Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like Thursday # 417 Be calm, pudding, and a poodle


Cooler overnight temps are causing leaves to start changing color. 

welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with a painting

I painted one lesson this week, sorry you can't see the gold sparkling
 then on  with treats...

good eats

I love tapioca pudding and my mother made it for me when I was little & sick. She never taught me any recipes but I found this one without eggs. 

I would leave out the cardamom next time (I only used half anyway) I subbed in almond milk for half the milk. I added in more sugar as it's for dessert.  Let it soak the way she says, you won't need more starch or eggs as it's so so SO good, warm or cold and set.

no pics, it went fast, so next time I'll double the recipe. 


Reading and tv same as last week Weather still quite hot but I saw a brown leaf this week... means it's cooler at night, not in our house (outside temps never come in open doors or windows sadly. 

I am slowly regaining some strength if not endurance. Sewing a little. Talking to Joy on zooms.

DH successfully renewed his passport this week, I painted my nails again a cheerful coral, we survived all the loud neighbors parking right next to our house over the holidays.  

together we got the wood floors cleaned. Admittedly my part was mostly supervising and instruction. The rugs are washed too, it all looks so good. Like when you finally clean the microwave.

video Love.... love shared. I considered adoption when I realized I wouldn't be able to make a baby


The measure of strength of a leader is not who you beat down

The true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up. K.H.


Prompt: What calming exercises have you successfully used in the past to maintain a level mood?

I take slow deep breaths, hold, then release, repeat. When really stressed I like to talk to friends about the problem (stopping the fear merrygoround in my mind for a momen) If my body is cooperative I take a walk although it's stressful in this 'hood' 


I'm all ears! poodle humor!  I'm listening... go ahead

Milo's Moment

Oh Mama! you're showing my too trimmed ears back there

Milo: hiya, I survived another grooming and am cooler again, I needed a lot of ear hair gone this time but for dogs sake they aren't as short as they look here! Look at the first pic...

 I found out I love dates. 

I'm not adventurous with food but like those things and remind Mama every time she has one, that she has another mouth to feed, heh heh. Oh I'm gentle not to bite the hand that feeds me, I am so gentle and have taken to drooling when I see a treat. I never did that before. Gotta dirty up the freshly washed kitchen floor or people might forget a poodle lives here.

please visit these people to see what they liked this week

taking a break:


               friday smiles


Tigger's Mum said...

Agree 100% with that quote on leadership and cannot abide people who promote themselves for top jobs without understanding those prinicples and living by them. Great painting btw. Glad to read you are recovering somewhat.

easyweimaraner said...

milo you are a hero... we know what a challenge grooming and even claw clipping is for us dogs... and we all love pudding... it is the bandaid for the soul....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the calm, meditative look on your painted woman's face.

Duke said...

My mom made tapioca all the time. It always tasted best warm and not on the second day when it came out of the frig. I love dates!

Sandy said...

I walk alot which helps me clear my head. I generally listen to an audio book while I'm walking. I need to get back to doing yoga, that was really beneficial for piece of mind, balance, strength, aches and pains; but I've gotten out of the habit and can't get back to it. I think about it; but ...that's as far as it goes. Deep breathing is always good. goodness you brought back a memory I hadn't thought about in years. I've never made it; but Mom did, like you said when you were sick in particular. We put sugar, cinnamon, maybe butter? can't quite remember and warm milk on it. I may have to give it a try.
<a href=">Sandy's Space</a>

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm sure glad to hear that your are feeling a bit better. Your painting is super cool. Milo, looking good pal and you're always a cool pup. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Cloudia said...

You got so much done! Yes long slow breaths.Milo knows!
Thank You

Kathleen said...

Glad there is some strength returning. I like supervising cleaning, too, much better than doing it, although I can get compulsive. Milo makes me laugh. To calm myself down, breathe, music and going to the water....all work. Also, some flat on the floor, letting the earth take the weight of the world off me and resting on it...mats and carpeting preferred.

Helen said...

Leaves are starting to turn!!! Yay!

PaintedThread said...

Hmmm... I need to get me some tapioca! I love dates. I have not been happy with the ones I buy at BJ's so I need to find a new source. But at least my local grocery store has started carrying baking dates. Yay! I'm glad there's at least a little positive progress.

Shannon said...

I love all the small things, getting things cleaned up, weather a tiny bit cooler, painting nails. Things that can be mood boosters even if overall things are still a struggle. I was happy to actually blog this week so there's one from my side. Thanks for keeping us going!

Angela said...

Great quote. Would that everyone lived by it! So glad that you are on the mend!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Remembering to slow down and breathe deep when you're feeling anxious is the best first step! I love that KH quote - leadership should definitely be all about the other people, not yourself. Milo, you're looking good! A haircut can do wonders!

Sara said...

I'm so glad to hear you are seeing some improvements and feeling a bit better. Your leadership quote accurately describes 2 very different school district superintendents I worked for over the years. One lifted up the students and staff all the time - and got great results. The other beat us all down - every day. Glad that second one was fired after 1 school year. Your tapioca would have been gobbled up quickly by my whole family, except me. I don't care for the texture. But the hubby and kids sure liked it.

Melissa Baker said...

Great stuff! New Here..

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Oh yes...tapioca pudding is truly a comfort dessert. Will have to make some soon when the weather levels out. Milo...Elsa sympathizes with you. She hates ear trimming/plucking too. And she has super hairy inside ears 🙃

Susie H said...

Glad to hear there is some improvement on the health front. I love dragonflies so was immediately attracted to your painting. Yes, yes, yes to admiring and feeling good about a clean microwave. Hahaha!

Annie said...

I loved tapioca pudding….reminds me of school dinners. Rice pudding too…we used to have it with strawberry jam. You sound a little better this week and that makes me smile.
Annie x

Lisca said...

Well done you guys for doing all that cleaning! My late husband used to be the instigator to do these things and I would 'supervise'. Now I have to do these things myself.
I love tapioca! I can't get it here. At least I've never seen it here. I remember eating it (sweet version) as a child. (My dad used to call it frog spawn).
Brilliant quote about the strength of a leader. So true.
Nails painted coral! How wonderful! Where is the photo? That would certainly have made me smile. Nails are like having your hair done. I don't particularly like having my hair or nails done, but afterwards I feel so much better that I keep on doing it. I hope it made you feel a little better.
Have a lovely weekend,

Michelle said...

Our leaves are starting to turn and fall, but I love it! Dates are a great snack. Have you ever listened to the frequencies on YouTube? They have frequencies for healing, sleep, relaxation, etc... interesting. They also have frequencies for plant growth :) Thanks for linking up!