Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Home of our own

 We found a house, hooray!

Nothing about this move from Maryland to Colorado has gone as planned but it seems we finally have a place to call home in Aurora.

We thought we had a home last fall but the deal fell through because the sellers had not disclosed it was owned by a trust and would not release the trust info. We thought we had the rental as long as needed but the owners decided to sell in this hot market. We soon found out how hot it was.

We looked at so many homes trying to find the right one. When we lost bid after bid to cash, 30K over value, appraisal bridges, multiple offers, our agent said, stop looking for the right house and take any house. 

Then this one came back on market because interest rates went up and the buyer had to back out. We were looking at it when the call came in the house we bid on the night before, had three offers over our bid at asking price.

I wrote a note to the owners, "we love it, we'll take it, please choose us, leave the elephant" and put in a bid at asking price.
They accepted!
They had lovely artwork including a 220 lb ceramic elephant from India.
We were nervous through each stage of negotiating, appraisal (it was priced right!) inspection (the usual things including radon mitigation so we chose a few items to request and they agreed to some) loan and interest rates, taking a loss on the MD home to sell quickly, and all the paperwork to close the deal. After losing the other house one week before closing, I didn't want to discuss this until it was a done deal.

Our home may not be our dream house, but it's pretty, close to work, there is a lot of walking nearby, a porch on the front and back, and a larger yard waiting for us to make it into a haven.
We are all uneasy in it at the moment. I've been trying to clean it so I can put away my possessions. I need to make lots of decisions about where to store things differently than I have in the last 18 years.

The studio situation is two small bedrooms side by side, one for tables and design wall, one for supplies. Not optimum but with a bit of mountain view on a clear day.

I realized my old systems may not work in this house, so I have to open my mind to designing new ways to store things. Big changes might be stimulating but they are also tiring.

Right now it's empty with big running places for Milo, who is scared and staying right next to me.
He goes off to explore the yard, then quickly returns to stick to at least one of us. We are trying to figure out what the trees and bushes are so we know how to care for them
The movers will bring our possessions to the house and we'll find places for them in the days to follow. We'll need to put up wire mesh first to keep Milo inside the yard! And learn how to keep the lawn alive with watering.

That's a big deal here.

The sky has not been blue in a while, with forest fires in Utah coming over, and rain, and hail.
We are so tired. But we are grateful not to be looking for another rental. We hope this will be a good  home for us, a place to learn and grow, a place of happiness and joy, a base from which to explore the area, a place for friends to gather and for me to create.
I've been bringing over flamingos, cows and mermaids, to make it look like home. Just wait til these Coloradoans realize a Flamingo is moving into the 'hood.

We even have a mailbox in front of the house, pretty unusual these days...

The past year has been so stressful and the housing market in Denver is so cut throat for buyers, that we fell into despair with the looming deadline to vacate the rental. It's not over by a long shot...
This may not be our dream house, but it's a good house and we are grateful to have it.

 I have been supported by many of you through this ordeal, giving me hope when mine had run out, encouraging me to keep trying.
 I love you and appreciate the connection we've shared, it's what life is about to me.


easyweimaraner said...

I LOVE it!!! and I would love to decorate it for the seasons... it is made for decorations isn't it? we hope it will be YOUR home soon and you can make wonderful memories there ;O)

Kathy said...

Hooray! A proper base from which to operate! It truly will not matter that it is not your ideal property. YOU will make it a home of the heart for your family. As for storage, don't forget that not everything has to be pushed up against the walls. Back to back shelving can extend into the room and almost double your storage area. You'll get it all figured out.

Karen98 said...

I am so happy that y'all and Milo have found a new base camp!!

Libby in TN said...

I'm thrilled for you! It looks like a lovely neighborhood and I know you will put your stylish mark on it very soon. Our furniture comes today! Our buyer is jerking us around so we may be back on the market soon. Decided to go ahead and move everything out, anyway.

Terri said...

Congratulations! I had 2 side by side rooms in CA. It was great. Yours will be, too.

Julierose said...

This looks like a really nice home for you--finally, huh? Good deal!! So glad to hear that you've finally "landed" where you can put down roots....sounds like great walking for you both and Milo...hugs Julierose

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Congratulations, and best wishes that your new house turns out to be just the home you've been looking for. said...

Oh I am beyond thrilled! Sounds like the market in the Portland area. My brother and SIL did the same thing for over a year. Living first in my parent's travel trailer, then at her parents because their home sold the 1st day on the market. Can't wait to see it! Hugs

Sara said...

Such good news! It looks lovely from the front and I look forward to updates on the settling in process.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I hope you're looking up at today's beautiful blue sky and feeling good! Glad to have a peek at your new place today, and look forward to seeing lots more!

Suzanne said... will make it a perfect home for the three of you!

Jan said...

There is nothing like the feeling of owning part of the earth.

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna and Drew and Milo!
Congratulations! A house to make a home out of! You'll do that!
Did they leave the elephant???
2 creative spaces LeeAnna! One to create in and one to store, rumage through, close the door when it's a mess room!
Looks like a great sized plot! Isn't America finished with the manicured lawns at a time when water is a valuable resource?

Jean said...

Congratulations on your new home!

MissPat said...

This is such good news that we've all been waiting to hear. No home is ever perfect. You will make it your own and you can do that on your own time. You both do look tired. Take a breather, do a little at a time, make time to be creative. Won't it feel good to be able to unpack all those boxes finally. I'm so happy for all of you.

Maria said...

It’s beautiful! I am positive that you have found a loving home for the three of you . Congratulations!

Nancy A. Bekofske said...

Congratulations on your home! It is lovely!

Mari said...

Hooray is right! Congratulations! I know you're worn out right now, but you will settle in and pretty soon it will feel normal. I know you'll make it a place you love! (And I say the grass can wait for at least a few months! You have other things to do!)

PaintedThread said...

Oh, YAY! You had made rumblings before that you had a place, but I was afraid to ask. This is wonderful news. I hope now you can get properly settled. whew!

Sandy said...

Oh, I am so glad for you! It will be lovely to see your house become a home as you fill it with your treasures. and it will be like Christmas to open all those boxes that have been waiting.
Biggest hugs! and especially to the poodle dude.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Congrats on finally finding a suitable place you'll turn into your own special home. Hugs to you and Drew with ear scratches for Milo. Before you know it, he'll settle in nicely and enjoy all those walks exploring a new Wild West basecamp.

Cynthia Marrs said...

Good for you to find a home of your own. Best of luck getting settled. It's a lot of work.

Kathy Pitts said...

So happy that you now a have a home of your own. It looks lovely, can't wait to see how you three make it your own.

Linda Schiffer said...

OH, wow, I'm so happy for you!! Enjoy the moving in and making it your own. And, honestly, I'd consider native plantings so you don't have to water - terrible waste of a resource.

:) Linda

Quiltdivajulie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now you can begin to acclimate for real. My creative workspace is split between two bedrooms upstairs and I love it. Happy to share specifics if you are interested to see if any of my storage /space use methods might work for you. Just email me.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Love, love, love the look of this home- so inviting. Ah-porches. Green trees and green grass!!!! Can't wait to see the inside also. I'm so happy you are finally in a good place. I liked Aurora when I was there in the 80's. Enjoy!

Lin said...

It looks lovely Leanne - hope you will be very happy there. xx

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Your new home looks beautiful and how wonderful to finally be able to settle in! Can't wait to see how you setup your work space with the 2 bedrooms. Congrats and enjoy!

Kaja said...

Congratulations!!!! This looks lovely - and a nice big garden too. I hope it won't be too long before you start to put down roots.

Angie said...

Yippee!! Hurray! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! What a load off your mind. You have been amazing and creative while going through all this stress; I can't imagine what we are going to see from you now that you are getting truly settled! It'll be sure to involve at least one Flamingo and a healthy helping of Milo!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh soooo happy for you ~ smooth sailing wishes for you all ~ moving is so stressful and exhausting ~ lovely photo and Milo will be happy with you wherever you are and a yard ~ Milo will love it! xxx

Happy Week to you ahead,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Congratulations! May it be Home Sweet Home for you, Husband, and Milo. :-)

The Joyful Quilter said...

I haven't made it by your blog is way TOO long. Here's hoping that you are starting to be more comfortable in your new home. I think the 2-room studio sounds like a dream!! I'm waiting for the time that DS2 will move out, so that I can fulfill my expansion plans.

Preeti said...

Congratulations LeeAnna. Knowing you, I am confident that you will add your special touches and make it a warm and welcoming home. Wishing you lots of love, joy and creativity in your new place.