I actually welcomed the snow storm this week. It was our first and last of Winter 2017. And it was kind of pitiful as snow goes.
Mostly ice and the dreaded "wintery mix" not the predicted 10" of snow. Still it covered the ground, and was pretty. Hopefully all the spring blossoms are survivors.
Speaking of which...
* I Like the tv show Survivor. It has changed over the years but I am always up to see how societies work (or not) even small ones of 20 people. I like to see how they interact and compete to stay, and overcome obstacles.
It would be different if they were encouraged to cooperate and keep everyone happy and healthy. I'd be in for that show!
(Guess most people want to see something more like our political system, dog-eat-dog, no compromise, winner take all and damn the others. Even so these contestants will form friendships and that interests me)
On a sweet note, look what's showing up in the grocery stores...
*I Like Rugelach
One of my sewing bee mates brought these and forgot to take them home, so I GRACIOUSLY agreed to "bite the
*I Like fabric . In bringing more order to my stash this week I ran across this beauty to be stored with the tropical fabrics...
while I sorted, I looked out this window
more or less in color order but there are collections such as "dogs" and "flamingos" and some fabric this week just flat out defied categories...
I mean, pizza (for PI day two days ago lol) sombreros and dogs. I don't know what trip the designer was on at the time but I HAD to have some of it!!!
ps I put it in the dog category but it could have gone in southwest.
* I Like this face cream by L'Oreal
It smells terrific, and seems to be helping my winter/ aging skin.
I remembered a friend of my mothers telling me to start using cream as a teen.
I grew up in Fl. with hot humid weather, and always looked younger than I was, product of round face I believe. I didn't like the feel of anything on my skin but now I am late to the party. Shrug. This feels nice, so time will tell if I have found the fountain of youth.
Frozen Fountain and Flamingos |
She included painted fabric as well as these paintings, and fragrant soap and blossoms. It brought back memories of living in the Tropics which seems to be a theme this week.
One of life's pleasures is getting mail for no reason other than the person was thinking of you. One of these paintings is leaning up against the hand made card Eliza sent this week, just because. Love that.

My back is so unstable that I cannot sit in barber chairs for professional haircuts these days.
Combine that with chemical sensitivities so I can't dye it and a round face that is now a bit droopy and thin straight hair, and well, what's the point??
This week I was Edward Scissorhands and think it will do for the moment but it's not edgy like a good cut.
Of course I have never found a person to give me an edgy cut around here anyway.
*speaking of the 70's, I found a classmate from high school this week, contacted her and we have caught up a bit. She was a good friend I lost track of. Always creative, she and I used to design greeting cards we labeled RoseOak with her drawings and my words/ideas. She and I marched in the band, spoke French, went to Disney World together and shared some of the hardest years a person will have. It was fun to see her picture and read her words now.
* I Like the idea of not worrying if someone likes you... this video is about not trying so hard to be acceptable. People have so much to give and contribute, that it's wasteful to discount them for being gay or worship differently or live somewhere you've never been or are different in some way.
7. https://craftscaviescontras
linking to several parties including http://goodrandomfun.blogspot.com |
I love exploring all the similarities we stitching folk share all over the world. That could be a like!
Around here we would call your storm snowfall,LOL.
How wonderful to connect with old friends, munch on goodies, and watch a show you enjoy. All good stuff!
Love your likes this week. Envy that your stash is organized and that your sewing room is on the first floor! I love the photo of the frozen bird bath with the flamingo--that made me laugh out loud! Have a wonderful day LeeAnna!
Oh speaking of hair--not something I like: I got the absolute WORST cut ever at the end of November that has put me off hairdressers for good!! All choppy and super short layers--I have very fine hair--what was she thinking--(I was covering my newly operated on eyes with a cloth so no stray hair would get in them, and she kept saying "Oh, you're gonna love this!!") I should have known...
I am letting it grow so I can put it up (hopefully) this Summer...I know this is not something to be thankful for, but just sayin' lol Hugs, Julierose (featuring the "Wild Woman of Borneo" look ):00000
That fellow in the first photo seems to be enjoying the snow! Has it melted now?The view from your studio looks lovely and if I lived near by I'd be over to try one of those cookies!
You have some fun fabric there! I especially loved the dog looking at the pizza sitting on the table. My sewing space is in the basement, but I love it anyway because it's MINE! Lol! But the type of light bulbs does make a huge difference. I do hope your spring blossoms survived the ice and cold!
Where do I begin! The pitiful snow storm. so sad. But, I hope all the greenery survived. My sewing area has a beautiful view of my mini patio garden but we can only open the drapes in the morning cause the sun is heating up the house already. Darn. Pizza and Sombreros=love that fabric. It's funny how I don't fuss over my hair since I retired. When I was younger and more physically pliable I trimmed my hair all the time. Now I just go to Great Clips, keep it short and done. Mornings are so much easier and quicker to get ready for the day. And, cute big earrings keep me feeling somewhat female.Diversion tactics. The flamingo looking at the fountain is hysterical. Thanks for the fun this morning! please enjoy my likes also today. mary in Az
27 weeks of likes is 6 whole months of good feelings! Congratulations!
Your post gave me several smiles today! My waist-length, stick-straight, baby-fine hair looked fine in the 70s when I was young. Now it's just shorter, more annoying hair that requires more effort. LOL And I have a small piece of the border print version of your beach fabric. I used it as a border on my daughter's wedding wall hanging quilt. It was the "guest book" for her beach wedding that everyone signed. Loved that fabric with the striped umbrellas.
Boy - everyone got snow! I really like your rainbow bins; and such fun fabric!
Thanks for hosting.
Hi LeeAnna,
Snow in March! And it's Thursday! Fun fabrics!
Great to see you have been using it and following your heart!
I have been entertaining the thought about cutting my hair. It is waist length and has been for YEARS. It's my "freak flag". It is starting to annoy me, but I am still kind of attached to the length. What to do, what to do...
Let the Spring begin!!!
So many great quilts!
LeeAnna, your sorted fabric looks great. That Southwest fabric with the pizzas is a little unusual but oh, so cute. I can see why you wanted some of it.
I love seeing the views out your window! And my fabric bins look just like yours- maybe even the same identical baskets!
Mmmm, you had me at Rugelach. And while it's not PC, not sharing is ok in this case. Sorry, Drew. 😇
You chose the coolest fabrics! Love it! I also love the fact that your sewing space has windows! I have a small window that I make the most of with trees, bird feeder and a fountain. I enjoy your list of likes every week!
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