I don't want to take a thing from her fab tutorial but this is my process in sort of following her directions.
Disclaimer, I never said I was good at directions.
First open the box of blue scrap strips and stand back! KaPow!
I sorted thru and found sets of light blues in about 12 inch lengths, and sets of med. blues same length.
See the top picture ^
I sewed the sets kind of keeping straight-ish lines.
To keep them fun I mixed widths and prints.
After trimming those sets to 12 inches square, I placed them Right Sides Together (RST) with one set horizontal and one set vertical and then
around the outside edge quarter in. seam allowance.
I recommend pinning along these outside edges as there is waaay too much stretch for my comfort and you don't want it all wonky at this stage. Next step is
Trim diagonally with your long ruler and rotary cutter. Both ways.
When you gently open the pieces you'll see some magic.
Warning, these new squares are full of bias and really unstable and need TLC. Possibly spray starch
This is where I got a little confused. I looked at Angela's example and went to the design wall with the pressed squares and tried this...
That's not nice like hers.
Maybe it's my color choice of all blues. Then I tried different combinations like this
And some other more exciting combinations. I am going to keep those to myself for a bit...
Then I called in the big guns, DH. I showed him Angela's tute, and said come see the "dog's dinner" I made of it. He chuckled and said, well that's not like hers. (uh, I know)
In his excellent ability to see pattern, he said "the outsides aren't right"
I looked again and said, oh! The outsides should all point away from the center! Voila!
Now it looks good, see??
I really like it! It would be great with all the RSC colors too! This year's RSC has come to a close but there's next year or just doing it in all the colors I want and putting them together. The only thing is, how will the blocks look next to each other? Will I like the secondary pattern that develops?
Maybe it's my color choice of all blues. Then I tried different combinations like this
And some other more exciting combinations. I am going to keep those to myself for a bit...
Then I called in the big guns, DH. I showed him Angela's tute, and said come see the "dog's dinner" I made of it. He chuckled and said, well that's not like hers. (uh, I know)
In his excellent ability to see pattern, he said "the outsides aren't right"
I looked again and said, oh! The outsides should all point away from the center! Voila!
Now it looks good, see??
I really like it! It would be great with all the RSC colors too! This year's RSC has come to a close but there's next year or just doing it in all the colors I want and putting them together. The only thing is, how will the blocks look next to each other? Will I like the secondary pattern that develops?
Things I learned today:
1. You can make a lot of projects from a stuffed scrap bin and it still won't close at the end of the day
2. Use spray starch as lots of scrap strips aren't cut on the straight grain
3. Be willing to veer from a pattern/directions if you want
4. You could discover a whole new pattern while veering
5. Call in the husband for a new perspective when stuck
6. Whether it works or not, you are still sewing, and enjoying fabrics. Check out the scissors that I didn't even notice while choosing strips. I was going for medium tone and was happily surprised to see a line of bees show up in the exact center and a pair of scissors!
Hi LeeAnna!
Thanks for the fun tutorial!
Turned out great!
Take care,
These look great and I love the colour combination. Drew is right; its definitely all about the direction of the stripes, but I'm really looking forward to see where you veered to...
I like the bees and scissors, too. Fun.
I often Verr off track too and calling in DH to help get me back on track...sometimes! :)
I think that's how new blocks are created sometimes. Your post has made me smile this morning - thanks.
I'm not considering the RSC challenge finished until the quilts have come together. I too have enjoyed the challenge because despite the structure of the challenge it invites a lot of play. This really surprised me.
What a fun tutorial. So many pretty strings all put to good use.
You done good thanks for the shout out.
yep, husbands are useful when it comes to a fresh outlook! I really like the last version. thanx for the insight into how you got there... made me smile! Linda
Super string blocks and lovely blues in there.
Looks like you had lots of fun playing with your scraps with a very nice block to come out of it at the end.
Thanks for the tutorial/info. I might have to try this version of string blocks next year. I like that there are no foundations necessary!
LeeAnna I have made quite a few tops using this pattern and I find that it is best to use either one or two colours at most. If you use a second colour it looks great if you put it in roughly the same place in each block. You sort of get boxes in the finished block. Fun block. You never quite know what it will end up looking like. It is also fabulous if you have the same set of strips in each block. That looks gorgeous.
I love what you are doing! This is on my list!
Thanks for the tutorial! Fun way of using tons of small scraps!! :)
Thanks for sharing at MOP Monday!!
Great tutorial....and I love "your blues!" Can't wait to see the whole thing!
I've got to pin this post so I can remember to try this technique one day really soon!
Oh, this is so pretty! Now I want to make one.
Great tutorial and fabulous "take away" thoughts. I need to try this!
I love this tutorial because it doesn't use paper foundations. Most string quilt tutorials require me to do hours of paper removal. Love your blocks, so cheery!
Hey LeeAnn! Thank you for this tutorial! I saw something similar to this in yellows on your blog...right? Anyway! :) I was so inspired by your blocks that I decided to join the RSC 2017 using these blocks! I used this tutorial to make them and linked right back to you from https://faithtrustandbreastcancer.blogspot.com/2017/02/a-health-update-philippians-212-part-44.html
Many thanks!
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