Thursday, April 25, 2024

I like Thursday # 399 painting, cooking, reading and a story for you


for this week's list of likes, a short version, I started with a mixed media piece I'm working on. on with the show...

 I wanted some different cookies this week so I got out my fave cookbook 

recipes from Tampa


delish, chewy peach/mango
called marmalade cookies.

I changed things, I had peach/mango jam so I used that, I subbed 1/2Cup of almond flour and used one cup all purpose, I added some orange extract and some orange zest I keep in the freezer, a bit more butter because cookies generally come out hard in this altitude. Another way I cope with altitude is to make the cookies bigger so I got two dozen not three.

I can't tell you how much we love them, but there are only 5 left. 

I made oven taquitoes this week. Mix a can of chicken or what you have, sour cream, 2 tbsp cream cheese, salsa, and grated cheese some garlic and onion powder. mix well and fill 5 tortillas rolling them up next to each other on a baking sheet. Brush with olive oil and bake about 20 min til bubbly

crispy, gooey, goodness. Served with a side of quick guacamole and cucumber chunks

enough for two of us

I do not like to cook, but need to eat well. I share things here that are fast and easy. 

on audio book, last in the series... magical pie shop

The library refuses to understand I'm registered on hoopla, because they gave it to me, so I can't share what I checked out there but it's a book on embroidery stitching

Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts: 11 Easy Applique Projects to Embroider by Hand

Our prompt this week.... B -n-B   or luxury hotel

well.... I've stayed in both and both have merits. But. these days I crave comfort and pampering and amenities. We never go anywhere now that I am unable to get a vaccine to protect my life from disease. I've camped, I've stayed in flea bag motels that accept pets, I've stayed with relatives and friends, I've stayed on a cruise ship,  we stayed at the Beverly Hilton when dh had a business trip to LA, I stayed in a little garage rental house in Charleston,  dh and I stayed at the Fairmont in SF on our honeymoon. 

I like nice mattresses, pretty soaps, clean showers, room service, sofa's with good tvs, breakfasts the next day on a buffet, pools, etc. 

These days, now that I've reached an age,  I'd go for luxury/comfort since we aren't going away often, if ever 

painted this this week, on a notebook Judy gave me at Christmas

I enjoy writing, and here is a fictional story I wrote in honor of the prompt today:

The trip

Marlene hardly knew what to think when her husband of 45 years announced one day they were going to Hawaii. 

She looked down at her dirty hands from planting tomatoes in their garden, at her torn jeans and ragged sneakers, her ragged haircut and ragged nails. 

She was a good girl growing up, and always helped around the house. She helped everywhere she saw need. She raised, guided and took care of 3 little kids when she was young. It was messy and she never minded. They were not fancy types so having a home, the necessities and car were good. 

She made her wedding dress and arranged the flowers. It was in the church garden, and the reception was in the church hall where the fanciest thing was the cake and Jordan almonds in pastel colors. 

When the kids left to start their life's adventures, her father moved in. He spent time on a farm growing up, and in the army fighting for Democracy and ironically peace. He had health problems because bodies wear out but we take care of our loved ones. She cleaned and cooked and then cleaned up her Dad when he needed it, ...until he returned to spirit. 

She still cleaned and cooked, she changed grand kids' diapers, wiped up spills, was there when her children needed a vacation. She took good care care of the littles. When her son and his wife went to a nice hotel in NYC on vacation and she took care of their kids and aged dog who peed on the floor now. 

We take care of loved ones. 

When she and her husband went on vacations, they saved money by staying at cheap motels and it was okay. 

But now this man she knew very well after so much time and so many life challenges, was looking down at her kneeling in the dirt, and telling her to pack her bag, or better yet buy some new resort clothes and especially a new swimsuit since hers was from 1973. He said it was time to see how the other half lived and they deserved a break. The kids had gotten together and bought them this trip. 

Oh. She didn't know where to start when being one of the 'other half '.... did she dare try on swimsuits? How would it look with a t-shirt tan anyway? Who was she? The man she still loved said, honey... get up, clean your self and lets be excited. You're worth it. The best way to thank the kids is to have a wonderful time. We're worth it.

Let's get excited about it and get ready to go! She tentatively said, okay. 

She went in to the computer and looked up the luxury resort they where they were staying. Oh my, it was so pretty. Okay she said, and called each of her children and each of their spouses to thank them. 

Milo's moment

I like staying in hotels! I like when you go up to a door and it opens like you're a king

I like smelling all the new smells, having people fawn over me, having Mama and Daddy with me all the time, I like walking in new towns, and shopping. I especially like a long rideinnacar. 

let's go soon!

 We used to stay at the Two Dog Lodge in Stowe VT... lovely rooms, raised dog bowls, dog beds. 

for breakfast we got a doggie bag with coffee, and all the people sat outside in the beautiful back yard amid the mountains, the dogs ran together through water features, around tables, and had the best time! 

then they closed... sad....

hotel humor jokes - Google Search | Funny, Dogs, Funny signs

Please visit Mama's friends to see what they like this week


               friday smiles 


Duke said...

Love your fictional story. It was wonderful and your cookies look delicious!

Sara said...

I don't enjoy cooking anymore. Guess I'm just bored with the same old things. I'm more a fan of a luxury hotel, although I've stayed in some nice B n Bs over the years too. And like you, I've stayed in some real fleabag places too. We rented a big house in the Black Hills about 5 years ago and spent a week with our kids and grandkids. That was fun, and everyone got involved with the cooking. I have camped - in tents, in the open, and in a small camper. And you can't beat how well you're treated on a cruise ship.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Those taquitos made my mouth water! Gotta make a batch of those. And soon. Lovely artwork this week. Hope you're enjoying the nice spring weather! Ear scritches for Mr. Milo...such a sweet boy.

Helen said...

I feel like I know Marlene well now. I just know that they'll have a great trip!! :)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your cookies look delicious and so do the taquitos! I'm going to have to try them. We stayed at an old hotel by Lake Champlain one time that we called the "roach motel" which we still laugh about, but it turned out to be a great place! I loved the sign from the dog hotel, too. Happy Thursday!

MissPat said...

That Lodge in Stowe had the right attitude. We stayed at a bed and breakfast in San Frnacisco, called L'Auberge. It was wonderful. Not only did they serve a great breakfast, but there was an appetizer and wine in the late afternoon. But mostly we stayed in whatever motel Mark found a coupon for.

Cloudia said...

Those cookies look awesome! Thank you and Aloha

Kathleen said...

Now I am really hungry! That all looks so good. I am sure Milo is the perfect gentlemen if he is in a hotel. We never did that with Percy...not sure any of us would have been relaxed!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your art is always so pretty and your food always looks so darn good, but I get hungry seeing it. That was a terrific story too. Hey Milo, I didn't know you were a traveling pup, cool! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Jocelyn said...

I have that same Gasparilla Cookbook that I received as a wedding gift 50 years ago!!! I often make the Greek Salad which turns out really great. Such a fun post.

Lisca said...

Those cookies look lovely, Yum.
Oh I didn't know you couldn't travel. What a shame. Can't you get the vaccine you need?
I'm still doing some traveling while I can still do it. I'l be gong to the Netherlands in June and then to Italy. Then in September I'll spend a week in Lisbon, Portugal.
Your story is lovely. Thank you for sharing it. (I'm now waiting for the second instalment.
Have a great weekend,

Lisca said...

I wrote a comment and then it came up with an error message. Arghh. Now I have to start again!
Your cookies look delicious. Yum!
I hadn't realized that you can't travel. Why can't you get your vaccine? I thought in the States you could get anything.
I'm still traveling as much as I can, because I still can. I have no health issues. I'll be going to the Netherlands in June and then down to Italy, then in September I will spend a week in Lisbon, Portugal. (July and August are too hot to travel, but I might go somewhere in October).
Your story is great. Thank you for sharing it. I'm now waiting for the second instalment....
Have a lovely weekend,

Lisca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annie said...

Your cookies look delicious. We love dog friendly accommodations too….i can’t imagine not having our little Milly with us now.
Annie x

PaintedThread said...

Those cookies look good - so do the taquitoes.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I'm so late. Something came over me on Friday and I ended up in bed for the rest of the day but nearly back to normal now. Think I had eaten something that didn't agree with me but no idea what it was. Hope your weekend is a good one. I like the look of your cookies though I'm not eating much at the moment Lol! Sending hugs Angela xXx