The words above came from SundayWhirl writing prompt this week... here is my offering...
A chance to sparkle
This was her shot at the big time!
As far back as she remembered she wanted to act on Broadway, and here she was with a herd of other actors, waiting for their names to be called.
("stop fiddling with your hair" she heard her mom say in her head)
She could hardly catch her breath... she must not forget the words to the audition song. She feels so alone here in NY with her family all back in Minnesota. Should she call her mom now? Just a quick call to hear her say, "honey, you are the best actress I ever gave birth to!" Her mom is so supportive, she never forgets to send treats to the apt here, so she doesn't feel so lonely.
Dad is her protector from all harm. He checked all locks on the apt door and reminded her to take care of herself while walking around the city.
He has always been her rock.
After talking to him, she stands a little taller, she feels more capable. He taught her what it means to have integrity. He taught her that a person might be able to get away with a misdeed but they will not feel real pride unless they do the right thing.
He believes in her.
Because they believe in her talent to succeed, she feels like she is standing on a firm foundation to build her life.
She can do this! She's GOT this.
If this is not her gig, she knows a role will come along for her because this is her passion in life.
Take a breath! Remember the dance moves, she's done them a million times. She knows what she's going to do.
Please let me not fall as I pass the director, please please, please let me remember the words to the song and get this part! It's so perfect for me.
I need the money. I need to believe this is my place, my future, my now.
Later I can cry, or laugh, but for now, I must be terrific! I must wow them, give them something to remember.
Sparkle! It's not enough to have passion, you must show passion... share passion with others.
What? Was that my name, I mean number? Is it my turn? Sparkle! Breathe. Show them who you are!
(thank you for reading my words... I have many older stories on this blog, written from my heart, under the category 'writing for pleasure', HERE)
One of my favorites is " Litter of Extroverts"... link: -litter-of-extroverts-short-story-
linking to
I enjoyed your story, it reminded me of my own parents, who were so supportive of what I wanted to do in life. (Of course I was just a child, what did I know?)
love it... you have a wonderful way to usew words ;O)))
Most entertaining let's hope she did well! Curiously writing short stories on the posting sites was much more popular a few years back but gradually poetry became the main medium. I would love to see story telling sites appear again.
Lovely words, from a lovely prompt.
You might be my favorite Word painter.
i also think writing helps clear clutter
so you can read/see what you are thinking!!! be well LA, Sonja
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