Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Like Thursday # 415 coping with heat

welcome to this week's list of likes starting with watermelon (seedless) and crackers. I'm still poorly and hardly eating, so both of these feel good to eat. 

Sewing by hand

not doing much of anything but used some orange scraps to start this monthly color project

Our Prompt how are you dealing with our world's new hot temps? 

Our area of Colorado has gotten much hotter, and stays hotter into December now. We used to cool off in Sept, with snow in October. Now it's December, often cooler in our old state of Maryland. . We are higher altitude that Denver and should really cool off when the sun goes down.

Our homes were built to hold heat. ACK 

Our AC doesn't reach the 2nd floor, where my studio and our bedroom are, and the HOA doesn't approve of most  window AC's. My husband found this one, that cools the bedroom if we turn it on in time.

 It cannot get wet, so blowing rain here means we dismantle the tubes that transfer air. So if it's hot and rainy, we're hot still. It is flush with the window, not hanging out.

I HATE heat. 

We eat more salads in summer. We do not bake (run the hot oven that takes 20 min. to heat, cook time, then 30 min to cool down) We eat foods that are faster to prepare on stovetop. We are not fans of grills.

 We deal with so much wildfire smoke we seldom sit outside in the heat any more.  Summer brings wild fires from CA, WA, OR, Canada, Texas, and more. 

 I am enjoying melon.

 Honey dew, cantaloupe and water melon

we place the cleaned and sliced melon in storage containers to enjoy the whole week. 

one of my likes is my husband stepped up and baked the bread by himself, along with banana muffins and Milo's banana cookies. DH likes to be sous chef not solo chef, so I am impressed.

Just for Fun  (blogger no longer lets me put videos here on the blog)

At least chrome allows photos for the moment

simply amazing, ball dropping on sound tubes 

Milo's Moment

Milo here, missing the papparazzi. The dry heat even gave me a nosebleed this week. Mama's putting moisture in my nose now. She's sick so not much to report

remember when we sat outside more???

now visit mamas friends to see what they liked today.

taking a break: 


               friday smiles


easyweimaraner said...

watermelon is something good in this heat.. we have only fans everywhere and the constant noise is just uaaaaahhhh... but we hope for some cooler days soon... hugs to you and to Milo, lots of potp for his nose

cityquilter grace said...

big melon fan here as well...being only me can buy one at a time...yesterday fresh and RIPE cantalope now cut up ready for week watermelon probably...nice thing about the south is we can buy them ripe and ready to eat...

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Melons are the perfect hot weather food - yum! So glad you felt like stitching on your beautiful EPP design this week. Those are so pretty! Hope each day finds you feeling a little better.

Sara said...

It's melon season here, including a lot of them grown locally. We do grill all year long. We even grill in the dead of winter because our deck has a wide overhang that protects that area where the grill sits. The really strange thing is we have had an unusually cool summer this year with fewer days in the 90s than normal. But we've dealt with more bugs than usual too.

Duke said...

Love your sewing project and the melon looks so yummy! We have a portable ac unit. It's on the south side of the house and the window is protected by a tree so we've never had rain blowing at the exhaust pipes.

Angela said...

That video was amazing! I do hope and pray you feel better soon!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Melon is a great way to stay cool in hot weather -- helps to hydrate you too!

Helen said...

I do love a good watermelon or cantaloupe!

Cloudia said...

I sure hope you feel much better very soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Fresh melon sure is good. Dang, I'm sorry to hear that you are still unwell. Milo, it doesn't sound like it has been too much fun for you either. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

PaintedThread said...

I recently got a melon (one of the few things I can eat with my current diet). I'll commiserate with not feeling well. We got new ACs this year, which have been wonderful! A few cool days have been nice, though (windows open!). May you all keep your cool!

piecefulwendy said...

I just had a yellow watermelon, which was interesting. Tasted pretty much the same, just a different color. We have had a break from the heat lately, so that's been nice.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Sos sorry to hear you're not feeling well. We're sending oodles of poodles of healing thoughts your way. The Rocky Ford melons are just coming to market. They're the sweetest and ironically because of the heat. Stay as cool as you can these next few days. Hugs and tail wags.

MissPat said...

I'm having my first homegrown cantaloupe of the season this week and it is oh so good. Nothing like those rocks they sell in the grocery store. No AC here at all and this summer has been hotter than usual. I'm looking forward to some cooler weather, but not snow.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm sorry to hear you're still not feeling so good. It's been cooler here today but not sure it will stay like this, I'm like you and not keen on the heat and it seems like ages since we had anyreal rain. I think Milo looks a bit fed up too. Take care and sending hugs to you both. Angela xXx