Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Like Thursday # 413 olympics


welcome to this week's list of likes. Better get out early for a walk, since the temps are near 100 this week. I like cool to cold weather myself. Milo does too. 

I've been very sick, covid test negative, but still anxious about how I caught this now 10 day and counting illness. I go only to the chiro office, and wear a mask the whole time. Wear a mask on walks too since people come right up to you here.  Not able to eat much for a week, or do anything so...

the list is short

I only painted two things, I'll show one,  this rose was done with my dip pen in pink ink

I finished this butterfly last week: 

and these are some earrings I found on ETSY and will order more from them
They are clip earrings that look like pierced, but are VERY comfortable and secure. Emeralds for my birthstone. Problem is they don't show up with my skin color and hair but I like them. 

Prompt this week

which events do you watch more on summer olympics? Did you ever think you had a shot at competing in any sport? Which one is closest to something you might be able to do well? Are there any events you are kind of surprised are even events?

I am not athletic. I have tried to become good at tennis, tried many sports but am mediocre at best. It's okay if I enjoy them and I do like beach volleyball. 

Way back in school PE classes we were forced to try all track and field, some gymnastics, team sports, tennis, archery, swimming and diving, well most of the sports. 

Now I like to watch gymnastics, and others I know little about. This year I have really enjoyed 

I enjoyed learning more about fencing, and enjoyed the women. The men were VERY aggressive!

I watched surfing and was scared from a distance! I liked kayaking on white water. 

skiffs. weirdly shaped sailing boats. They are so pretty on the water, and the sailors are calm. 

Fun to watch Beach volleyball.

I love horses, so accommodating to humans, running and jumping just so in high heat. They move as one with the rider, are so sleek, so athletic. 

I'm surprised ping pong, surfing, skateboard are sports. I would never watch big team sports like rugby, basketball, football, etc. 

I'm waiting for two oddball events, rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline. Hope to see more boating and gymnastics. 

what about you? is it a thrill to see your country's competitors? I would love to meet people from other countries. I want a t-shirt from Italia, France, Great Britain. I like how friendly they are to each other.

Milo's moments

hiya! now what event would I like to do???  extreme sniffing! I hear it's hot there in the 80's.... what would they do here at 99 plus full sun and little atmosphere? Better never hold the games in colorado!

now visit mamas friends to see what they liked today.

taking a break: 


               friday smiles

do not take women's rights away. I am a woman, a childless woman by the way, and was appalled to hear the words " just vote for me this year and you'll never vote again!"
I've always felt the right to vote was my voice in my country


easyweimaraner said...

we love extreme s niffing Milo... but currently we do that at night because it is way too hot... the staff is super happy...(not)

Sara said...

So sorry you are still not feeling well.

I have been enjoying just about any of the sports I've watched during the Olympics, but so far have especially the swimming, beach volleyball, and gymnastics. The surfing made me hold my breath - it's amazing to me to watch. The cycling and horse events have been interesting. I love college basketball, but not the pros too much so haven't watched much Olympic basketball. I'm really looking forward to the start of the track and field events.

Angela said...

I love your butterfly!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty painted rose and I love that butterfly! Fun new earrings, too. I am your unruly student who forgot half of the topic to write about, lol! I've never been athletic either, but would have loved (in my younger years) to be a figure skater! Take care, Leanna - hope you're feeling better soon.

Cloudia said...

Aloha Dear Milo and human ❤️

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I do hope you feel better soon. I love the rose and butterfly. Really beautiful colors! Your earrings are very nice and remind me of rings you'd wear on your fingers. Tell Milo to keep cool!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm sorry you are still feeling crappy but I hope whatever it is goes aways soon. Your art is very pretty. I quit watching the olympics when they went from pure amateurs to high paid professionals. Milo, happy sniffing dude! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Lisca said...

I'm sorry to hear you are ill. I hope you get better soon.
No, I haven't watched the Olympics. I did see the opening ceremony and I enjoyed that.
When I lived in the UK I used to watch the sailing, America's Cup, that sort of thing. And also F1 racing in the days of Nicky Lauda. It has changed so much, I don't follow it anymore.
I myself have never done any sports. I used to hate PE in school. We played volley ball and I had a good service, but that was all. I was a good swimmer (my dad was a swimming instructor in his spare time) but I never enjoyed it. I learnt skiing and langlauf (cross country skiing) as an adult. I do like walking and hiking. It's too hot now but as soon as temperatures are a bit more bearable, I'll join my group in hikes.
Hope you feel better soon,
Give Milo a cuddle,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good, it could be anything but hopefully you'll be better soon. We've been watching the Olympics today mostly the rowing and swimming though I think it's the diving I like best as long as I don't have to do it Lol! The only sport I was really good at was Ten Pin Bowling and no chance of seeing that at the Olympics. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xxx

Sandy said...

Glad you don't have Covid, but sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. Hope you feel better each day. I've not watched the Olympics at all. Just not my thing, though when I was younger I enjoyed watching. I was pretty athletic and played softball and volleyball during the summers while in school. I'm old enough that we did not have any girls teams at school. I competed in our city's junior Olympics one summer and did quite well in a relay and running broad jump. I would have won the broad jump, but my hand fell back so it ruined my distance. Sure got a bad sunburn that day. Felt pretty nauseated later that night. I well remember that. As an adult the only thing I've done is snow skiing (years ago), and racquet ball. I still to walking now for exercise.
Sandy's Space

Kathleen said...

Sorry you have had a virus! It is no fun and not after what you have been gong through. Now, the Olympics are not something I spend a lot of time watching. Gymnastics made me cry as a high schooler, so the thought of toss and tumbling about in the air makes me crazy! My son was athletic - 3 sports and his parents were not. Maybe it skips a generation.

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I have been watching the Olympics off and on, whenever I am in the house. I don't have a favorite, but I enjoy seeing people making their dreams come to fruition. I know Milo is hot. Calvin stays inside most of the day and likes to lay on the back porch in the very wee hours of the morning. Thank you for linking up and get well!