Thursday, April 20, 2023

I Like Thursday # 346


welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with a spring quilt I hung up in the stairwell...
I like to sift through finished quilts to decorate


on ebook

Halfway to You - Audiobook by Jennifer Gold

Lately I've started and sent back several books including ones I mentioned. That being said,  this one is new to me, so I don't know how it will be. 

listening on audio: loving this next book in the series about Perveen a lawyer in India in 1920's


I liked this breakfast one morning at the crack of 10... I don't like to eat too early, avocado, turkey sausage, roasted bell peppers and thousand island dressing

( blogger is acting up, might have to rely on things I kept in draft already)

 Watching on Youtube

wise words near the end, otherwise very funny
link in case it won't play here

can't imagine liking a rat??? watch this! love them...

link to video in case it doesn't play

 Our prompt this week is: list favorite scents, and if they make you remember a particular time of life

 15 scents/smells I love:

coppertone suntan lotion at the beach in Clearwater Florida

baking cinnamon rolls

Light Blue fragrance from Dolce and Gabana


fresh laundry from the dryer

Orange Blossoms 


the ancient scent of memeographed sheets of purple inked paper back in elementary school

almond extract

the fresh real pine scent of the Adirondaks

spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove top

honeysuckle and jasmine flowers

the lemon scent of just polished furniture

spiced wine

strong coffee in the morning 

some stories: 

coppertone was the scent of my youth, that mixed with hot sand, cool water, the feel of a breeze on hot skin, the sight of people on a pier, the sound of waves over cochina shells, the sight of waving palm fronds, the softness of lying on a blanket over soft white sand, the sense of floating on gentle waves in warm gulf waters. 

pine is a memory of Lake Placid NY long walks around mirror lake, gentle breezes, cool air that's fresh, quiet mornings of mist looking across water to tall mountain peaks, quiet sounds of loons across water, fresh fresh fresh... safe and gentle. I miss it so. 

Milo's Moments

Milo: I have an excellent sniffer... I like a lot of sniffs like good food, bunnies, cats, my toys when Mama plays hide and seek with them for me! I like the way my pawrents smell like safety and home. I like my bed because it smells like me and especially my ball... heyyyyy where is my ball?

please visit these fine folks to read their list of likes this week. 

tell me about your favorite scents, and if you ever want to join us I'll send the prompts to you and link your blog

friday smiles at a stitch in time  


easyweimaraner said...

we love the little furry friends... and we agree.. poodles have a super sniffer and they are a super duper hunting breed... and probably the smartest breed ever...

Michele McLaughlin said...

Wonderful likes! My hubby and I were talking about the scent of memeograph machines a week ago. Great list! Have a great weekend!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
So many simmilar scents ! Just mentioning a few brings back memories.
Breakfast/brunch idea looks good !
hugs,take care,

Sara said...

Your quilt looks so wonderful hanging there in the stairway. It's beautiful.

Coppertone was the scent of my childhood summers, and I'm immediately thinking about practically living at the swimming pool all summer long. Baking bread is still one of my favorite scents. And rain . . . which we have here this morning. Vanilla and cinnamon are so good too.

Cloudia said...


Cloudia said...

Scent: petrachor the smell of rain just starting on warm streets and sidewalks and soil. It's that wonderful smell

Shannon said...

I love your scents! Some of them are ones I love too- Baking cinnamon rolls ties me ineradicably to my sister (<3) and orange blossoms which reminds me viscerally of a spring spent studying abroad in Seville.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a cute photo you caught of Milo - off to catch the latest scent! Your breakfast idea looks yummy - anything in a tortilla is good, really. :) Love the video of the guy with his squirrel! Happy Thursday!

Angela said...

Oh, yes to cinnamon anything!

sonja said...

cinnamon in my coffee
vanilla fields and light blue and white linen
plumeria blossoms
air just before the rains starts
some of my favorite sniffs

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Yes to so many of those scents! I adore that spring quilt you've just hung. Hey Milo, keep those pawrents on their toes!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That spring quilt is so pretty. Those were fun videos. We have a blogger friend that use to have rats, she loved them lots and she still posts rat memes on Mondays. Milo, happy sniffing dude, there's always something to sniff out. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Linda said...

You and I love the same scents! What a great list you have. I forgot to put coffee on my list - one of my very favorites - how could I forget that! Oh my gosh, the purple inked mimeographed sheets - YES! Love Milo's tail. :)

PaintedThread said...

Imagine all the different scents that a dog can smell! That breakfast looks good. That squirrel story is pretty cool. A coworker of mine just rescued a baby squirrel - we'll see if he becomes friends.

Dawn Hart said...

Love the quilt, Eko my Golden Cocker has fantastic scenting abilities and alerts me to my low blood sugars, there are several standard poodles in our assistance dog organisation as they're such great dogs, seriously considering a poodle as my next dog in a few years time xxx

Kathleen said...

Suntan lotion, the ocean smell and cinnamon rolls all are special smells to me. Love Mr Milo’s sniffer and his knowing where things are by sniff. Always wonder about the messages dogs leave one another…what are they saying?

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love your list of scents. They're all so good! Your Spring quilt is gorgeous. I remember using baby oil at the beach and that had a nice scent too! I'm sure Milo loves all those scents too!

Annie said...

So many of your favourite scents trigger off my asthma sadly but that doesn’t mean I don’t like them lol Jasmine and cinnamon are some of the worse. I love the coconut smell of suntan cream and the smell of fresh bread and bacon cooking. Your Spring quilt is gorgeous as is your gorgeous Milo
Annie x

Tails Around the Ranch said...

When I first moved to Denver we lived in a small apartment that did not allow dogs/cats. My daughter decided to adopt a pair of rats. I cringed until I got to 'know' them. Full of personality and ever so smart. Hope Milo found his ball again. Love your spring quilt-it's so pretty and looks great!

Michelle said...

Milo seems like the best dog and handsome to boot. LOVE the look of your breakfast. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great videos, rats are so intelligent. Milo is looking good. I am sure by now he will have found his ball with a sniffter like dogs have he will have no problem at all I'm sure. Loving the quilted picture too. Wishing you both a very happy weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, such very cute videos! "My" squirrels are wild animals, but that´s ok (if a bit sad, I feed them every day after all!).

The Joyful Quilter said...

Such a sweet Spring wall hanging, LeeAnna! Some of those scents are ones that I was beginning to list when I read this weeks prompt, but others have dropped off my list of favorites thanks to my allergies.