Thursday, November 26, 2020

I Like Thursday # 221 especially Thanksgiving Thursday

yep! almost melted already!
Welcome to this week's list of likes...

we like snow around here
, as it's been dry. We woke on Tuesday to about 4-5" but it was a wet snow and started melting with the sun's appearance. I didn't get a pic til 3PM but Milo the model, said it's still high on his boots and hiding the toys. 

Fine Dining

When I cook, I think of what flavors will go together. Last week we made a "greek" flavored dish. 

Olive oil, lemon juice, white wine, minced garlic, chicken breasts, Oregano and thyme, artichoke halves, mushrooms, and sliced lemons on top simmered together. Add cooked orzo til it melds. Serve with a cooked green vegetable

so good. Good the next day too, with a side of asparagus. 
 while we're at it, I am having trouble finding mayo without soy. Soy causes me so much trouble. I found some at Stonewall kitchen. While there I also ordered some other things like this wonderful condiment, mayup... good as dipping sauce or on sandwiches.

I made a wonderful pecan pie without corn syrup by substituting maple syrup for our little special dinner... 

watching someone else cook

I fell in Love with this man cooking Italian food, and he makes me think I can do it too!!!
thank you to my friend Sonja in HI for telling me about him!

To Do list

decorate the house for Christmas 

Painting then Sewing

Sonja enticed me to try a new technique she enjoyed seeing on youtube... she got me to paint again, making 4 small works. 

I printed one cropped image onto printable fabric, in black and white and in color and hope to make two art works from that soon

story tomorrow on paint party Friday

printed onto fabric
I like hand sewing and preparing hand sewing for TV time in evenings


same books as last week



"Wine Country" with about 10 of the funniest ladies in entertainment at the moment, a friend group celebrates a  birthday with a trip... hilarity ensues. It made me so happy and long for my own friend group that I may have to watch again. (netflix)


new to us is The South Westerlies a fun show featuring a woman and her son in England undercover for work, with lots of characters and lovely scenery. Very engaging but a typical short-ish Brit tv season (netflix) 

The Great British baking show is still dropping an episode a week, we're on the last episode of The Crown last season but the new season is now showing, Secrets of the Castle (youtube) a series exploring how a 14th century castle was built, by three current anthropologists using historic techniques. As always I watch 90 day fiance (TLC) (glad I'm not them) and real housewives of Potomac, Salt lake city, and Atlanta, Southern Charm (Bravo) is back about people in Charleston, Amazing Race (CBS) Finding your Roots (PBS) A million little things (ABC) is back

I love this song by Bing Crosby "I'VE GOT PLENTY TO BE THANKFUL  FOR"


keep up with friends by FT and zoom.... I mentioned to dh that the signal in my studio was weak for that and he researched solutions and ordered something to correct it. I need to feel connected to friends

I zoomed with Mary on Tuesday and had not one moment's reception problems so I think zoom has failed in the past because of so many students on it. What fun to see my long time friend, tour her work in progress, talk art +dogs+entertainment+life. I had a wonderful long conversation with Diane in Texas and Cindy in SC last week.

Milo's Moments

yep, melting and sticky

Milo: Hi ya! I'm baaaack! I like snow and playing in it but not having to goinnakennel when I come inside

Mama: well you have to thaw out before running all over the house!

Milo: what's a little snow in the house? So I wanted to tell you guys that I like Mama and like keeping a keen poodle eye on her so when she disappears into the house I go looking for her. 

This week I found her in the little room we take baths in but... and it's a big problem, the door was closed. 

closed. that's right, shut. I pushed and pushed with my rock head and hear Mama say my name but the door was still shut. Do you understand??? Something kept me from getting to the Mama! Why anything could happen to her in there and I'd be out here and not in there. 

Mama: honey, there is no way out, relax I'll be out in a moment.

Milo: sheesh! Some mamas.... she did it again this week, this time disappearing into the studio and the door was shut again! I mean what is going on around here? I bashed and bashed it til I got that one open and trotted right in to see what was going on in there. Know what? she was sewing. I mean who needs privacy from your bodyguard just to sew? 

Mama: I didn't try to keep you out, the door just shut.

Milo: well you should be more careful. 

now sit! stay! visit with mama's friends who have lists of likes too. And happy turkey day y'all. And be grateful if you have a cat or dog to look out for you. You're welcome.    


rosie and the boys nature pics 

  friday smiles at a stitch in time


easyweimaraner said...

love the song too... it makes this times a little better... happy thanksgiving to you...

Duke said...

We love snow at our house too, Milo, but snowballs in our furs - not so much. Happy Thanksgiving!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your chicken dish sounds yummy! I'll have to try that. We enjoyed The Southwesterlies, too. Glad you had a chance to paint this week! Happy Thanksgiving!

Sara said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I didn't even realize there was soy in so many things. Yikes!

Lea said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Meditations in Motion said...

I try to avoid soy as much as possible too. I have been eating mayo made from olive oil. I am going to find Wine Country. Sounds like a movie I would enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Lots of goodies and yum and we always enjoy seeing your talent on display. Milo, your toes look cold pal. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us and thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

CountryDew said...

I am so not ready for snow! Happy Thanksgiving!

MissPat said...

Soy in mayo, who knew? Is it even listed on the label? Glad Milo enjoyed his romp in the snow. Look forward to seeing what you painted this week.

PaintedThread said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Stonewall Kitchen always has such nice stuff. Yum!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Pretty painting, LeeAnna!! Looking forward to seeing what you will do with the images you printed on fabric. Happy Thanksgiving!

Angie said...

LA - Happy Thanksgiving! Does Milo dig in the snow for his toys? I'll have to watch Wine Country. Have you tried Call the Midwife? I am just a few episodes into the first season and I am really enjoying it. Hope you have a joyful rest of the week.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you three. Always enjoy reading your post of many interesting things and also shows I can take note of too. I enjoy watching folks cook and always learn a little something. You have a nice balance to your life I think. Murphy likes to know where we are too.

Divers and Sundry said...

My daughter just moved from here in Memphis to Minnesota, and she's amazed by the snow. Quite the difference in weather up there.

I don't eat much mayo... in tuna and chicken salad and deviled eggs, that's about it, and I didn't realize it had soy in it. I looked at the Osara Recipes Youtube channel, and I like his style :) I remember that Bing Crosby song -from that movie- but most people don't seem to know it.

Happy Thanksgiving! said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Funny soy was supposed to help people with allergies and it is now causing them. The middle boy has soy allergies. So how did your pie turn out using maple syrup? Glad that hubby came up for a solution for your connectivity. In my house I have to have hotspots because it is a Michigan block house. So Milo I hope you go some tasty treats today.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi LeeAnna! Happy Thanksgiving! Poor Milo, getting all stressed over closed doors. It would seem that Mama would be more careful just to keep the stress at bay. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

My name is Erika. said...

I like Milo checking out the snow. Does he like the snow? Mine love it. And Wine Country is a fun movie, isn't it? I really enjoyed it when I saw it. Hope you had nice Thanksgiving.

Sandra Walker said...

Seeing Milo with snow clumps reminds me of Alberta days and our crazy cat who insisted on going out when it was snowy and cold...and she'd play in the snow, and come back in with snow balls all under her belly and on her 'pantaloons'. Glad you got good Zoom visits, and that you are painting and sewing and reading and cooking and TV-watching! :-) Thanks for another Brit show recommendation, and for the lovely mental images of Milo head-butting closed doors.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Milo is always such a cutie. I don't eat mayo at all. It makes me sick. I use ranch dressing any time it calls for mayo.

I think I'm going to like your little painted and sewn blocks.

You said you wanted to see my studio. I have TONS of old photos, but my studio seldom changes that much. Here is what both my craft room and my studio looked like in 2010:

In 2015, I only showed my main floor craft room:

I have one of my basement studio, but I'll share it another time, because the photos had been stored offsite and can no longer be accessed by google.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Have a safe and happy holiday! Loved seeing Milo in the snow! We are grateful to have some warm weather right now. Take care and stay safe!

colleen said...

Now I feel like eating some chicken cacciatoria and dancing like Fred Astaire to Bing Crosby.

Lisca said...

Thank you so much for introducing me to Pasquale cooking his lovely Italian food. I have lived in Italy many years and this is how I like to cook. I have put chicken cacciatore on the menu for this week. He is a delight and I have spent a happy half hour watching some of his videos.
I enjoyed Milo's story as always. And seeing photos of him in the snow. Brrrr!
I'm surprised mayonnaise has soy in it. But then in Europe we don't use soy that much. I drink soya milk as I can't stand dairy milk (I'm not allergic, I just don't like it). Have a look at some videos and make your own mayonnaise. Homemade is delicious!
Have a great weekend,

Joanne said...

That chicken dish sounds amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your Thursday thoughts with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

Shannon said...

Milo is just fantastic. I love that. Spooky puppy is just the same cannot believe it when I have to be on the other side of the door from him. But then at our tiny thanksgiving weekend, he bonded to my dad. Every night when my dad went to bed, he'd cry outside my parents' door. I was relegated to third place!! But back at home now and he loves me here as much as ever. :)

Chris David said...

Wow, this was tasty! My five year old inhaled it – he’s a meat lover. And we used organic beef shanks instead of veal, but the result was the same: a taste sensation. Visit us:

ajaykr said...

Wonderful blog! Thanksgiving means giving time to the loved one and eating food at the same time. What could be better? Unfortunately, when in-person thanksgiving party is quite difficult these days due to pandemic. We’ve got virtual thanksgiving games and icebreakers that are simply a fresh way to catch up with friends and family.