Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Like Thursday # 416 books, series on tv, a story of the fountain, and a poodle


welcome to this weeks list of likes... a very short one as it's difficult to sit upright at the computer

I like the bamboo fence we got last year at Target (now unavailable from same company)  It's sitting near where the new fountain was... yep was...

Friday night I was about to let Milo out back for a final pee, and boing!!! Sorry no pics of my own) 

I watched three enormous racoons stepped up one at a time, onto the step outside our slider. 

I was stunned, and Milo's eyes popped out like a cartoon poodle!

Milo here: Y'all!!! I've seen these guys across the street, going behind Miss Jennifer's house but, within a glass door thickness from me... well you know I had to bark when I found the strength. Mama made noise on the glass, they didn't care, kept walking... 

when they were at the edge of our patio, Mama cracked open the door so they could hear me... then they turned around to see me, and get this, slowly turned toward the fence that is facing Miss Jennifers. 

All my barking brought the daddy back downstairs, too slow to catch one. He put on my Leash (!!!) and we went out to hunt human style. I ran to the big tree the cats always get up into but no raccoons. I did a hunt around the yard. 

The next morning the Daddy was out taking the "cement pond" apart and cleaning the patio.

I heard Mama say attractive nuisance. Now, no fountain. 

Mama: we live in a dry area, so I should have realized why no one else has a fountain... all the critters came into the yard, across chicken wire fencing, birds were all over it, bunnies under it, squirrels had no trouble. Oy... it now is in the garage til we figure out how to use it. Sad. 

finished this hand sewn block last week


we found the best show, three seasons on BBC, we see it on Acorn, it might also be on PBS. 

The Indian Doctor

great acting, script, storyline, and views. Right up our alley! Set in Wales. 

I watched a video listing favorite all time books, and they mentioned this one

As a teen I read all of Mary Stewarts books... this one about merlin's childhood is fascinating and such a fine reader on Audio
working my way along Jana DeLeon's fortune series with this #4 I think
I'm still coughing all the time, and out of energy. Hope I don't have fatigue syndrome. If you have a coughing solution, you're ahead of the doctors. 
Trying to walk in the 'hood, have to stop periodically and just stand, thankful for the random trees along the way, if I can make if from one to the other I'm grateful. 
My ribs are still messed up, Chiro is slowly trying to correct them and my lower back issues. Thankful for Ibuprofen, ice packs, and sleep. 
A condition from last year involving my toe has resurfaced, and I am trying to correct it before it becomes  unable to correct. Thankful for Betadyne. 
(time out for coughing... ) 
Still not able to eat much, thankful for saltines, and DH who isn't a great cook but willing to step in

Milo:  Me too... Daddy fixes my kibble for me, and baked my cookies again so I didn't starve! 
love butterfly bush!

please visit these folks since I cant sit long enough still


Helen said...

Oh no! I suppose those masked guys thought they'd found a treasure with their own fresh water supply!

easyweimaraner said...

our dogs would probably jump through the closed window to get the 3 masked guys...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry you had to remove the fountain. But yikes, that tough gang of racoons are bad news! Thanks for the heads up about "The Indian Doctor" -- I'll keep my eyes peeled for it if it ever comes to my PBS station. And Mary Stewart's "The Crystal Cave" -- I adored that book when I was a teenager and read it several times. It's the first book of a trilogy about the Arthurian legends which she wrote. I can't remember the names of the other two books.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I just checked on Wikipedia and it seems that now there are FIVE books in that series known as "The Merlin Chronicles!" Here's the list:
The Crystal Cave (1970)
The Hollow Hills (1973)
The Last Enchantment (1979)
The Wicked Day (1983)
The Prince and the Pilgrim (1995)

Angela said...

Oh, those raccoons!

Sara said...

Those pesky raccoons! We had a whole family of them up on our deck last summer a few times. They scared the crap out of me in the middle of the night when they tipped over a chair right outside my bedroom window! Mama and 3 little ones. I hope you can finally get better. How frustrating to be sick so long.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh boy - urban wildlife! We saw a raccoon family in our tree a month ago or so. In the morning there was no evidence they'd been in the yard, and we haven't seen them since. Milo, you're in charge of keeping them away! I think we'd like that show, too. I remember reading those books also - loved them!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope those doctors figure out what is going on with you soon, we all send hugs. Milo, what a fun trio to see but I hope they quit being regulars at your place. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Sandra Walker said...

Water is such an important part of a garden, and, as you found, helps out all kinds of wildlife. Too bad that the three masked-keteers (lol just came to me) had to ruin it, though it is their territory often that humans have taken. Still, we can't have Milo getting into a disagreement with them! I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues which must be beyond frustrating. Thanks for the TV recommendation; I'll see where I can find it. Sanjeev was in 'Unforgotten' (had to do some googling there as I just KNEW he was a detective in something I'd seen...) I really like him.

Sandra Walker said...

PS I too have read them all and LOVED Mary Stewart's King Arthur books, well loved all her books, period. :-)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Those raccoons would have scared me! I hope you're resting and feel better soon.

PaintedThread said...

What a bummer about the fountain. We enjoyed the Indian Doctor, too. I'm sorry your health has been so problematic. Hang in there.

Annie said...

Our Milly would have gone crazy to see your visitors….she barks at big birds, cats and squirrels. I’d love to hear your health was improving 🙁
Annie x

Lisca said...

Oh racoons! I don't think we have those in Europe. I have never seen one. How big are they? Cat size? I'll Google it...
I'm sorry you are still having health issues. But a walk is always good, fresh air and all that.
I've not seen The Indian Doctor. I'll see if BBC iPlayer has it.
Enjoy your weekend (as much as you can),

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi, sorry late today. No racoons here just foxes though they are not quite as cheeky. I wonder what Milo was thinking when he saw them. I've heard of the Indian doctor but never seen it but there are great actors in it so maybe will have a look for it again. Wishing you all a happy weekend. Hugs Angela xxx

Tigger's Mum said...

Oh those racoons! We have all kinds of critters that come to the water in our yard but nothing as pretty as a racoon. We'd love a badger but have had to settle for a black and white cat that we have caught on our night camera.

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about the fountain! I always enjoy having one. Thank you for linking up and sending wishes for healing.