Saturday, September 7, 2024

Creativity this week, Painting of a bird, hand embroidery on an orange flower


I am grateful that I found strength enough to paint and sew a bit this week! An improvement if not total recovery! 

I signed up for a free online workshop called Art Soul Gathering. There were several teachers, but I wasn't inspired by more than two. I'll show you what I learned... 

the quote is not attached yet, just trying out locations

the little bird was taught by Tam LaPorte. Mine isn't like hers exactly but it's like my way. It's so colorful with a cute gesture. 

after it was done and dry, I added  in a quote found online, printed it in italics, dragged a tombow marker along the torn edges and this is where I think I'll attach it

I like birds, in fact we have another sparrow sleeping on our front porch. It's a young fledgling and getting bigger every night. I'm happy he chooses to sleep here, safe on our front porch rocks.

The hand sewing is small, 8 X 11" and it's purpose is to provide a place for me to do meditative stitching. I ordered 8 spools of variegated threads on sale from Liz Kettle at textile evolution. 

I have lots of other pretty threads too. I like variety. It is in progress... I've stitched the petals, stem, two leaves and grasses. I'm trying to decide how to continue. 

I thought I'd do just running stitch but.... 

needs a filling stitch to go with the shading at the bottom
the leaf is done with dmc variegated, 2 ply in a loose back stitch
before starting I pressed on shirt tailor stabilizer to the back so I wouldn't need a hoop

the back at the moment

I also painted this meditating woman from the workshop


PaintedThread said...

Love that little bird. Yay for sewing!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your wee bird and the quotation you chose is perfect! I'm glad to see the full meditating woman painting because I liked the excerpt you showed in yesterday's post.

Helen said...

I guess I missed that online workshop. I do love your little bird!

Susie H said...

I love your little bird. You did such a great job painting him. I hope you continue to enjoy health improvements.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

This little birdie is so adorable! Bravo, and I'm so happy that you are feeling better and stronger! Thank you for sharing your beautiful art.

Kim said...

The little bird is very sweet and how very true is the quote you chose. It's good to read that you are beginning to feel a little better. It's good to see you are able to enjoy some meditative slow stitching. The flower with those pretty threads and stitches is looking lovely.

Kathleen said...

What a beautiful blue bird and fabulous quote. Glad you are feeling a touch better. Here's to more feeling better this week.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I love your little bird - just unbelievably cute! Apt quotation, too.

Sara said...

The little bird is so cute. Love how you use embellishments on your quilting projects to take a simple design to the WOW stage.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Your bird is striking, especially with the perfect quotation you found. Love your little stitching project. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Granny Annie said...

Love your Meditating Woman.

Gillena Cox said...

All gorgeous pieces. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


DVArtist said...

Ohhhh.... that bird is stunning. I love all of your art but this one really stands out. Your quilted flowers are just so pretty. I really like your painting of the the face. So much in thought. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice weekend.

Gene Black said...

I love your painting of the little bird. And the flower embroidery is so nice. I like to put stabilizer on the back of my handwork and avoid a hoop also.

My name is Erika. said...

I love that sweet little bird. And your quilted flower is beautiful. I love how each petal is different. Have a super weekend.

Carola Bartz said...

The bird turned out beautifully and I like the embroidery very much. I did Art Soul Gathering as well and only three of the workshops inspired me - Tamara Laporte, Melany Rivers and Sue Rivers. I wasn't really inspired by the others.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Lee Anna, your bird is awesome! I really like it. And, I love your orange hand embroidered flower, as well as your painting. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.