Thursday, November 25, 2021

I Like Thursday # 272


I like doodling on the calendar page with a bold brush marker

Welcome to this week's list of likes... on Thanksgiving Day this time...there is always something to like, something good that happens, something beautiful that shows itself, a small gesture maybe done by a family member, a phone dropped but not broken, a meal that turns out better than you expected, a good movie you happen upon, the sound of silence or nature after the loud neighbors drive off... 

today is slightly different than usual... let's start with the videos by soulpancake... all really worthy of watching

it can only help if we try to find things in common with others right? What do you think you and I have in common... I'd so love to hear. Some of you have been coming here for years and we've gotten to know each other. Some of you have never left a comment but I hope we have things in common...

Then this video from youtube on an experiment really got me thinking

I didn't do it yet, my biggest influence and the person who always showed me love and grace has gone to Heaven. That is no reason not to write to her, as I believe she is still there and guides me even now.

my back spasms continue and during a particularly bad episode Tuesday night after a day of food prep, I gave up and laid on an ice pack. My poodle nurse came up to lick me well, and checked on me periodically til I was able to get up. His brown eyes were full of compassion and concern. 

Wanting to use some eggplant this week, I put in the work to make a parmesan. When I make up recipes I know there is a chance they won't taste good, but it surprised both of us by how good it was. We decided next time to make two pans and freeze one for later meals. 

I love watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade 

I am grateful for a home and enough food and our small family of 3. While I might long for things like a more pain free body and a return to civility in my country, while I might worry that I can't safely take the vaccine and am in danger, while I might want companionship of like minded friends that live far away or a loving extended family we do not have, I remain grateful for what we do have. 

I can still love. Somehow that love will matter. I can still write and paint and sew. I hope that contribution will matter. I still remember my history and what I've survived and know the scars from that remind me of overcoming what seemed impossible to survive. 

My social work days are over but I learned from them about compassion and understanding. I still seek meaning and will do what I can to encourage understanding not hate among people. I hope others can join me in this as I feel alone and isolated.  Despite that I know there is goodness and intend to continue to seek it. 

Milo's Moments

Mama: what a pretty dog!!!

Milo: where? where's a dog? I want to play!!!

Mama: oh, I meant you, you're adorable sitting there so straight and tall and handsome!

 Milo:  Oh, I'm not a dog Mama, my name is  "darling" and "good puppy" and "sweet boy" or "so smart!" "mama's baby" and sometimes "Milo" 

Mama: yes you're right as usual, "my baby"

Milo: see? 

Milo: you can make it up to me with the biggest piece of pie! (cut up in my bowl pweaze)

now please visit these fine folk to read their lists of likes/loves this week, and let me know if you did a post I need to link with


rosie and the boys nature pics 



easyweimaraner said...

love the ball pit video ;O))) Milo you look super cool!!! and we wish you all a wonderful thangsgiving day

smithcindyk said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Keep on creating. And this too shall pass.

Duke said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your peeps, Milo!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good morning, LeeAnna! I think we share many, many qualities. First and foremost, a love of God and dogs! Our political views, our dislike of extreme heat especially when trying to sleep, a need for a creative outlet, and kindness to strangers even when they may not give out kind vibes. Milo is looking quiet spiffy. Happy Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your readers! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Sara said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubbie and Milo! I sure hope those back spasms go away so you can enjoy watching the parade on TV today. I always enjoy the Rose Bowl parade too!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You have lots of good things to like every week! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Drew, and Milo. Enjoy your day together!

PaintedThread said...

Milo! You're handsome in that green polka dot!

Bummer on the back - I hope that lets up soon. I really liked that ballpit video. Good eggplant parm rocks! Happy Thanksgiving. :-)

piecefulwendy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you three, LeeAnna! I think you and I share a love of color, along with quilting.

Carol Andrews said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all LeeAnna. I’m so sorry to hear your back is still giving you grief. What a lovely list this week full of positivity in spite of all that is happening in your country. Your eggplant parm sounds like a perfect cold weather food. Milo does look so handsome in his polka dot shirt! I hope you enjoyed your parade 😉

Sandee said...

• ★ Happy ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★ Thanksgiving ★。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚| 田田 |門| ˚
* Grateful ♫•*¨* Blessed♪♫•*¨*

Scritches to Milo. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a really nice bunch of thankful things, each and every one. Milo, you do look mighty handsome pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us! said...

Love Milo's coat he is very stylish! Hope your back starts to feel better. As I have aged I have learned to be grateful and content. Life is so full of regrets and what ifs, but if you cannot find contentment and be grateful for what you have, you will never find peace and joy.

Sandra Walker said...

You're right that there are always things for which to be grateful; I can relate to the dropped phone... on concrete! Foof! We share a deep love of dogs, all animals, nature, a wish for civility (in my country it's awful too, just no respect at any level). I'm glad you are able to create! I'm also glad you have a very sweet nurse-dog.

Lisca said...

I loved the ball pit video. It's amazing! (No, I have never sat in a ball pit, they weren't invented when i was small)
I don't know if we have anything in common as I don't know you very well. But some of the things I do know is that, I am a terrible housekeeper, just like you! I also love walking, reading and doing jigsaws. Unfortunately I also have back pain at the moment.
Have a lovely weekend,

Annie said...

So sorry to hear about your back....I really hope it improves very soon but it does sound like Milo has kept a close eye on you. They always seem to know when you need them most don’t they?
Annie x

riitta k said...

I am sorry to hear about your back pain. I get the feeling that you have got this problem for long… But Milo is such a sweet carekeeper - a sweet boy indeed. And so handsome! We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Finland, but I too have many things ti be thankful of.

Lisca said...

Because I don't really know you, I spotted:
"About me
A nice Blog award post ABOUT ME
Click here!"
It was a blog post from May 21, 2015. You write quite a lot about yourself and point number 5 says that you are a terrible housekeeper.
If this is no longer the case, I do apologise. After all that blog is more than 6 years old.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving. I agree we both have so much to be thankful for. I am sorry to read about your pain. I hope they find a way to ease it in the future. I love how you share all the things you are thankful for, many of which are the same for me. Have a great Friday Smiles, too, LeeAnna.

Linda said...

Sorry about your back pain. I know how it can be. Glad your dog is loving.

Elizabeth said...

Hello there, what an interesting post. Belated Thanksgiving greetings - I hope you had a wonderful day. Like you, I've been thinking of all the things I'm grateful and, like yours, it's a long list. Your Milo is obviously one smart dog, and he looks it in his spotty coat. Sorry about your back pain and spasms, something we have in common, and I hope it becomes easier soon. Have a good weekend. Elizabeth x

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving (I have been visiting my sister out of state and just catching up). Handsome Milo looks adorably cute in his jim-jams.

Michelle said...

Glad that you had your poodle nurse to help in your recovery :) I enjoyed the ball pit video. I am also thankful that I am able to buy food and feed my family and friends for a meal. Thanks for linking up and have a great week.