Monday, June 11, 2018

Milo's meanderings... I went to a fair, danced, and got a hat!

Hi, Milo here for my own post! Finally! I went to a street fair this weekend and took my pawrents.
It's called Parker days and it was pup-ular! Lots of people and dogs. This little boy decided to take me for a walk and I said...
Okey dokey!
How cute! I love kids and this was one good dog lovin' kid!
(LeeAnna: the mama said he has always loved dogs. He looked to be nearly 2 and much smaller than Milo and nothing mattered but the connection. Milo was gentle, the boy led him all around and Milo behaved much better for him than he does for me I'll say!) Isn't it great that size doesn't matter, these two recognized they were sympatico from the start!

That's a good thing!

Milo: Hey, Mama, this is my post!
Does this hat make me look fat?
I didn't ask for it, but the man came right out of the booth and tried it on me...
He said I'd get used to it
and I did. It did smush down my Naturally Curly Hair on top but it kept sun out of my eyes since my pawrents won't buy me sunglasses
It was a hit with the ladies for sure! I had so many compliments !

I took it off for the free Arf-er-Murray dance lessons in case someone wanted to twirl me...
Mama stayed with me while Daddy (back there in the hat) learned again how to swing dance. I thought he might need help so I started to sing (bark) along and tried to dance next to him...
Seemed like they were all playing since everyone put out happy scents and I wanted to play.
I ALWAYS want to play!
Mama held me back and petted me but what I wanted was to run along with those humans and bite at their butts! Now that would have been fun!

Linking to
Awe Mondays!


Sandee said...

Awww, how fun. Thanks for playing along on Awww Mondays.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

Sara said...

Glad Milo enjoyed the fair. That hat is actually pretty clever. Hope the paw-rents enjoyed the fair too. LOL

Home Sewn By Us said...

Milo - you look smashing and dashingly cute in that hat. It is SO you, fur sure. I'm glad you and that little boy had such a connection - sometimes little boys are afraid of dogs, but not you! Happy Monday! ~smile~ Roseanne

Tails Around the Ranch said...

That visor is too cool for school!

PaintedThread said...

Very cool hat!

Cynthia Marrs said...

Great hat, Milo. Love the look and the colors.


easyweimaraner said...

you hat is pawsome and it makes you definitely not fat... even when hat and fat rhymes ;O)))

Michele McLaughlin said...

Love the hat! Milo you are so cute! I couldn't trust Scout with a 2 year old so I'm very impressed that Milo was so good! Kudos!

Diane in TX said...

Milo the dapper and handsome party boy! Looks like you and family had a fun day.

Angie said...

Milo always has a way of stealing the show!