on Fridays)
9. http://100sweets.blogspot.com/
linking to some parties including
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
http://itsasmalltownlife.blogspot.com/Let's be social Wednesdays
myquiltinfatuation Thursdays
Hi LeeAnna,
That meeting with the Bernese went well!
Watermelon! Have to pick one up next time I'm out!
Fun placemat!
I love watermelon and leftovers, too. I am always happy when they are in my fridge! I think of Milo as a big guy until I saw your video with the other dog. Then you can tell he's still growing! We saw a beautiful standard poodle in one of our evening walks at River's Edge the other day. 14 years old! Sweet and friendly. I thought of you!
Oh, that's a big dog. Look at them play! what fun. That placemat is pretty cool, too. What a steal of a dress!
Khols deals are the best!
Hi Lee Anna ! This post was so enjoyable. I woke up out of sorts this morning but felt inspired after all these likes. The pink place mat is so intricate and must have taken a lot of patience to make. We are living on watermelon,salads and micro cooking this week due to the heat. What a steal on that dress! Thx for the new blog at Green Tomato-the photos are beautiful! have a great day. Thx for including my likes. mary in Az.
I'm out of watermelon! The horror! My dogs used to love iced cubes in the summer time.
imagine that! rocks that melt! Love that Milo loves ice cubes!
I just had to laugh, we are two for dinner at night and i cook as if we are more like 4? Well, years ago i decided what i really do do is making "Planned Overs"...that i cook once, then reheat with tons more veggies added the next day!! you can quote me on that !!as some say i rather be quiltin', or painting or dancing or sewing or in the garden growing... than cooking!
Oh my heavens...that placemat is fabulously gorgeous and I love that pop of color, too. Watching little Milo meet the neighbor is too cute. As he grows I think he'll be able to handle himself nicely. 🐩
That video is so cute! They want to play but aren't quite sure how. Love that pink flower!
Great link - her photos are so cool. As soon as I saw those placemats I thought 'LeeAnna could make those'.
OMG thank you for the smile and laugh this morning with MIlo's meeting. The placemats are gorgeous and you could do that easy peasy.
Yes, you could make those placemats! Liked seeing what's in your fridge( am I weird! to like that) and what lovely bargains. I too wear summer skirts and love the length and width of them. Milo is amazing and I thought it was you keeping your figure chasing ice cubes till I reread and realized it was Milo!
The pink place mat is lovely!I think it is too beautiful to use that!!!
Milo is adorable! Thank you for showing my blog. Happy day to you!
Thanks for reminding me! I bought a watermelon yesterday and by the time I got all the groceries in the house I was exhausted and forgot to go get the watermelon in the truck. I'm going out to get it now!
Milo is so cute playing with the Burnese dog!
Ooo, love the color of that placemat. Screaming deal on that dress! I love a good bargain! And that video is too cute. I love Bernese mt dogs.
those playing pups are adorable.
milo is so cute and what a great deal on the pretty dress! i also like the placemat, the color is perfect for summer! thanks for linking up with willy nilly friday 5! have a great week ahead!
Very nice set of randoms. That was a pretty placemat and what a great buy on that dress. Milo is adorable. One of our cats (Caramel) likes ice cubes too.
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