Thursday, February 11, 2021

I Like Thursday # 231


hot pink lights on mantel for V-day
Welcome to this week's list of likes. 



I finished Plum tea crazy and the second Hildebrand paradise book this week. I'm finishing 

Bound for Murder - Gilbert, Victoria 

and listening to

Secrets of the Chocolate House - Brackston, Paula  LOVE this series... a woman sensitive to objects time travels back to help  


Orange Pineapple muffins with cinnamon sugar on top!
 these were  easy and good at breakfast as they are amazingly not overly sweet. Even Milo who won't get near fruit liked them!

the recipe is here:  pineapple sour cream muffins 

 Michele mentioned her recipe for quick biscuits last Thursday, so I made some. I watched 3 videos on making two ingredient biscuits and melded them together to make mine.

the cut off dough edges were rolled into wee crescent rolls!

1 cup Self rising flour (I added salt and BP to my regular flour) to one cup heavy cream. Mix, pour onto floured silicon sheet, press out into about a 3/4 inch thick rectangle, cut into 9 squares, place on baking sheet. 

Here is where I veered off, I brushed the tops with butter and cream from the measuring cups, started them at 425, then turned down to 375 after 5 min, for 15 more. Til they are golden. 

Light, fluffy and perfect for sausage biscuit breakfast

and then there were two...

small view ink/watercolor more tomorrow
a teaser... I tried Meditative Drawing this week


learning more about inflammation and the earth's magnetic healing power Here



gonna finish quilting this fabric painting this week hopefully!

 I am enjoying looking through this list...

list of fabric manufacturers with free patterns 

finished this last Saturday , all done with colored threads...

 Image result for pbs miss scarlet and the duke

watching on TV... 

the regular shows plus PBS Miss Scarlett mystery series

and these caught my eye this week.

 Aweeeeeee  I love cows... and baby calfs

LOVE this and wish I had said it all

one more for the first song...

I got my roots down deep....power to the peaceful! a tiny desk concert

Milo's Moment

Do I smell lunch?

Milo: heyyyy, nobody took my order!! I want a turkey sandwich, in a bowl, with sweet potato fries!

Mama: sorry honey, did you eat your kibble yet? 

Milo: eck! I'll just have what you're having, turkey what I smells, don't worry about stacking it up just toss it in a bowl. If you put it on a plate, cut into bite size pieces pweeze!

Mama: I gave you some sweet potato!

Milo: On DA FLOOR.... like a dog eats... the presentation here is bad!

Mama: ahem, I see the potatoes are gone...

Milo: from the goodness of my heart I ate them so you don't feel sadness Mama

Mama: ohhhhh.... for me.... such a good boy!

Milo: yep! tha's me, "good boy"! Let's talk about that turkey sandwich now... then I'll continue my nap

it's been really cold here

remember to let Mama know if you do a list too like these nice people!

unable to post this week 
going to a party!


easyweimaraner said...

love the mantle decoration! that's super sweet...and we love the biscuits!!!

Duke said...

Your mantle looks so pretty and the muffins and biscuits look so yummy! I, Molly, think that you NEED to sample everything that the peeps eat, Milo!

Rebecca Jo said...

Meditative drawing... is that what that's called - I swear, I used to do that when I was a kid & find myself every now & then just making those squigglies & coloring them in - I like that.. Meditative drawing - makes sense

Sara said...

I made muffins this week too - cranberry orange. I added almond extract too, and I think it made them even better than usual. The pink lights on your mantle must make it very cheerful. I didn't even get out my Valentine quilts this year. It's so cold and grey that I just couldn't get into it.

Scrapatches said...

I love Milo’s quilt cape! Milo’s moments always make me smile. Your food (especially the biscuits) look so yummy. Another recipe for me to try. Your meditative art is lovely. Thank you for sharing and hosting, LeeAnna... <3 Pat

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You find the best muffin recipes! Thanks for always sharing them! Resilient is a good word for these days. And Milo wrapped up in a quilt - just what we all need right now. Brrr! Stay warm!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure like those pink lights but the orange muffins look beyond yummy! WOW Milo, you sure get some top notch service pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Great likes but I can't get into the Miss Scarlett series. Maybe it till grow on me. Love Milo's conversation with you. I have these with Scout all the time. She has decided she doesn't want to eat dog food..... :(

Tails Around the Ranch said...

There's nothing quite like a good biscuit for breakfast. Your artwork is absolutely lovely! 🎨

Meditations in Motion said... pineapple muffins look very appealing. Good for you for decorating for V-Day. I am not much of a decorator. I'll appreciate your pretty mantel lights instead. Love your palm tree!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Love that recipe. Good stuff and Milo we ask for sammiches too. Today I was busted licking Dads grilled cheese

piecefulwendy said...

You've been having fun, mixing it up with biscuits, turkey sandwiches - yum! We've been enjoying Miss Scarlet, too!

Sandee said...

Love the mantle piece. Love those colors.

Oh the food. Yummy and you know how I love seeing Milo. He's most handsome. I would have given him so my that sandwich though.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Thanks for the link to the pineapple muffins. I think I'm going to try them! Milo looks SO darn cute standing at the top of the stairs, wondering what's for lunch?! That's one spiffy quilt that he is sporting! ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. I'm am stepping away from blogging so I won't be sharing I Like posts anymore. I'm sorry!

Carol Andrews said...

Hi LeeAnna. What an inspiring list of likes you are sharing today; videos, thread painting, fairy lights and Milo! What’s not to love? 💕 said...

Great likes. Your mantle is lovely. Love your fabric painting. The muffins look yummy too.

pilch92 said...

Milo is a cutie. Hope you got some turkey. :)

Susie H said...

Great words of wisdom. I hope the graduates take at least some of it to heart. The pineapple muffins sound delicious but then again I love muffins! Have a great week!

PaintedThread said...

Those biscuits look great! Miss Scarlet has been fun to watch! Milo looks like a superhero at the top of the stairs!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I can't wait to try those biscuits, LeeAnna... YUM!!

Divers and Sundry said...

Orange Pineapple Muffins sounds delicious!