Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday # 418

 welcome to this week's list of likes

we noticed someone in the neighborhood had a thriving peach tree! Just out of reach! The owner was doing yardwork, so we remarked on the lush harvest this year (none last year as a late flash freeze took out all the blooms) He said help ourselves. I told him we couldn't reach them, and he shrugged....

I didn't want to actually stand begging and ask him to hand us a few.... but we noticed them dying on the tree yesterday. I'm not in shape to jump a fence, reach up high, then jump a fence again... 

Aren't they pretty? I want a peach tree in our yard. Our yard who's soil can't support grass. 

a couple houses down had this pretty vignette
I love evergreen trees.
It's been in the 90's F still here. Waiting for Fall temps. 
I ordered some mums which if they arrive alive will make me think it's Fall. 3  1 quart orange, 1 3 quart in red for the back porch. 
my painting last week. 
I like that another sparrow has taken refuge at night on our front porch wall of stones too. The real sign of Fall is the birds fly south so as long as he's here.... hot weather continues.

Quigong Tai Chi classes online

her style is similar to the one I used to do along the banks of the Hillsborough river, on the grounds of Tampa U. Saturday morning, free, the nicest group of people. We became friends. 
I was coping with feelings from a recent break-up with my fiance, and this was like tonic. I made several male friends, which filled in the gaps... One was a dog walker, red hair, large.... as it turned out years later he walked me down the aisle when I married my now husband. He stayed at my house to watch my labradaughter Chelsea during my honeymoon, which allowed me to not worry for her. 
One was a lovely Jazz lover, with a dog. He and I often did precision dog walking together for years. The dogs tangling them selves as we untangled leashes in between laughter. I was smitten with him in the beginning, we tried going out to hear music together but he was worried we'd be shot since he was black and I was white. The three of us these two men and I would often have breakfast together after Tai Chi. Others came along too. It was a safe place and our growing friendship bond forged a safe haven for us all. 
Jazz lover read a poem at my wedding to dh 30 years ago. 
Now and then a Quigong Si-fu (expert)  came. I remember him telling me in broken English, to let the evils thrown at me by work flow past, how to dodge it, move away sway away and let it go past. To this day I remember him with appreciation and kindness and love. 
They are all firmly in my past now, but love never dies does it? 

reading the next in Fortune series by Jana DeLeon   once I get hooked on a series, it's heaven to have lots of books to read. Same with TV, discovering a series that has 20 seasons is a happy dance!

good eating

it is like firm custard, and so delish! We make home made whipped cream to go on it. The bit missing there, was from my spoon to see if it was cooked and how it tasted. (Last two pieces to photo)

crustless pumpkin pie  recipe:

wanted some more custard/pudding and this fit the bill. Just like pumpkin pie where the crust fell off!

5 ingredients, I would add in some graham cracker crust crumbles on top next time for texture. DH and I disagreed about the sweetness. I liked it, he wanted more sweetness. 

seems like breakfast food to me

 Milo's Moment

Mama: Milo baby, why is it you refuse to keep walking when it's hot, but will come out back and lie in the full sun? 
MILO: well Mama, not all dog logic is easy for hoomans to understand. Walking in heat is just exhausting and there are no waterbowls for me on a short walk. If we go outback, I'm just a short step into the house for water, plus I like the sun for short times. PLUS I can keep two poodle eyes on those pesky neighbors all around us who don't have the dog sense to stay in their houses. 

Mama: well, I might not understand like you said, but I love you and hope you don't spontaneously combust out here. 

now please visit these people to read what they liked this week


easyweimaraner said...

milo we know that phenomenon... we are the same... LOL I love the pumpkin pie is so perfect for fall

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed reading your memories of your Qigong group in Tampa! And boo hiss to your neighbour who wouldn't make the effort to pick a few peaches for you!

Cloudia said...

Your painting is beautiful and Milo of course! Wishing you both a beautiful week. Aloha!

Sara said...

The pumpkin pie made me think it's time to add those ingredients to my grocery list. It's my husband's favorite - calls it Punk Pie. I bought a mum last week and put it in my big deck pot to replace the petunias that we giving up. The blooms haven't opened yet, but I'm hopeful.

Tigger's Mum said...

Love your bird painting. We always find American pumpkin pie to be far too sweet. We makes ours without sugar (and often use coconut cream or even grated coconut in them).

grammajudyb said...

I second the “boo hiss” to the stingy neighbor! I mean he offered, but couldn’t share! I grinned at your crustless pumpkin pie. I’ll check the recipe. I often have just a bit too much filling when I bake a pumpkin pie! So grease a smallish casserole dish and bake it too! Mr Busy doesn’t like it, so it’s all mine! Now I’m hungry for pie! LOL!

MissPat said...

I've been taking Tai Chi for about 3 years now. Our instructor has just started added some Qiqong breathing movements to the routine. The classes are provided by our County Office for the Aging and are free. We've got a nice group of people involved.
My husband always had to have real whipped cream with pumpkin pie. And he always had to have my homemade pumpkin pie, no store bought pie would do. I'm not sure he would like gone for crustless though.

Annie said...

What a shame your neighbour couldn't be more neighbourly...I love peaches too. Milly is like you Milo...she likes to lie in the sun but not walk far in it. I've been baking this morning...I've made 2 apple and blackberry crumbles, a blue berry crumble, a coffee cake and 12 vanilla buns :-)
Annie x

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those peaches do look good, and I'm sorry neighbor wasn't generous enough to pick some for you! So does your pumpkin pie - I'll have to try that recipe. I loved your bird painting this week, too.

PaintedThread said...

I would love to have a peach tree! That little bird is adorable.

Michelle said...

What a meany of a neighbor! I would think he would deliver a bag for you. I like your bird painting. I admit I am not a fan of pumpkin pie! I always like pecan :) I always enjoy seeing Milo. Nothing like the friendship of a dog. Thank you for linking up.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful bird painting! I was in the store and touched some rock hard peaches...I long for delicious ones...hard to get in New England. I make a butternut squash custard, similar I think the the crustless I must look for it. I love it for breakfast in the fall!