Thursday, April 6, 2023

I Like Thursday # 344 easter baskets

welcome to this week's list of likes... starting with the quilt project I worked on this week... 20 colorful sweaters I'd like  in a size I could wear! More on Saturday's post!

We needed sweaters this week, It was hot, then dropped 70 degrees and snowed two days and is headed back to 80F this week. Crazy town! While it was cold I made some treats for us 

cinnamon buns, this scent should be bottled!

before frosting with cream cheese icing

a bit of work, two risings, full of calories, but just before the last baking you pour on some cream to make them almost just like cinnabun from the mall. A cold weather event here! 

one of Sally's recipe candies
 Milo: y'all..., it was torture! Dogs have great sniffers, and this drove me insane all day and I didn't get one! 

Mama: you can't have wheat honey, so I gave you one of the rice cookies you like!

Milo: (looking at the one cookie in his bowl, then at the full container of cookies, then his bowl, then the container, then directly at me...) yep, one measley cookie when there must have been hundreds in the tupperwear! And no candy either this weekend!

Mama: Oh, chocolate... but I did let you lick the cherry inside part off the beaters! 

Milo: thanks. I wanted the whole candy mama! These neglects are going in my book...

Mama: oh no! you're writing a book? I expected you to tell your therapist about my shortcomings but a book too? 

Milo: I have a great title, but not telling you yet. Oh and this weekend the pawrents had delish lunches which I did not also get

I will guard you mama, while YOU eat

Mama: now, I gave you some of the black beans, some cheese, and a piece of chicken! but not the wheat tortillas 

Milo: okayyyyy but it wasn't enough and you didn't even drop any of it!

Heck! all I got was my bowl of kibble when they were done!
Mama: sorry honey, you're a poodle with a sensitive tummy. We all loved the candy buttercreams from Sally's recipe. I made some with minced marischino cherries, and some with chocolate syrup and almond flavoring.

speaking of sweets, this is our prompt this week:

 "do you have any fun or special memories of getting or giving an easter
basket?  What was in it?  Was it covered in that shiny see through
crinkly paper and candy sitting on that paper grass? Remember that wall
of easter baskets in the front window of the dime stores ? Did you do
easter egg hunts in the yard, and did you love it? "

me, aged almost three, when I was told I couldn't open the basket before church!

 We all wore our best crinolines and dresses, new little white socks and gloves and pretty shiny patent leather shoes...

I loved the pretty baskets the mother made, with crinkly paper grass, candies, chocolate bunnies, my favorite Malted milk eggs. I didn't love jelly beans but they were pretty, and sometimes there was a little toy in there. One year there was a sugar egg with a scene in it!

Miss Boulton (@MissBoultonOLOC) / Twitter

Malted Milk Eggs - Candyland Store

Panoramic Easter Eggs Easter Decoration | Favorite Family Recipes

Oh and it was such an event to dye the real eggs! The paas kit, with the dyes to mix with vinegar in cups, those little wire egg holders such a challenge to chubby girl fingers, the wax crayons to draw on first  and see the magic of it staying white thru the dye bath. The decals one year. I loved so much the hunting for eggs! My sisters would hide them in the yard for me to find. 
 Gosh what fun memories!


on Ebook

   so far very entertaining

on audiobook

so good, and great reader. Characters involving first female lawyer in Bangalore India... mores of the time and very entertaining

Had to return unfinished the  audio book by Celeste Ng because it depressed me. Well written and read but content was just depressing. I might go back if life becomes less depressing in general. 

Sewing finish last week... post here:


Great British Baking show... junior edition  this is so entertaining, the judges are prior contestants in the adult show, and so charming, the kids are open and charming, the dishes they come up with are fun

new to us, a netflix series with Rob Lowe and a cast of wonderful actors/characters... called Unstable 

I usually smile, maybe chuckle... well I must have loudly guffawed 10 or more times per episode. Clever and funny and I might have to watch it again to catch the dialogue missed while laughing

 craft idea from youtube

Milo's Moment  

I want the easter bunny to bring me a new ball... and let me chase him in my yard!

friday smiles at a stitch in time  



Cloudia said...

You were an adorable 3-year-old. Wishing you a happy Easter!

easyweimaraner said...

we love the sugar eggs... I never ate such art pieces .. but my cousin did LOL

Duke said...

The photo of you in your Easter finery is just precious. We could have been twins! You are such a talented artist!

Linda said...

Those cinnamon rolls look delicious, and I agree with Milo - the candy looks much better than a dog cookie. Oh yes I forgot to mention gloves and white socks in my post - it was part of the "uniform" wasn't it! I enjoy your prompts very much - thanks for hosting!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Yum on the cinnamon rolls! That photo of you as a 3 year old having to wait for your Easter basket is just precious. Patience is a tough thing for little ones! I've read another book by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and really liked it - will have to look for this one. Happy Thursday!

Sara said...

I loved getting to dress up for Sunday school at Easter - a pretty new spring dress, a hat and white gloves. But living in Minnesota as a kid it was sometimes still cold and wintery at Easter. My mother was still doing an Easter basket when I was an adult, but she put jewelry and cash into those plastic eggs. LOL One of my coworkers used corn starch to make bunny footprints all over her house for her kids even after they were teenagers.

The smell of cinnamon is one of the BEST things ever!! Even when it's just cinnamon toast, but cinnamon rolls are the best.

Angela said...

So pretty in your little dress! I will watch that Rob Lowe show. I've wondered if it was worth watching. I plan to watch the youtube video as well. I love making books!

Marti said...

Your rolls look delicious. They are a lot of work, but soooo good. I love your Easter dress; you were a cutie, tears and all.

Helen said...

Those cinnamon rolls!! Just seeing those make me know that I must make some this weekend!

grammajudyb said...

What a wonderful photo of you as a little girl! It’s fun to look at those vintage pics! I’m adding those titles to my to-be-read list!
Thanks for sharing the video about the embellished spines on those journals! Aren’t they exquisite?

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, that's a big temperature drop, brrrr. Those cinnamon buns look so good. When I was growing up I had a yellow macrame basket that my Mom made, actually I still have it around here somewhere. Hey Milo, I hope you at least get a new ball for Easter. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

I like your quilt sweaters. Oh! Cinnamon buns! Milo - some beans, cheese and chicken sounds like a nice combo. I remember not being able to eat the candy until after church. ugh! I had forgotten about those sugar eggs with all the piping. In fact, I think I still have an old one somewhere. I need to dig through my closet. Good memories!

Babajeza said...

My sister and I found an umbrella in the Easter nest. I do not remember whether the blue or red was mine ... :-)

Dawn Hart said...

Happy Easter, the common bins look so tasty **drools*" Easter is a quiet time here in the UK I don't recall ever doing an Easter Egg Hunt as a child although we did have Easter Bonnets parades at the vicarage as I recall x

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Well, so much to enjoy here...cinnamon buns, Milo's writing a book...such a talented dog-I always knew poodles were superior, Ned can't even read, and adorable you-what a photo treasure. THose quilt sweaters are so creative too. Thanks as always LeeAnna.

Annie said...

What a little cutie you were. I love Milo’s antics. He’s such a character.
Annie x

Michelle said...

I remember those sugar eggs with the scene in them! I haven't thought about those in years :) Cinnamon rolls are the best for taste and smell:) Poor Milo! I understand his sadness. My Golden always wants a taste of what we have. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love the picture of you when you were little. So adorable! I love cinnamon buns. I made a huge batch a few years ago and the house smelled so good! Have a Happy Easter!

My GBGV Life said...

The quilt looks really interesting. Quilts are not only for decoration, but to keep one warm as are sweaters. Mom has cinnamon bun soap in the kitchen for washing her hands and just loves it. That last sugar egg brings back memories! Gramma used to make them every year and give them to people. They are still so fun for Easter but no one here makes them.

Kathleen said...

Once again, I am hungry looking at your luscious buns! I loved my easter basket when we had the big coconut cream eggs in favorite. There was a store in town that made them, but they are harder and harder to find. Since my son had food allergies, I haven't looked in years, but I think about the every Easter!